



As the development of the media, people are affected by the TV and commercial ads, they keep their eyes on the amusement all the time, so they will become a fan. Especially for the teenagers, they chase for the idols. Idols bring the great effect on the public, their power is huge.


Today, weibo is very popular for people to share the information. The celebrities open their accounts and they record their lives on it. Many fans will keep their eyes on their idols’ accounts, they want to know everything about their idols. When the celebrities post the news about helping the poor people, then the fans will try their best to help the poor people. The fans will follow their idols’ words.


As the power from idol is so effective, so the idol should keep the positive image to the public.


The idols have the responsibility to keep the positive image, so that their power can be used in the proper way.



Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

You have heard that your friend, Jim, wishes to sell his hike. Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.


学生们刚接触英语时, 教师不是进行语法的讲授, 而是进行词汇和简单句子的操练。虽然问题以语境语用为指导, 但英语词汇类别及英语句子基本结构还是要进行专门讲解。我觉得大家在实践阶段务必要掌握语法体系的一半, 那就是“词法”这一块。词的词性就是一个词的基本用法, 所以学生们要明确知道十大词类及各词类的基本构句功能。如:名词的定义、分类和在句中作主语、宾语及介词的宾语等。遇到特殊句型, 再接着讲作主补、宾补等。语法研习多一点, 答题困难就少一点, 这一点是不用争议的。

在词法学习的递进阶段, 学习各词类在句中能作的成分是必不可少的。语言专业和法律专业最烦的就是“形式”, 而恰好注重“形式”也就是掌握好这两个专业的根本所在。英语句子的基本结构是英语句法学习的重要内容, 如果学生们心里拒绝接受教师对这些内容的讲解, 是无法学好英语的。英语句子要写得正确, 就得套用这样的结构形式。高考题中有个典型的语法考点———强调句型, 命题者可以从一般疑问句、特殊疑问句以及被强调再带一个定语从句几个方面进行考查, 但唯一不变的, 也就是一个“形式”, 类似于主系表结构, 后补一个定语从句结构。这恰恰又是一个要求学生区别的语法点。这么讲的目的只有一个———说明英语简单句型学习的重要性。

相比之下, 在掌握了简单句之后, 掌握并列句的构成就较为容易了。但对几个并列连词, 如for, when, while等却不能掉以轻心, 因为大家很容易混淆它们, 主要是由于for还有介词的词性, 而when和while经常所见为从属连词的用法。

复合句是英语语法学习中很有特色的一块。我对它的理解是这样的:一个成分非常复杂的句子中, 无非还是六个成分———“主谓宾定状补”, 在这六个成分中, 根据词法, 一般会由名词作主语及宾语, 形容词作定语, 副词作状语。而当用句子来充当这三个成分时, 我们就会把它称作名词性从句 (即主语、宾语、表语和同位语从句) 、形容词性从句 (即定语从句) 和副词性从句 (即状语从句) 。谓语主要由动词的各种形式构成, 谓语只叫做“谓语”是不能体现它的完整性的, 应该叫做谓语部分, 原因是谓语不完全是指谓语动词的事儿。这点我们会在词法和句法复习中再谈。而补语成分则由能作表语的词来充当。谓语和补语这两个成分不产生从句概念。一个句子, 不管它带有几个从句, 我们能从中找到它的基本结构 (即一个简单句) , 就能理解整句话的主要脉络。这是很简单的, 难的在于引导各种从句的从属连词是什么。由于连词既起连接主句和从句的作用, 表明主从句之间的关系, 还在从句中充当一定的成分, 有一定的意义, 故复合句中的连词常成为考查的焦点。举例:

When asked what they want most from life and what they want most for their children, people answer that what they want most is only happiness.当问及人们在生活中最希望得到什么, 最希望他们的孩子得到什么的时候, 人们回答是“快乐”。

这里when asked...=when people was asked...直接用从属连词+分词作状语, 一般被认为是状语从句的省略。而what they want most from life and what they want most for their children此句是ask这个词的直接宾语, 因此叫做“由what引导的宾语从句”。换成主动形式即:When you ask people what they want most from life and what they want most for their children...主句部分people answer that what they want most is only happiness中, that引导了又一个宾语从句, 而宾语从句中what they want most在从句中又做主语, 整个宾语从句是个主系表结构。

学习了句法中三种层面 (简单句—并列句—复合句) 的结构后, 对英语语言最精炼的结构就理解了。精炼是语言表达的最高境界, 所以用词少而能表达清楚, 就不必说得“冗长”了。我认为高中英语语法教学的大任务是把已学的“从句”用法, “精简”到非谓语形式的表达。

英语语法学习的流程就是“由词到句”, “句到主从句”, “主从句到句+非谓语形式”。非谓语形式在精简的句子中主要作形容词、副词和名词。三类从句都可省略成非谓语形式。




















birds says:”he’s got wifi’

By depicting this the image,the drawer attempts to expose the popularity of wifi nowadays.But every coin has two sides,so does wifi.On the one hand,it makes it possible for a wireless-enabled computer or personal digital assistant to connect to the Internet almost time,anywhere,making our life more convenient and interesting And with the development of society,free wifi will be available in may more places,which will make it cheaper for us to surf the internet.On the other hand,access points could be used to steal personal information transmitted form wifi users and there is still room for improvement in the signal strength of wifi.

Generally speaking,only when we make the most of the advantages of wifi and get rid of its.


The last several decades have seen a decline in parental influence on their children. In fact, it seems that the more children watch movies and television and get influenced by people outside the home, the more their parents lose control over them. Nowadays, children and teens are often searching for role models other than their parents to imitate. They naturally look to celebrities like singers, movie stars, and athletes to be their guides. For example, many high school students like to dress in the latest fashions that have been made popular by various celebrities. They even cut their hair like famous people or say the same things as them. Parents simply cannot complete with these stars when it comes to influencing their children. Many television shows, movies, and video games have high levels of violent content and bad language, which greatly influence young people watching them. Children have begun acting badly based upon what they have seen on various media.



A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of the Information Age

As everyone knows, the information age has brought us countless benefits, but when it comes to its major advantage, people may hold different views. As for me, the major advantage of the Information Age is that it makes it easy for individuals to have instant access to all kinds of information. In the past, for instance, if a student was meant to compose a thesis, he was supposed to bury himself in piles of books in the library, and probably after several days’ or even several months’ searching, he still could not find the materials he wanted. But now it is a totally different story. The advanced techniques of the information age have spared us all those troubles. What we need to do is just sit in front of the computer and search for our target information on the Internet rather than struggle painfully in numerous books. More excitingly, we don’t have to waste several days or even months waiting. Usually the information we need will be transferred to us in seconds. The information age can not only bring convenience to students in searching of materials, but also help people in all walks of life, save their energy and enhance their efficiency. Now since we’re in an economy based around the manipulation of information, I have every reason to believe that this advantage of the information age will play an even greater role in the future.

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