


【托福听力资料】托福TPO7听力文本——Lecture 3


TPO 7 Lecture 3 Anthropology

Pro: So we’ve been discussing 16th century Native American life, and today

we’re going to focus on the Iroquois and Huron peoples. They lived in the

northeastern great lakes region of North America. Now, back then, their lifes

depended on the natural resources of the forests, especially the birch tree. The

birch tree can grow in many different types of soils and is prevalent in that

area. Now can anyone here describe a birch tree?

Stu: They are tall and white, the bark, I mean.

Pro: Yes. The birch tree has white bark, and this tough protective outer

layer of the tree, this white bark, is waterproof. And this waterproof quality

of the bark, it made it useful for making things like cooking containers, a

variety of utensils. And if you peel birch bark in the winter, we call it “the

winter bark”, another layer, a tougher inner layer of the tree adheres to the

bark, producing a stronger material. So the winter bark was used for larger

utensils and containers.

Stu: I know people make utensils out of wood, but utensils out of tree


Pro: Well, birch bark is pliable and very easy to bend. The Native Americans

would cut the bark and fold it into any shape they needed, then secure it with

cords until it dried. They could fold the bark into many shapes.

Stu: So if they cooked in bowls made of birch bark, wouldn’t that make the

food taste funny?

Pro: Oh, that’s one of the great things about birch bark. The taste of the

birch tree doesn’t get transferred to the food. So it was perfect for cooking


But the most important use of the bark, by far, was the canoe. Since the

northeast region of North American is interconnected by many streams and

waterways, water transportation by vessels like a canoe was most essential. The

paths through the woods were often overgrown, so water travel was much faster.

And here’s what the Native Americans did. They would peel large sheets of bark

from the tree to form lightweight yet sturdy canoes. The bark was stretched over

frames made from tree branches, stitched together and sealed with resin. You

know that sticky liquid that comes out of the tree? And when it dries, it’s


One great thing about these birch bark canoes was, uh, they could carry a

large amount of cargo. For example, a canoe weighing about 50 pounds could carry

up to nine people and 250 pounds of cargo.

Stu: Wow! But how far could they travel that way?

Pro: Well like I said, the northeastern region is interconnected by rivers

and streams and the ocean at the coast. The canoes allow them to travel over a

vast area that today would take a few hours to fly over. You see, the Native

Americans made canoes of all types, for travel on small streams or on large open

ocean waters. For small streams, they made narrow, maneuverable boats, while,

while larger canoes were needed for the ocean. They could travel throughout the

area only occasionally having to portage, to carry the canoe over a land short

distance to another nearby stream. And since the canoes were so light, this

wasn’t a difficult task.

Now how do you think this affected their lives?

Stu: Well if they could travel so easily over such a large area, they could

trade with people from other areas which I guess would lead them to form


Pro: Exactly. Having an efficient means of transportation, well, that helps

the Iroquois to form a federation linked by natural waterways. And this

federation expanded from what is now Southern Canada all the way south to the

Dalever River. And this efficiency of the birch bark canoe also made an

impression on newcomers to the area. French traders in the 17th century modeled

their...well they adopted the design of the Iroquois birch bark canoes, and they

found they could travel great distances more than 15 kilometers a month.

Now besides the bark, Native Americans also used the wood of the birch tree.

The young trees were used as supports for lodgings, with the waterproof bark

used as roofing. Branches were folded into snowshoes. And the Native American

people were all adept at running very fast over the snow in these birch branch

snowshoes, which if you ever tried walking in snowshoes you know it wasn’t



听写训练:听写训练方法在普通高校的英语专业已经普遍使用。英语专业的日常考试和练习都是用听写的方式来进行。听写可以有效的帮助学生提高英语的综合能力。其实听写并不是简单的读一句写一句,而是要分步骤进行,在这里笔者推荐使用“四步听写练习方法”:第一遍 常速听力:听懂大意并且记录提纲。这一步骤是锻炼对于听力基本信息理解的能力,通过此步骤,学生可以听懂段落内容,并且记录关键词和结构,训练学生的泛听能力。如果此步骤中学生理解大意出现困难,则说明选择语料过难,可以适当降低语料难度至合适为止。

第二遍 断句听力:听清细节并且逐字听写:此步骤在于训练学生的精听能力,并且根据精听练习锻炼反应速度,提高耳朵和笔头的英语反应。

第三遍 断句听力:检查细节并且查缺补漏:此步骤在于锻炼学生的查缺补漏能力,从听写的结果,来看英语哪些细节是掌握不到位的,更加精准的反馈出实际的听力问题。第四遍 常速听力:检查内容并且回顾大意:最后一个步骤是整体的回顾检查,让听写练习过程更加完整,有助于学生进行回顾总结。

整体听写的材料选取,笔者建议采用旧托福PART C 部分的语料以及现行托福各类参考书中的短段落进行,一般一个1.5 分钟的段落,采用“四步听写法”训练,完成四个步骤大致需要30 分钟时间。








听力要点:①在听时,要关注对话中一致性的主题;②在听Campus conversation时,学生常试图解决一个问题,理解学生的问题所在及其解决办法将有助于回答

说话人态度题(Understanding the Speaker’s Attitude)


¨ 考察关联能力,要求考生将材料中的信息相互联系起来,作出郑和、推论,以及得出结论、归纳总结、进行预测(Connecting Information Question)

连接内容题(Connecting Content)




- 推论题(Making Inference)












很多考生在托福听力答题练习之后对完答案就觉得OK了,其实这样是不对的,考生应该在核查完答案之后,要找出自己的在练习中错的题目中有什么共同点,为什么会出现这样的错误,而且为什么好几个地方都是同样的错,只有通过这样的托福听力答题技巧不断总结、找出原因,考生的托福听力水平才会得到提升。注意找到自己的弱点问题在哪之后进行有针对性的训练。 三立教育






assignment n. 功课,作业; 工作;分配 introduction n. 介绍 report n. 报告,报导

literature review 文献综述 project n. 项目,计划,方案 hypothesis n. 假设

presentation n. 陈述,演示,演讲 analysis n. 分析 paper n. 论文

conclusion n. 结论 essay n. 短文,文章

reference n. 参考,提及,参考文献 thesis n. 论题,论文 research n. 研究,调查 dissertation n. 论文,专题 survey n. 调查 draft n. 草稿

questionnaire n. 调查问卷 revision n. 修改

field study 野外考察,实地考察 outline n. 大纲,轮廓 approach n. 方法;v. 接近 title n. 标题 method n. 方法

subject n. 题目,主题 experiment n. 实验 topic n. 话题,主题 submit v. 提交 scope n. 范围 hand in 提交

abstract n. 摘要;adj.抽象的 due date 到期日,截止日期

summary n. 摘要;adj. 摘要的,简略的 deadline n. 截止日期 extension n. 延期,延长 requirement n. 要求 data n. 数据 format n. 格式


reserve n. 保留,储备;v. 保留,预订,保存

reserved books 馆藏图书,保留图书 renew v. 续借,使更新 title index 书目索引

check out 借书;结账离开;仔细检查 additional copy 馆藏图书的副本 librarian n. 图书管理员 circulation desk 借还书柜台

due adj. 到期的,应付的;n. 应得物 paperback n. 平装本

overdue fine 超期罚款,滞纳金 front cover 封面

journal n. 期刊,日记 return n./v. 归还

periodical n. 期刊;adj. 周期的,定期的

call number 索书号 shelf n. 书架

bibliography n. 参考书目 stack n. 书架;v. 堆积

reference material 参考材料 library card 借书证 reference room 资料室

library hours 图书馆开放时间 suspend v. 中止,暂停,吊

interlibrary service 馆际互借服务 loan desk 借书处

book catalogue 图书目录 electronic journal 电子刊物 current issue 现期刊物 student locker 学生储物柜 recall n./v. 召回,收回,回想 photocopy n. 复印件;v. 复印 rare books 珍本

borrowing policy 图书借阅规定 校园生活之住宿场景

accommodation n. 住宿,适应,调节 dorm/dormitory n. 宿舍 apartment n. 公寓

live on campus 住在校内 live off campus 住在校外 resident n. 居民,定居者;adj. 住校的,定居的

rent n. 租金;v. 出租,租用 lease n. 租约,租期;v. 出租 tenant n. 承租人,租客;v. 租 landlord n. 房东 clinic n. 诊所

infirmary n. 医院,医务室 regulation n. 规章,条例

rule n. 规则,惯例;v. 统治,管辖 kitchen n. 厨房

utensil n. 器具,用具 washroom n. 洗手间

laundry facility 洗衣房 basement n. 地下室

lounge n. 休闲室;v. 闲荡,虚度光阴 air conditioner 空调 storage space 储物空间 hallway n. 走廊

vacuum cleaner 吸尘器

key n. 钥匙;adj. 重要的,关键的 lock n./v. 锁

extinguisher n. 灭火器

furnishing n. 装备,室内陈设

park n. 公园,停车处;v. 停放车辆 parking area 停车场 roommate n. 室友 commute v. 通勤,转换,改变;n. 剩车上下班

bus fare 公共汽车费 heating n. 暖气装置 utility n. 实用品

home-stay 寄居在当地人家中

studio apartment 单间公寓(通常有一主要房间兼作起居室和卧室, 另加小厨房和浴室); 独 单元住宅. shutter n. 百叶窗;v. 以百叶窗遮闭 closet n. 壁橱,衣帽间 housing office 宿舍管理处 spacious adj. 宽敞的

roomy adj. 宽大的,宽敞的 messy adj. 混乱的

chaotic adj. 混乱的,无秩序的 common room 休息室 校园生活之课程场景

course n. 课程,过程;v. 追逐 enroll v. 登记,招收 take a course 学习一门课程 sign up for a course 选课

introduction n. 导论,入门课程 elementary course 基础课程 intermediate course 中级课程 advanced course 高级课程 required course 必修课 compulsory course 必修课 elective course 选修课 optional course 选修课 selective course 选修课

tutorial n. 个别指导,辅导;adj. 辅导的

available adj. 可选的,可用的,可得到的

drop a course 退选一门课 quit a course 放弃一门课

schedule n. 时间表,课程表;v. 安排 credit n. 学分,信用,银行存款 ;v. 归功于,信任

course arrangement 课程安排 miss a course 错过一节课 skip a course 逃课 seminar n. 研讨会

lecture n./v. 演讲,讲课,教训 major n./v. 主修; adj. 主要 minor n./v. 辅修; adj. 次要的 fundamental adj. 基本的 semester n. 学期 term n. 学期,期限,术语,条件;v. 把……称为

course guideline 课程提纲 syllabus n. 课程提纲

handout n. 讲课提纲,传单,印刷品 slide n. 滑动,幻灯片;v. 滑动 workshop n. 研讨会

attendance n. 出席,出席的人数 prerequisite n. 前提条件 校园生活之打工场景 part-time job 兼职工作 full-time job 全职工作

intern/internship v.实习/ n. 实习 career/job fair 招聘会 interview n.面试,采访 resume n. 简历;v. 重新开始 job opening 职务空缺 job offer 工作录用 salary n. 薪水

paycheck n. 付薪水的支票,薪水 payroll n. 薪金总额,发薪名单 teaching assistant 助教 research assistant 研究助理 lab assistant 实验员 waiter n. 服务员

work schedule 工作时间表

volunteer n. 志愿者;v.(自愿)做 applicant n. 申请者 candidate n. 候选人 hire v. 雇用 fire v. 解雇 training n. 培训

employment n. 雇用,工作,职业 supervise v. 监督

career service center 职业服务中心relevant experience 相关经验 allowance n. 补贴,津贴 short term 短期 opportunity n. 机会 recruit v. 招募 company n. 公司 institution n. 机构 organization n. 组织 look for a job 找工作

working conditions 工作环境 advancement n. 晋升 promotion n. 晋升 quit the job 辞职 wage n. 工资 position n. 职位

dismiss v. 解散,开除 resign v. 辞职

校园生活之行政程序场景 apply for 申请 register v. 注册 transfer v. 转学

recommendation letter 推荐信 reference letter 推荐信 transcript n. 成绩单 tuition n. 学费

fill out a form 填表格 public university 公立大学 community college 社区学院 expense n. 费用

cost n. 费用;v. 花费 afford v. 供应得起 department n. 系,部门

financial aid 经济资助,贷款

orientation n. 情况介绍,适应,方向 exchange student 交换学生

grant n. 授予,资助金,允许;v.允许,授与,承认

committee n. 委员会 donation n. 捐赠

sponsorship n. 赞助,资助 official adj. 官方的 document n. 文件

grade point average(GPA) 学生全部学科成绩的平均数,平均成绩绩点 extra-curricular 课外的

eligible adj. 符合条件的,合格的 confirmation n. 证实,确认,批准 authorize v. 授权,认可,批准 fellowship n. 奖学金 loan n. 贷款;v. 借出 waive v. 免除,推迟考虑 procedure n. 程序,手续 bulletin n. 公告 brochure n. 小册子 pamphlet n. 小册子 校园生活之考试场景 mid-term exam 其中考试

final n. 期末考试,决赛;adj. 最好的,决定性的

quiz n./v. 小考,随堂测验 pop quiz 突击测验 make-up exam 补考

retake n./v. 补考,重修 resit v. 重修

review n. /v. 回顾,复习,评论 assess v. 评估 assessment n. 评估

multiple choice questions 多项选择题

(通常只有一个正确答案) do poorly in 成绩不好 subjective test 主观测试 objective test 客观测试 placement test 定级测试

cram n./v. 仓促备考,死记硬背 by rote 死记硬背 go over 复习

take home quiz 课外测验 fail the exam 不及格 evaluate v. 评价 校园生活之学位场景 degree n. 学位

bachelor n. 学士学位

master n. 硕士学位;v. 精通 doctor n. 博士学位,医生 diploma n. 毕业文凭 certificate n. 证书 freshman n. 大一新生 sophomore n. 大二

junior n. 大三,年少者

senior n. 大四,年长者,长辈 college n. 大学,学院

graduate n. 毕业生,研究生;v.毕业 undergraduate n. 本科生

continuing education 继续教育

B.A.( Bachelor of Arts) 文学学士学位commencement n. 毕业典礼

M.S.(Master of Science) 理学硕士 ceremony n. 仪式,典礼

M.A. ( Master of Arts) 文学硕士 expel v. 驱逐,开除

M.D.(Doctor of Medicine) 医学博士 drop out 退学

Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy) 博士 discipline n. 学科,纪律 校园生活之职位场景 professor n. 教授

associate professor 副教授 assistant professor 助理教授

administrator n. 管理人,行政官员

advisor n. 顾问

counselor n. 顾问,指导老师

registrar n. 记录员, (学校)注册主任 tutor n. 助教, 指导教师 coordinator n. 协调者

instructor n.教师, 讲师, 指导书

supervisor n. 监督人, 检查员, 管理人 lecturer n. 演讲者; 讲师

faculty n. 全体教员,才能, 能力 staff n. 员工

employee n. 职员, 受雇人员, 员工 receptionist n. 招待员, 接待员; 传达员 director n. 主任,主管 president n. 校长,主席 facility manager 后勤管理者 clerk n. 职员,办事员 dean n. 院长,系主任 consultant n. 顾问 alumni n. 校友


grade n. 等级, 成绩, 年级 score n. 得分,成绩 fail n./v. 不及格

pass n. 通行证;v. 通过 full marks 满分

straight-A student 功课全优 A plus A 加 B minus B 减

graduate with honors 以优异成绩毕业 high mark 高分 low grade 低分 perfect grade 满分 average n. 平均

above average 在一般水平以上 below average 在一般水平以下 scholarship n. 奖学金 merit-based scholarship 学业成绩优良奖学金

bursary n. 奖学金

need-based scholarship 基于学生需求的奖学金
