





孔隙水:pore water

裂隙水:crevice-water;fracture water 抽水试验:pumping test 压水试验:water pressure testHydraulic pressure test 注水试验:water injection test 渗透系数:coefficient of permeability 包气带:zone of aeration 上层滞水:perched water 潜水:phreatic water

承压水:confined water 含水层:aquifer

地下水侵蚀性:groundwater erosion

降排水工程:dewatering and drainage engineering 多孔介质:porous medium

水质标准:water quality standard

地下水水质:quality of the groundwater 流域:valley, basin

地下水 groundwater

地下水流域groundwater catchment

地下水条件;地下水情况groundwater condition地下水连通实验 groundwater connectivity test地下水量枯竭 groundwater depletion

地下水流量;地下水溢流 groundwater discharge地下水分水岭groundwater divide

地下水排水工程 groundwater drainage works地下水流向groundwater flow direction地下水位 groundwater level

地下水监测 groundwater monitoring地下水污染 groundwater pollution

岩土参数标准值:standard value ofgeotechnical parameter

土工试验:soil engineering tests 现场检验:in-situ inspection 现场监测:in-situ monitoring

工程地质测绘:engineering geological mapping 地基土:foundation soil

岩土层:layer,stratum (复strata)

地基承载力特征值:characteristic value ofsubgrade bearing

地基变形允许值:allowable subsoil deformation 地基处理:ground treatment 复合地基:composite foundation 承载力:bearing capacity 持力层:bearing stratum 桩:pile


钻孔灌注桩:drilled concreting piles 人工挖孔桩:hand-excavated hole piles(artificial hole piles)

沉管灌注桩:driven cast-in-place pile 深层搅拌桩: deep mixing method

预制桩:pretesting piles

静压桩:static-driving pile (Jack Up Pile) 高压旋喷灌注:high-pressure rotary grouting 桩基础:pile foundation


动力触探:dynamic sounding

标准贯入试验:SPT (standard penetration technique)土钉:soil Nailing

地质灾害:geological hazards 管涌:piping

泥石流:mud-rock flow


指标:index (复indexes或indices)

地下水水压测试 groundwater pressure measurement地裂缝:ground fissure 地下水体系 groundwater regime地下水位 groundwater table

地下水位变动 groundwater table fluctuation


原位测试:in-situ tests 地震烈度:seismic intensity; earthquake intensity 岩土工程勘察报告:geotechnical investigation report 地震基本烈度:basic seismic intensity 不良地质作用:adverse geologic action 场地卓越周期:site predominant period

建筑场地类型:site classification for construction 剪切波速:equivalent velocity of shear wave 静力触探:static cone penetration test

剪切波速测试:measurement of sheer-wave velocity 液化:liquefaction

阐述:is presented; statement; be discussed 阐明:expound 涉及:deal with

揭示:discover; show; exhibit

得出结论:draw a conclusion from;

地震影响:earthquake effects(或):come to a conclusion地下水对混凝土无侵蚀性:the groundwater has little 认为:firmly believe erosion to reinforced concrete 边坡:slope 锚固:anchoring 阶地:terrace 岩溶区:karst area 淤泥:sludge (muck) 风化:weather 冲积:alluvial(.adj.) 残积土:residual soil


人工杂填土:artificial mixed fills 粉土:silt. 粉砂:silty sand 细砂:fine sand 粗砂:coarse sand 砾石:gravel 卵石:cobble 漂石:block

海相粘土:marine clay

颗粒级配:grain size distribution 湿度:soil moisture 塑限:plastic limit 粘聚力:cohesion

塑性指数:plasticity index

物理力学指标:physical and mechanical indices 抗剪强度:shear strength

岩石抗压强度:comprehensive strength of rock 地基加固:ground stabilization 土壤加固:soil stabilization 挡土墙:retaining wall 胀-缩:swell-shrink 敏感性:susceptibility

膨胀灵敏度:swell sensitivity 超固结土:overconsolidated clay


建议:suggest 值:value

性质:properties, characteristics 厚度:thickness

在论文最后:at the end of the thesis 断定:conclude that--- 数量:quantity


拟建:a structure planning to build证实:confirm 住宅楼:dwelling

综合办公楼:composite office building 小区:district

达到标准:come up to the standards 选择为:be chosen for 核实:make sure 统计:statistics (n)

统计数字:statistical figure

防治对策:prevention strategic measure 水量丰富:rich in water resources 组分:constituent

结果:as a consequence 引起:give rise to


岩浆岩:igneous rock

变质岩:metamorphic rock 沉积岩:sedimentary 白云岩:dolomite

白云质灰岩:dolomitic limestone 凝灰岩:tuff 安山岩:andesite 花岗岩:granite 玄武岩:basalt


硅质页岩:siliceous shale 板岩:slate


(岩层)倾角:dip angle (岩层)产状:strike-dip

(区域)地质构造:tectogenesistectonic movement 构造活动性:tectonic activity 张节理:tension joint 活断层:active fault 地裂缝:ground fissure 粘土矿物:clay mineral

中 华 人 民 共 和 国 国 家 标 准GB/T 14157—93

水文地质术语 Hydrogeologic terminology



桥墩:reinforced concrete bridge piers 高速公路:express highway,expressway 国道:national way 路基:roadbed


路段:a section of a highway

水文地质学 hydrogeology

水文地质学原理(普通水文地质学)principles of hydrogeology(general hydrogeology) 地下水动力学 groundwater dynamics 水文地球化学 hydrogeochemistry

专门水文地质学 applied hydrogeology 供水水文地质学 water supply hydrogeology 矿床水文地质学 mine hydrogeology

土壤改良水文地质学 reclamation hydrogeology 环境水文地质学 environmental hydrogeology 同位素水文地质学 isotopic hydrogeology 区域水文地质学 regional hydrogeology 古水文地质学 pa1eohydrogeology 水循环 water cycle水圈 hydrosphere 岩石圈 lithosphere 包气带 aeration zone 毛细带 capillary zone 饱水带 saturated zone

地下水动力垂直分带 dynamical vertical zoning of groundwater 大气降水 atmospheric precipitation 地表水 surface water 土壤水 soil water 空隙 void


交通标志最常见的英语词汇 禁令标志 prohibition sign

指示标志 mandatory sign

指路标志 guide sign

旅游标志 tourist sign

标线 marking

禁止超越线 no-passing line

大型车 oversize vehicle

小型车 light-duty vehicle

自行车 bicycle

非机动车 non-motor vehicle

公共汽车 bus

机动车 motor vehicle

公共汽车优先 bus preemption;bus priority

行车道 roadway,carriageway

超车道 overtaking lane

硬路肩 hard shoulder 国道 national road 省道 provincial road 县道 county road 高速公路 expressway 起点 starting point 终点 end point 一般道路 ordinary road 城市道路 urban road **街道 * * street 互通式立交 * * interchange 高架桥 viaduct 隧道 tunnel 收费站 toll station

应急停车带 emergency stop area 休息处 rest area 服务区 service area 避车道 lay-by,passing bay 火车站 railway station 飞机场 airport 停车场 parking 长途汽车站 inter-city bus station 急救站 first aid station 客轮码头 passenger quay 餐饮 restaurant 汽修 breakdown service 洗车 vehicle cleaning 加油站 filling station 电话 telephone

轮渡 ferry 爬坡车道 climbing lane 追尾危险 rear-end collision danger 保持车距 keep space 道路交通信息 traffic information 路面结冰 icy pavement 小心路滑 slippery road be careful 陡坡慢行 steep descent;slow-down 多雾路段 foggysection 软基路段 weak subgrade 大型车靠右 oversize vehicle to right 注意横风 alert to cross wind 事故多发点 blackspot 保护动物 protect animal 长下坡慢行 long descent;slow-down

道路封闭 road closed 车道封闭 lane closed 车辆慢行 slow down 道路施工 road construction;road works 车辆绕行 vehicle by-pass 方向引导 direction guide 落石 falling rocks 双向交通 two-way traffic 其他危险 other dangers 道路或车道变窄 carriageway narrows 堤坝路 embankment road 限制高度 limited height 限制宽度 limited width 禁鸣喇叭 silence(no audible warning)

渡船 ferry boat

此路不通 no through road


考研英语阅读中常见态度情绪类词汇总结 Formal(informal) 正式, 礼仪, 拘谨 (非正式, 不拘礼, 通俗)

Matter of fact 实事求是, 以事实为依据

Pedantic 迂腐, 卖弄学问, 学究式的, 空谈, 自夸学问, 书呆子气的

Personal(impersonal) 人性的, 涉及隐私的, 私人的, 人称的, 亲自的, 身体的(客观的, 和个人无关的, 没有人情味的, 非人的)

Respectful 表示尊敬的, 有礼貌的, 谦恭的

Disdainful 轻蔑的, 居傲的, 鄙视的

Adulation(adulatory) 谄媚的, 过分称赞的

Wonder 奇迹, 惊讶, 难以置信的

Affection(affectionate) 深情的, 亲切的, 挚爱的

Amusement(amusing) 有趣的, 使人发笑的, 消遣的, 愉快的

Approval(disapproval) 赞成的, 满意的 (不以为然的, 不赞成的, 非难的)Reverence(irreverence) 虔诚的, 表示尊敬的, 充满崇敬心的 (不敬的, 不逊的, 无礼的)

Disappointment 使人失望的, 令人沮丧的,

Sarcasm(sarcastic) 讽刺的, 讥讽的

Didactic 说教的, 教训的

Persuasive(convincing) 令人信服的, 有力的, 使人心悦诚服的Diffident 无自信的, 谦虚谨慎的, 羞怯的

Indifferent 漠不关心的, 不重要的, 冷淡的

Kindly indulgence 温和地纵容, 任性的, 温和地宽容

Condemnation(condemnable) 该受责备的, 可非难的, 该罚的

Scientifically detached 学术上超然的, 学术上分离的, 科学态度冷淡的Apologetic 道歉的, 急于认错的, 辩护的

Frustrated 挫折的, 挫败的, 无益的

Contemptuous 轻蔑的, 鄙视的, 瞧不起人的

Condescending 谦逊的, 故意屈尊的, 有优越感的

Paternal 父亲的, 似父亲的, 家长式统治的

Cynical 愤世嫉俗的, 讽刺的, 冷嘲的

Pitying 怜悯的, 遗憾的, 同情的

Bitter(bitterness) 痛苦的, 怀恨的 (悲痛, 怨恨)

Factual 事实的, 实际的

Humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的

Inventive 善于创造的, 发明的

Self-righteous 自以为是的

Insincere 不诚实的, 无诚意的, 伪善的

Matter-of-fact 事实的, 实际的, 事务性的, 平淡的

Share intellectual life 共享知识

Gloat over difficulty 在困难时幸灾乐祸

Slyly introduce the fact 狡猾地介绍事实

Stick to established facts 坚持已确立的观点

Impatient 不耐烦的, 着急的, 急切的

Adverse criticism 反向批评, 逆向评论

Violent distaste 极度的厌恶, 剧烈的嫌恶

Pleasure 心情舒畅的, 愉悦的

Anxious to please 焦虑地讨好, 渴望地取悦

Seriously 严肃地, 认真地

Up-to-date 最近的, 跟上时代的

Paradoxical and witty 似非而是的诙谐, 矛盾的妙语, 诡论的机智Unforgiving 不可饶恕的, 不可原谅的

Professionally scientific 专于科学的, 专业从事科学的Argumentative 好辩的, 引起争论的, 论证式的

Critical 批评的, 吹毛求疵的, 非难的

Jaded 疲倦不堪的, 厌倦的

Admire 钦佩的, 羡慕的

Expected 期待的, 盼望的

Fascinating 迷人的, 吸引人的, 使人神魂颠倒的

Easily understood 清晰易懂的, 明了的

Incorrect 不正确的

Curious 好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的

Intuitive to one’s approach 对其方法有直觉的, 自发形成的方法Rational 理性的, 合理的

Decisive 决定性的, 坚定的, 果断的

Sweeping in the generalization 笼统地归纳

Reflective 反射的, 反映的

Self-contradictory 自相矛盾的

Confused 混淆的, 混乱的, 无秩序的

Non-conformist 不遵奉习俗的, 我行我素的

Sanguine 乐观的, 满怀希望的

Optimistic 乐观的, 乐观主义的

Pessimistic 悲观的, 悲观主义的

Sentimental 感伤的, 感情用事的

Coldly factual 极端实际的, 不带任何感情色彩的

Scientifically objective 客观科学的, 从科学角度不带任何偏见的Nostalgia 怀旧的, 乡愁的

Entertain with the quaintness 古雅欣赏, 离奇有趣的事物描写Delight with reminiscence 怀旧风格, 快乐回忆

Delineate the terror 描写恐怖情景, 制造恐怖气氛

Show horror 展现恐怖氛围, 描写恐怖心理

Stoic 禁欲主义的, 淡泊的

Esthete 审美的, 唯美主义的,

Erotic 性爱的, 性欲的, 色情的

Epicure 美食的, 讲究饮食的

Cast doubt on … 对….怀疑

An inducement to do sth 引诱做某事

Disclaim responsibility for sth 拒绝承认, 宣布不承担某项责任


http:///kaoyan/ 考研英语作文:常见话题写作词汇与表达总结



环境保护 environmental protection/conservation

提高环保意识 enhance the awareness of environmental protection

保持生态平衡 maintain ecological balance

生态系统 ecosystem

生态示范区 ecological demonstration region

生态农业 ecoagriculture

生态旅游 ecotourism

自然保护区 nature reserve

可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy

宜人的生活环境 pleasant living environment

http:///kaoyan/ 节能 save energy

减排 reduce greenhouse gas emissions

环保产品 environmental-friendly product

白色污染 white pollution

旱灾 drought

水灾 flood

自然灾害 natural disaster

垃圾分类 garbage classification

三废 (废水、废气、固体废物)three types of waste (waste water/ waste gas / solid waste)

污水处理 sewage treatment

坚持保护环境的基本国策 adhere to the basic policy of environmental protection

治理环境污染 curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control

环境负荷能力 carrying capacity of environment

绿化面积 afforested areas / greening space

http:///kaoyan/ 环境保护类必备素材表达句


Particular emphasis should be put on the preservation of natural resources.


Any change will affect our life and our environment.


A series of environment protection rules and regulations need to be laid down.



More regulations should be made and carried out by authorities concerned to punish environmental damage. In addition, individuals must work in joint efforts to create sustainable surroundings.


http:///kaoyan/ I harbor the idea that it is of vital importance for people to realize that they are an integral part of nature, the destruction of which means the perishing of themselves.


There is still a long way to go for environmental conservation, since it needs time to sink in life before all the people autonomously have the awareness of protecting environment and apply it into routine life.


1. 执法人员 law enforcement officers

2. 计划生育 family planning

3. 网吧 internet cafe

4. 校园/家庭暴力 campus/family violence

5. 虐待儿童 child abuse

6. 失学儿童 dropout students

7. 扫盲 eliminate illiteracy

8. 贫困山区 poverty-stricken areas

9. 脱贫致富 shake off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity

http:///kaoyan/ 10. 人才流失 brain drain

11. 基层组织 organization at grass-root level

12. 伪造证书 counterfeit certificates

13. 信用卡欺诈 credit-card fraud

14. 假冒伪劣商品 fake commodities

15. 自动售货机 vending machine

16. 网恋 online love affair

17. 代沟 generation gap

18. 节食/减肥 go on a diet

19. 美容手术 cosmetics surgery

20. 营养均衡的食物 well-balanced meals

21. 昂贵的商品房 expensive commercial house

22. 高层住宅楼 high-rise apartment building

23. 首期按揭/首付 down payment

24. 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency

25. 社会安定 social stability

http:///kaoyan/ 26. 试用期 trial period

27. 岗位培训 on-the-job training; professional training

28. 个人崇拜 worship of the individual/ personal cult

29. 交通堵塞 traffic jam/ road congestion

30. 触犯交通法规 violation of traffic regulations

31. 保安人员 security personnel

32. 知识产权 intellectual property

33. 拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition

34. 划时代的事件 epoch-making event

35. 文物保护 preservation of cultural relics

36. 现场直播 live broadcast

37. 体育锻炼 physical exercise

38. 国际旅游业 international tourism

39. 移民 migrant/immigrant/emigrant

40. 空气污染 air pollution

41. 全球变暖 global warming

http:///kaoyan/ 42. 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。

Using bicycles contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.

43. 许多人认为国际旅游对经济发展有积极作用,应鼓励地方政府发展国际旅游业。

Many people believe that international tourism produces positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote international tourism.

44. 许多社会学家指出农民工正在给人口控制和社会治安带来压力。他们正在威胁着本已萧条的工作市场,他们恶化了交通和公共卫生状况。

Many sociologists point out that rural emigrants are putting pressure on population control and social order; that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs; and that they have worsened traffic and public health problems.



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silicon 硅 silicon material硅料 silicon ingot硅锭 silicon block 硅块 wafer硅片cell电池module组件 lay up敷设 solder焊接 soldering machine 焊接机lamination层压 laminator层压机 delamination脱层 framing 装框cleaning 擦拭 test测试


frame 边框 backsheet 背板 tape 胶带 silicone硅胶encapsulation 封装 string电池串 ribbon 焊带tabbing ribbon汇流带finger 细栅busbar主栅线 flux 助焊剂residue 残渣junction-box 接线盒 cable线缆 connector接插头 mono 单晶poly多晶5月22日

temperature温度humidity湿度record记录power 功率voltage电压 current电流

rated power 额定功率 rated voltage额定电压

rated current 额定电流 open circuit voltage 开路电压 short circuit current短路电流AM 大气质量 irradiance 辐照度


electrical performance 电性能 insulation 绝缘 resistance电阻serial number序列号 tolerance公差 specification规格type型号workshop车间warehouse库房 inspection检验 inspector检验员opening meeting首次会议 closing meeting末次会议

repair返修 rework返工 audit审核 internal audit内审external audit外审

