


中考英语专题复习 第一节冠词 名词

( ) 1. It takes us _________ hour or more to go to my home town by _________ train. A. an; a B. a; an C. an; / D. a; / ( ) 2. –In which class is _________ boy in white? --He’s in Class 4. A. the B. an C. an D. / ( ) 3. –By the way, have you got _________ E-mail address? --Oh yes, it’s rggren@ hotmail. com.

A. the B. an C. a D. / ( ) 4. Have you seen such big ________? A. a tomato B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatos ( ) 5. Several _________ are talking under the tree. And their ________ are swimming in the lake. A. woman; children B. woman; child C. women; children D. women; child ( ) 6. –What would you like,Madam?

–I’d like ________, please.

A. two bottles of orange B. two bottles of oranges C. two bottle of oranges D. two bottle of orange ( ) 7. The little baby has two ________ already. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths ( ) 8. –Which _________ of Shanghai do you come from? --Let me show you on the map. A. city B. village C. country D. part ( ) 9. “What _________ do you like best?” “Football.”

A. food B. subject C. sport D. music ( ) 10. About _________ films were shown during the 5th Shanghai International Film Festival. A. two hundred of B. two hundreds of C. two hundred D. two hundreds ( ) 11. This is an old photo of mine when I ________. A. have short hairs B. had short hairs C. have short hair D. had short hair ( ) 12. More college graduates would like to work in ________ west part of our country ________ next year. A. the; the B. /; / C. /; the D. the; / ( ) 13. Can you see _________ sun in the day-time? A. a B. the C. an D. / ( ) 14. The singer usually sings while playing ________ guitar. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 15. I’ve got information for all the computers now.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 16. It would be ________ waste of money to buy such a small dictionary. A. a B. an C. the D. /

用心 爱心 专心

- 1

第一节:冠词 名词

—10 ACDCC 11—15 DDBCD 16—20 ACDBA 25 DBCBC 26—30 BDBBA 31—34 ACCB 用心 爱心 专心1—5 CABCC 621—

第二篇:2012届高考英语复习 名词性从句精讲精练学案 新人教版


名词性从句的几个难点 that通常不可省略的三种情况 (1)引导主语从句,that置于句首时。

That he failed in the exam made his parents disappointed. 他考试不及格让父母很失望。


I wished (that) we could go sighting in Hangzhou this summer and that we could buy some books on our way back in Shanghai. 我希望今年夏天我们能去杭州旅游,并在返程时在上海买些书回来。 (3)由it作形式宾语时,that引导的宾语从句中,that也不可省略。 He has made it clear that he wouldn’t agree to the plan. 他已清楚表明不同意这项计划。 what和that在名词性从句中的区别

(1)what在名词性从句中可充当主语、宾语和表语,意义上相当于the thing(s) that,引导主语从句时,其谓语动词的单复数由表语的单复数而定;what引导的从句可作介词的宾语从句。

What he wants are those books.他需要的是那些书。 What he wants is some water.他需要的是一些水。

A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.一个现代化的城市已经在10年前还是一块废地的地方建造起来了。


That she will refuse the offer seems unlikely. (=It seems unlikely that she will refuse the offer.) 她不可能拒绝那个建议。

I have found (that) all the tickets have been sold out.



专心 1


He is a good student except that he is a little bit careless. 除了有点粗心之外,他是一个好学生。 whether与if的用法比较

(1)二者均可作“是否”讲,都可以引导名词性从句,引导宾语从句可以互换。 I don’t know whether/if he’ll attend the meeting. 我不知道他是否会出席会议。

(2)在下列情况下,常用whether,不用if。 ①whether引导从句可以放于句首。

Whether he comes or not makes no difference. 他来不来都一样。


The question whether he should join the team has not been decided upon.他是否入队的问题还没决定。

The question is whether it is worth trying. 问题是这是否值得一试。


I haven’t settled the question of whether I’ll lend him the money.关于是否借给他钱的问题,我还没最后决定。 ④whether后可以加不定式,if不可。

He didn’t know whether to get married or to wait. 他不知道是该结婚还是该等待。

⑤可以说whether...or引导让步状语从句,“无论,不论”,if则不可。 Whether it rains or snows,I don’t care. 无论下雨还是下雪,我都不在乎。 that引导的定语从句和同位语从句的区别

(1)that 作为关系代词引导定语从句,在从句中可作主语、宾语和表语,作宾语时常可省略;that引导同位语从句时,起连词作用,无实义,也不作句子的任何成分,一般不能省略。 The news (that) he told me surprised me.(定语从句) 他告诉我的消息让我很吃惊。




The news that he gave in surprised me.(同位语从句) 他投降的消息让我很吃惊。


The fact that the transport of the goods cost too much was not discussed.运费太高这一事实没有被讨论。

We have strong belief that we will win the war. 我们对能赢得这场战争抱有坚定的信心。

We have some doubt whether they can come on time. 我们怀疑他们是否能准时来。

1.(2009年江西卷)The fact has worried many scientists________the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. A.what

B.which C.that D.though 【解析】 本题考查同位语从句。句意为:近年来全球气候不断变暖,这一事实使得很多科学家感到担忧。该题同位语从句结构完整,故选连词that。 【答案】 C 2.(2009年北京卷)At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see________it got any better. A.when C.why

B.how D.if 【解析】 句意为:一开始他不喜欢这份新工作,但还是决定给自己几个月的时间来看一看是否情况会有好转。此题考查宾语从句。从句中不缺少时间、地点、原因,排除A、B、C三项。D项表示“是否”,符合题意。 【答案】 D 3.(2009年天津卷)It is obvious to the students________they should get well prepared for their future.






D.that C.whether 【解析】 句意为:显然,学生们应该为他们的未来做好充分的准备。that引导主语从句,在从句中不作句子成分,it是形式主语。as引导定语从句或状语从句;which引导名词性从句时,意为:哪个(些);whether是否,在此句中如用此词,则语义矛盾。 【答案】 D 4.(2009江苏卷)Many young people in the West are expected to leave________could be life’s most important decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck. A.as B.that D.what C.which

【解析】 分析句子结构,leave需要一个宾语;could be需要一个主语,所以要选一个能引导宾语从句且能在句子中作主语的词,只有what能满足要求。 【答案】 D 5.(2009年全国卷Ⅰ)Could I speak to________is in charge of International Sales,please? A.anyone C.whoever B.someone D.no matter who 【解析】 句意为“我可以同负责管理国际销售部的人谈一谈吗?”句中to为介词,其后是名词性从句,而从句中缺少主语和关联词,故选C。no matter who引导状语从句。 【答案】 C 6.(2009年浙江卷)—Is there any possibility________you could pick me up at the airport? —No problem. A.when B.that

D.what C.whether 【解析】 句意为:——你到机场来接我行吗?——没问题。that引导同位语从句,说明possibility的内容。 【答案】 B 7.(2009年重庆卷)We should consider the students’request________the school library provide more books on popular science.




A.that B.when D.where C.which

【解析】 句意为:我们应当考虑学生们的要求,即学校图书馆应该多提供关于大众科学方面的书籍。此题考查名词性从句。名词request后的同位语从句句子结构完整,不缺任何成分,故用that引导。 【答案】 A 8.(2009年四川卷)News came from the school office________Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. A.which C.that B.what D.where 【解析】 句意为:学校办公室传出了王琳已经被北京大学录取的消息。这是一道考查同位语从句的题目,news是同位语从句的先行词。 【答案】 C 9.(2009年安徽卷)A good friend of mine from________I was born showed up at my home right before I left for Beijing. A.how B.whom D.which C.when

【解析】 句意为:在我正要动身去北京前,我幼时的一个好朋友来我家里了。从句意分析,选择when表示从我出生时就是我的一个好朋友。 【答案】 C 10.(2009年江苏卷)Many young people in the West are expected to leave________could be life’s most important decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck. A.as B.that D.what C.which

【解析】 分析句子结构,leave需要一个宾语;could be需要一个主语,所以要选一个能引导宾语从句且能在句子中作主语的词,只有what能满足要求。 【答案】 D 1.(2010届江西高安中学月考)The information will be helpful to________will take over the job. A.those B.who





D.anyone 【解析】 考查名词性从句。句意为:无论谁接管这份工作,这一信息都将对他有帮助。“whoever will take over the job”是介词to的宾语,whoever在从句中作主语。如果选择A、D两项,需要在后面加上who。 【答案】 C 2.(2010届贵阳部分学校联考)The painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate________its price would be. A.that B.which C.what D./ 【解析】 考查名词性从句。这里用what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作表语。这画太名贵了,很难估量其价格。 【答案】 C 3.(2010届郑州一中月考)________you don’t like him is none of my business. A.What C.That B.If D.Whether 【解析】 考查名词性从句。that引导主语从句,在从句中不作成分;what引导主语从句时充当句中成分;if不能引导主语从句;whether引导的主语从句应是肯定句。由语意可知C项正确。 【答案】 C 4.(2010届济南统考)The media today can draw public attention to________help is actually needed. A.that C.where B.which D.whose 【解析】 本题考查宾语从句的引导词,结合题干,where引导宾语从句并且在宾语从句中作地点状语。 【答案】 C 5.(2010届临川一中期中测试)________medicine works in a human body is a question________not everyone can understand fully. A.How;that C.What;which B.That;which





【解析】 how在句中引导主语从句;that引导定语从句,修饰限定question。句意为:药物是如何作用于人体的,这个问题并不是每个人都能完全理解的。 【答案】 A 6.(2010年郑州一模)—I think it’s going to be an argument. —Yes,it could be. —I wonder________we can do about it. A.what B.how D.whether C.when

【解析】 考查名词性从句。what引导的名词性从句作wonder的宾语,且what作从句中谓语动词do的宾语。其他选项没有这个功能。 【答案】 A 7.(2010年海淀一模)Sorry I’m so late,but you cannot imagine________great trouble I took to find your house. A.what C.which B.how D.why 【解析】 考查宾语从句。take great trouble to do something表示“不辞辛劳地做某事”。在此,what引导的宾语从句同时是一个感叹句,what修饰名词trouble。而how在感叹句中修饰形容词、副词或动词。 【答案】 A 8.(2010年成都第一次诊断)Professor Backman took up scientific research for decades,and this is________he devoted all his life to. A.which C.where B.what D.how 【解析】 考查名词性从句。what引导表语从句且在从句中作介词to的宾语,表示“什么”。 【答案】 B 9.(2010年上海春招)Tina was hesitating about the job offer as she did not know________the company was an established one. A.whether C.Until

B.what D.although 【解析】 考查名词性从句。句意为:Tina对所提供的工作正在犹豫中,因为她不知道这




家公司是不是一家地位稳固的公司。此处whether引导宾语从句,作know的宾语。 【答案】 A 10.(2010年潍坊检测)It could be judged from her eyes________she was very satisfied with her performance. A.what C.that B.which

D.where 【解析】 考查名词性从句。句意为:她对她的表现很满意,这可以从她的眼睛里判断出来。It是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。 【答案】 C 11.(2009年石家庄质量检测一)The problem is________we can improve our reading skills in such a short time. A.when C.how B.where D.that 【解析】 根据句意可知此处用how引导表语从句。 【答案】 C 12.(2010年长春市第一次调研)________you have picked up,you must give it back to________it belongs to. A.Whatever;whoever B.What;no matter who C.No matter what;no matter who D.Whatever;no matter who 【解析】 考查让步状语从句与名词性从句。从句子的结构和语意可以看出前一部分是让步状语从句,可以使用no matter what或whatever来引导;to是介词,后面接的是宾语从句,因此引导词只能使用whoever,而不能使用no matter who。 【答案】 A 13.(2010年西安检测)After working on the maths problem for hours,he found________he thought was the key to it. A.what C.where B.that D.which 【解析】 考查名词性从句。what引导的名词性从句作found的宾语从句的主语,而且what




在名词性从句中作thought的宾语。其他选项不符合语法。 【答案】 A 14.(2009年皖南八校二模)—I will give you happily________you ask for only if I have. —I like you indeed. A.whichever

B.whatever D.no matter which C.no matter what 【解析】 whatever引导名词性从句且作for的宾语。句意为“无论你要什么,我都会高兴地给你,只要我有”。 【答案】 B 15.(2009年合肥三模)It was not what he said but________he said it that hurt my feelings. A.that C.how B.what D.whether 【解析】 考查名词性从句。这是一个强调句,强调的是主语,he said it基本句意完整,所以用表示方式的how来引导。 【答案】 C



专心 9

第三篇:公开课的教案--名词性从句复习--高二英语A Teaching Plan for Grammar

A Teaching Plan for Grammar--- Revision of Noun Clauses

By Wang Meili Teaching goals: 1) Enable the Ss to grasp the definition, kinds and use of Noun Clauses through revision. 2) Enable the Ss to know how to choose correct conjunctions for Noun Clauses in grammatical filling. 3) Enable the Ss to know how to use Noun Clauses in writing.

Teaching important points: 1) How to use correct conjunctions for Noun Clauses in grammatical filling. 2) How to use Noun Clauses in writing.

Teaching aids: Multimedia Teaching procedures: Step I Leading-in(6mins)

Find the clauses and tell the function of them:

1) Analyze the clauses

2) Help the Ss to grasp the definition, kinds and use of Noun Clauses by some exercises.

Step II Learning about the conjunctions (5mins) 1. Ask the Ss to do some exercises. 2. Then try to find out the different uses between some conjunctions (what& that、whether& if)

Step III Exercises related to NMET :( 15mins) 1) Grammatical Filling:

The purpose of this exercise is to make the Ss know how to use Noun Clauses in grammatical filling 2) Translation and Writing. The purpose of this exercise is to make the Ss know that Noun Clauses are very useful in writing.

Step IV Consolidation (if time permits) (10mins) 1. Ask the Ss to write a composition to introduce themselves using Noun Clauses. 2. Ask some students to show their composition orally.

Step V Evaluation: (3mins) The purpose is to let the Ss know the importance of Noun Clauses and know how to put what they have learnt today into practice in the future study by evaluation.

Step VI Homework: (1mins) 1. Longshine p.16-17 2. More exercises from Issue 37-38, Student Times.

第四篇: 名词解释复习重点:

 城市的定义——城市,是以非农业产业和非农业人口集聚形成的较大居民点(包括按国家行政建制设立的市、镇)。一般而言,人口较稠密的地区称为城市(city),一般包括了住宅区、工业区和商业区并且具备行政管辖功能。城市的行政管辖功能可能涉及较其本身更广泛的区域,其中有居民区、街道、医院、学校、写字楼、商业卖场、广场、公园等公共设施

 “带形城市”理论 ——一种主张城市平面布局呈狭长带状发展的规划理论卫星城镇理论

 马丘比丘宪章的基本思想——国际建筑协会于1977年底在智利首都利马会议期间发表的一份关于城市规划的纲领性文件。批评了雅典宪章对城市进行功能分区而牺牲了城市结构的有机性。 ●凯文·林奇城市空间景观五要素——道路,边缘,节点,地标,广场

 霍华德“田园城市”的理论 ——田园城市是为安排健康的生活和工业而设计的城镇;其规模要有可能满足各种社会生活,但不能太大;被乡村所包围;全部土地归公众所有或者托人为社区代管

 城市化概念——城市化是一个地区的人口在城镇和城市相对集中的过程。城市化也意味着城镇用地扩展,城市文化、城市生活方式和价值观在农村地域的扩散过程。

 城市规划的任务——根据国家城市发展和建设方针、经济技术政策、国民经济和社会发展长远计划、区域规划,以及城市所在地区的自然条件、历史情况、现状特点和建设条件,布置城市体系;确定城市性质、规模和布局;统一规划、合理利用城市土地;综合部署城市经济、文化、基础设施等各项建设,保证城市有秩序地、协调地发展,使城市的发展建设获得良好的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益

 城市规划概念——城市规划是为了实现一定时期内城市的经济和社会发展目标,确定城市性质、规模和发展方向,合理利用城市土地,协调城市空间布局和各项建设所作的综合部署和具体安排

城市规划的实施与管理 ●城市发展战略——对城市经济、社会、环境的发展所作的全局性、长期性、决定全局的谋划和规划。


2、重点关注土地利用的空间结构、生态格局、交通系统。 城市发展战略,简单的说,就是结合城市社会经济现状及其区域地位对城市的未来发展所做的重大的、全局性的、长期性的、相对稳定的、决定全局的谋划

城市规划主管部门核发的建设项目“两证一书”—— 《建设用地规划许可证》、《建设工程规划许可证》和《土地使用权出让合同书》。

 综合布置地下管线的避让原则——P352—P353

 城市用地划分分类——P83—P85

 居住用地平衡控制指标中的“用地构成” 的具体内容——P86—P87

 居住小区的人口与用地规模——居住小区是城镇居住区的一种组成形式,由若干住宅组团组成。可按城市道路和自然界线(如河流)划分。具有较完整、相对独立、并能满足居民日常生活需要的生活服务设施和机构,城市道路不穿越区内的生活居住地段。其规模主要根据基层公共建筑成套配置的经济合理性、居民使用的方便与安全、城市道路以及自然地形条件、住宅层次及人口密度等因素综合考虑。一般以一个小学的最小规模为其人口下限,以小区公共服务设施的最大服务半径为其用地规模上限,即人口规模为1万人左右,用地约10公顷

 容积率、建筑密度、绿地率 ——容积率,是指一个小区的总建筑面积与用地面积的比率;建筑密度是指建筑物的覆盖率,具体指项目用地范围内所有建筑的基底总面积与规划建设用地面积之比(%),它可以反映出一定用地范围内的空地率和建筑密集程度;绿地率描述的是居住区用地范围内各类绿地的总和与居住区用地的比率



























