




_______ _________ does she _________.

Unit1 Where is you pen pal from? 8.你最喜爱的科目是什么?

________ your ________subject?

1.你的笔友是哪里人? Where is your ______ ______




Where does your ______ ______ ______ ______?

He _______ _______ pen pal ________ _________.

2.他是澳大利亚人。 10.体育很有趣,我非常喜欢体育。

He is ________ _________.

P.E._______ ________,and I ______ ________very

He comes ________ _________.


3.他住在哪里? 11. 我想要(结交)一位中国的笔友。

Where __________ he________.

I ____ a pen pal ____ China.

4.他住在悉尼。 12.我喜欢和朋友一起看电影和做运动。

He _______ ________ _______.




to the movies ____ my friends and

____ sports.


She ______from ________.



Can you ______ _____ _____ ______?


We can _______ ________ _________ ________.



Please ____ and ____ me ____ yourself.


Unit2 Where’s the post office?


Excuse me. ___ ___ a post office in the ________.

1. 在邮局的旁边有一家超市。 7. 在第一大街左转, (你就可以)欣赏这个城市 There is a _______ _____ ______the post office.


____ ____ on First Avenue and ___ the city’s quiet 2.向右拐,沿着布莱吉街前行。

_________ _________ and go ________ _______ streets and small parks. Bridge Street.


____ ____ ____ ____ the park.


Just ____ _____ and ____ ____.

9. 我知道你要来了。

I know you ____ ____.


The pay phone ____ _____ _____the library.



_____ _____ ____ from the airport.

5. 图书馆在餐馆与超市之间。

The library______ _______the 11.让我来告诉你到我家的路。 restaurant_______the suapermarket.

____ ____ ____ you the ____ ____ my house.

Unit3 Why do you like koalas?

____ they’re very ____.


Let’s ____ the giraffes ____.



_______ _______ books do you ______.


Why do you ____ ____ see the dolphins? 4.树袋熊白天睡觉,但是在晚上起来吃树叶。

1 Koalas sleep ___the day, but ___ ___ they ___ 8.长颈鹿生活在非洲。 ___ and eats leaves. Giraffes _______ ______ ______.


9.大象喜欢和他的朋友一玩耍和吃草。 I feel _________ ________ cold.

Elephants ___ ___ ___ ___ their friends and

eat grass.


George likes______ _______ ______snow.

10.熊猫非常漂亮,但是非常害羞,因此请 7. 树袋熊很懒,每天睡眠休息20个小时。 安静。

A koala is ___, and it ___ and ___ 20 hours Pandas are ___ ___ , but they’re very ___, so ____ ____.

please ___ ___.


_____ _____.


He _______ ________ _______a film 7.我妈正忙于做饭。My mother _____ actor.


2.银行职员与钱和人打交道。 8.当人们非常忙时,晚上他们就出去吃饭。

Bank ____ ____ ____ people and money.




___ when people ___ ___ to


3.人们在我这里存钱或者把钱从我这里取走。 9.我们是一所为5-12岁孩子提供的国际性People ___ ___ ___ ___ or ___ their money 的学校。 ___ me.

We ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ children ___ 5-12.

4.护士穿白色制服帮助医生。 10.他教我英语,我教他汉语。

Nurse ___ a white ___ and ____ doctors.

He ___ ___ English and I ___ ___ Chinese.

5.我有时候在白天工作,有时候在晚上工作。 11.他在与Tom谈论那场足球比赛. Sometimes I work ___ ___ ___ and He talks ____Tom _____the football game. sometimes ___ ___.

6. 警察的工作很有趣,但有些危险. Policemen’s work____ ____but _____

Unit5 I’m watching TV.

1.你在干什么? 6.谢谢你的来信和照片。

What ____ ____ ____?

Thanks ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___.

2.我在游泳池游泳呢。 7.这里有一张我家的照片。 I ___ ___ at the ___ pool.

Here is ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

3.听起来不错。 8.他想成为一名中国的流行歌手. That ____ ____.



____ ____ ____pop singer



This ______ ________ is _______.

9. 我与同学关系很友好


I _____ _____ ____my classmates.5.她在做家庭作业。

She ____ ____ ____ ____.

2 Unit6 It’s raining.

There are ____ ____ ____ ____.

1.今天天气怎样? What’s ___ ___ ___ ___?


,另外一些正躺在沙滩上。 7.How’s ____ ____ ____?




___. Others are ___ ___ the


2.广东的天气怎么样? ____ the ___ ___ in Guangdong?



_____the ________in Guangdong?




___ ___ ___ ___ beach



It’s ____, ____ and ____.

9. 我很惊讶他们能在这样热的天气里玩


I am ___ they ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

4.情况怎样? How’s _____ ______?



The people ___ ___ ___ ___!


Thanks for ____ CCTV’s ___ ___ ___ show.



Everyone is ___ ____ ___ ___!


Unit7 What does he look like?



What does he/she ____ ____?



,我们别讲话了. What ____ he/she ____?

Let`s____ _____.The teacher ____ ____in.

2.那个人中等个子,短发. 10.有些人不喜欢他的新形象. That person ____ ____ medium ____ Some people _____ _____his new____.

____short hair.


She always ____ ____ ____.

3.Peter看上去像他父亲. Peter _________ _________ his father.



He is ___ ___ of the football team and he’s 4.你的女朋友长得什么样子? _____ ____ your girlfriend____ ____?

___ ___.

5.他是一个体格健壮的运动员. 13.她长得很好看但有点文静。

He is a player _____ strong build.

She is ____ but a little (bit) ____.

6.我想我认识他. 14.她喜欢讲笑话且总是讲个不停。

I _____I______him.

She ___ ___ jokes and she never ___ ___.

7.我父亲总是不停地工作. 15.他留着胡须。

My father ________ ________working.

He has ____ ____.

8.那个老师很受学生们的欢迎. 16.我的外貌没有变化,但是他有。

The reacher _____very _____ _____ the I don’t have ___ ___ ___, but ___ ___.

Unit8 I’d like some noodles.

would he like?


________ ______ ______ _______ would 3.你想要小碗面条吗? you like?

_____ you _____ a small ________ of



_______ _______ _______ _____ _____ 4.我想要一个中碗的羊肉洋葱饺子。

3 I ____ ____ a ____ bowl of _____ and I __________ _________to have dinner ____dumplings.


5.你的地址是什么? 12.在我们饺子店,我们有一些很好的特色饺 _______ your ______?


_____________, we ____ some _____ 6.我想订一个大比萨。

I`d like _______ _________ a _______pizza.


7.我们有一些很好的特色菜。 13.橙汁饮料仅售2元。

We have ____ ____ ____.

Orange juice ____ ____ 2 RMB.

8.特色菜1有牛肉和洋葱馅, 每15个饺子售14.饺子配汤的特色午餐是10元。

The_____ and _____ lunch special is 10 价仅人民币10元。

Special 1 has ___ ___ ___, and is ___ 10 RMB.

RMB ___ 15 dumplins. 15.今天就来吃饺子。

_______ and _____ your _______ today!


We ___ ___ ___ ___ and green tea.



He ______ orange ______ _______ 10.Jack想要一杯加了牛奶的咖啡。

Jack would like ______cup ________coffee green _____.



I _______ like _____ ______ ______.


Unit9 How was your weekend?

1.你上个周末做什么了? 8.他在10分钟之前给我打了电话。 What ___ ___ ___ last weekend?

He ________me ten minutes________.

2.你上个周末过得怎样? 9.我问了三中的十名学生他们上个假日所做How ___ ___ last weekend?


I ___ ten students at No.3 Middle School ___ 3.我今天早上没吃早饭。

I_________ _______ breakfast______ ___ ___ last vacation. morning.

10.在星期六上午,(这)十个孩子做家庭作4.本,你周末过得怎么样?好极了! 业或是学习。 ______ _____your weekend, Ben?______ On Saturday morning, ten kids ___ ___ ___ or ______ ______!


5.他昨天夜里回到了家。 11.我读了一本关于历史的书。

__________night, he _________ back to his I ____ a book ____ ____.


6.你认为每个人的周末都会过得很好吗? 11.我读了一本关于历史的书。 _____you _____everyone_____ _____weekends?


I ___ ___ ___ ___.


For ___ ___, the weekend ___ ___.

Unit10 Where did you go on vacation?


4 ______ _____you meet her?


2.您去哪儿度假的? 8.他迷路了,我帮他找到了他的爸爸。 Where did you______ _______ _______?

He ____ ____ and I___ ___ ___ his father.

3.你好,马克,周末过得如何? 9.那件事使得我感觉很开心。 Hi,Mark.______ ______your weekend?

That ____ ____ ____ very happy.

4.我们在水里玩得很开心。 10.我身上没钱坐出租车了。 We ____ ____ ____ ____ in the water.

I ___ ___ ___ ___ for a taxi.

I ____ ____ ____ for a taxi.


The shops ____ ____ ____.



I ____ ____ ____ the hotel.


So I ____ ____ ____ ____.


所以我们决定去打网球了 .

So we ____ ____ ____ tennis.


I ____ a small boy ____ in the ____ of the

Unit11 What do you think of game shows?

I ____ ____ your article ___ ___ ___ 1.你觉得电视节目怎样?

What do you ____ ____ ____ ____?


How do you ____ ____ ____?

7. 我不能忍受老年人就不能漂亮的观点。

I ____ ____ the idea that old people ____ 2.欢迎来到9点钟周末谈话节目。

____ ____ 9 o’clock ____ ____.

____ beautiful.

3.谢谢加入我们。 8.我不介意年轻人怎样评价我。

____ ____ ____ us.

I ___ ___ what young people ____ ____ me.

4.我问了学生有关时尚的问题。 9.你不喜欢饺子,我也不喜欢。

I ____ ____ ____ fashion.

Y ou ____ ____ Dumpling. I don’t , ____.

5.最酷的东西是腰带。 10.事实上,我不同意你的观点。

The coolest ____ ____ ____ ____.

In fact, ____ ____ ____ ____ you.


Unit12 Don’t eat in class. 1.你们学校的规则是什么? 7.决不许那样对你母亲讲话!

What are ___ ___ ___ ___ school?


your mother



____ ____ ____ ____ hallways.

8. 我得睡会儿,我太累了。

I_____ ____get some _____.I ____ 3.上课别迟到。

Don’t ____ ____ ____ school.


Don’t ____ ____ ____ school.


You _____ ______ _____finish ______ 4.我们可以在教室吃饭嘛? Can we ____ ____ ____ classroom?


5.你们在学校必须穿校服嘛? 10.我家有太多的规则。

Do you ____ ____ ____ ____ at school?

I have ___ ___ ___ in my house.

6.还有什么其他的必须要做的? 11. 我从没有乐趣。

What ____ ____ ____ ____ to do?

I ____ ____ ____ ____.

5 Keys:(答案): Unit 1 1. ( pen , pal , from ) ( pen , pal ,come, from ) 2. (from, Australian) (from, Australian) 3. (does , live) 4.( lives, in, Sydney) 5. ( is / comes, Toronto ) 6. ( speak , a , little, English ) Unit 2 1.(supermarket, next, to) 2. ( Turn right, straight down)

3 .(go, straight, turn, left) 4. (is, across, from) 5.(is, between, and) Unit 3

1(see , first) 2. (want, to, Because, cute ) 3 (What, other, books, like) 4. (during , at, night, gets, up) 5 ( kind, of) Unit 4

1. ( wants, to, be) 2. (clerks, work, with) 3. (give, me, their, money, get, from) 4. (wears, uniform, helps) 5. ( in, the, day, at, night) 6.(is, interesting, kind, of, Unit 5

1.(are, you, doing) 2. (am, swimming, swimming) 3. (sounds, good) 4 .( TV, show, boring) 5. (is, doing, her, homework) Unit 6

1 (the, weather, like, today) (the, weather, today) 2(What’s, weather, like) ( How’s , weather )

3 (windy, cloudy, sunny) 4(it, going) (joining, Around, The, World)

7. ( What , language , speak ) 8. ( What’s , favorite )

9 ( has, a, in France )

10 ( is, interesting, like , it ) 11(want, in)

12(going, with, playing) 13(write, to, me, soon) 14 (write, tell, about)

6. (Is, there, neighborhood) 7 .(Turn, left, enjoy, )

8. (Take, a, walk, through) 9.(are, arriving) 10.(Take, a, taxi)

11. (Let, me, tell, way, to) 6. (playing with the )

7. (lazy, sleeps, relaxes, every, day) 8 .( live, in, Africa) 9. (like, to, play, with, )

10. ( very, beautiful, shy, be,

7. (is, busy)

8.(are, very, busy, go, out )

9. (are, an, international, school, for, of) 10. (teaches, me, teach, him) 11. ( with, about)

6.(for, your, letter, the, photos) 7.(a, photo, of, my, family) 8.(wants, to, be, a ,in) 9. ( am, friendly, with)

6 (many, people, on, vacation) 7 (taking, photos, lying, on) 8(Look, at, group, of, people,

9 (surprised, can, play, in, this, heat) 10( are, really, very, relaxed) 11 (having, a, good, time

6 Unit 7

1. (look, like) ( is, like) 2 .(is, of, height, with ) 3. (looks, like) 4.(What ,does ,look, like) 5. ( with ) 6 .(think, know) 7 .(never stops) 8 .(is, popular, with) Unit 8 1 (What kind of noodles) 2 (What size bowl of noodles) 3 (Would , like , bowl ) 4 (would , like, medium, mutton and 5 (What’s , address) 6 (to, order, large) 7 (some, great, specials ) 8 (beef and onions just for) 9 (also, have, orange, juice) Unit 9 1 (did, you, do) 2 (was, your) 3( didn’t have, this) 4(How , was, It ,was, 5 (Last, came) 6 (Do, think, has, good) Unit 10 1( Where , did) 2 ( go, on vacation) 3 (how, was) 4(had, great, fun, playing) 5(were, too, crowded) 6 (didn’t, really, enjoy, it) 7 (found, crying, corner) Unit 11 1 (think, of, TV, shows) 2 (Welcome, to, Weekend, Talk.) 3 (Thanks, for, joining) 4 (asked, students, about) 5 (thing, is, the, belt) Unit12

1 (the, rules, in/at, your) 2(Don’t, run, in, the )

9 .( stop talking, is coming) 10. (don’t like , look)

11 .(wears, funny, sunglasses) 12 .(the, captain, very, popular) 13 .(good-looking, quiet)

14 (loves, telling, stops, talking) 15 ( a, beard /or: a, mustache) 16 (a, new, look, he, does)

10 (a, of, with)

11 (would, like ,with)

12 (At the House of Dumplins, have, special dumplings) 13 (is, only)

14 (dumpling , soup ) 15 (Come, get ,

16(likes, juice , and , tea)

17( don’t , beef, and, tomatoes) 7(most, kids, was, fun) 8 ( called, ago)

9(asked, what, they, did)

10( did, their, homework, srudied) 11(read, about, history) 12wrote, a, new, song) 8 (was, lost, helped, him, find) 9 (made, me, feel)

10 (didn’t, have, any, money)

(had, no, money) 11 (walked, back, to) 12.(decided, to, play)

6 (enjoyed, reading, in, the, school) 7 ( can’t, stand, can’t, be) 8 (don’t, mind, think, of) 9 (don’t, like, either) 10 (I, don’t, agree, with) 3 (arrive, late, for) (be, late, for)

4 (eat, in ,the) 5( have, to, wear, uniforms) 6(else, do, you, have) 7 (Don’t, to , like)

8(have , to, rest, am, tired) 9 ( don’t , have, to , the) 10(too, many, rules) 11(never, have, any, fun) 8



1.Is Sam at school today?(改为陈述句的肯定形式)

2.Those are old jackets.(改为单数句)

3.The man is Tom‘s father.(改为一般疑问句)

4.Mr Smith is over there.(就地点提问)

5.This is an office building.(改为复数句)

6.April is in class 5.(就所在班级提问)

7.Mr Black is our English teacher.(就主语提问)

8.Can I open the window?(作出应答表示同意)

9.My brother is nine.(就年龄提问)

10.These chairs are yellow.(就颜色提问)


12.That’s her eraser.(就橡皮所有人提问)

13.She‘s (用适当的词替换划线部分)

14.I’m a bus driver.(改为复数一般疑问句)

15.I‘m late again(又).(作出合适应答)

16.Whose are those keys?(改变语序保留原意)


1.Is Sam at school today?(改为陈述句的肯定形式)

2.Those are old jackets.(改为单数句)

3.The man is Tom‘s father.(改为一般疑问句)

4.Mr Smith is over there.(就地点提问)

5.This is an office building.(改为复数句)

6.April is in class 5.(就所在班级提问)

7.Mr Black is our English teacher.(就主语提问)

8.Can I open the window?(作出应答表示同意)

9.My brother is nine.(就年龄提问)

10.These chairs are yellow.(就颜色提问)


12.That’s her eraser.(就橡皮所有人提问)

13.She‘s (用适当的词替换划线部分)

14.I’m a bus driver.(改为复数一般疑问句)

15.I‘m late again(又).(作出合适应答)

16.Whose are those keys?(改变语序保留原意)


一、用have ,has 或there be的正确形式填空。() 1.________ a carton of juice in the fridge? 2.I _______many good friends in our class. 3.________ some doctors in the hospital. 4.Tom _______big blue eyes.

5.__________any boys beside the school bus?

6.__________no milk in the bottle now.Let’s go and buy some. 7.Jim and I_______ some new storybooks. 8.A frog(青蛙)________four feet. Threefrogs ________twelve feet.

9.How many flowers __________in the vase ? 10.Excuse me. ________a study in your house ?

Yes, It’s next to my bedroom .(与我的卧室相邻) 11.Can I ________a cup of tea?I’m very thirsty. 12.Our classroom ________eight windows.

13.How many people__________in your family? 14._________no homework today. 15._________some rice in the bowl.

16.__________an apple and some pears on the table. 17.__________some milk and some water in the bottle. 18.The room _______two beds. 19.Do you _______a look ?

20.What’s in the tree?________some birds in it .

二、 用所给词的正确形式填空。

I ____ ______(help) my cousin with his English. 2.They __________(not ,water) the flowers now.

____(dance )in the classroom . 4.What is our granddaughter doing?She ___________(listen ) to music now. 5.Children’s Day _________(get ) near.

6.Ann______(go )to the cinema every Saturday.

7.Children often _________(play )in the park on Sundays.

8.I can’t find Miss Li.Where is she ?Maybe she’s _______( read )in the library. 9.It’s 5 o’clock now. We _________(have)supper now. 10.Listen !They _________(sing ) in the next room. 11.______Helen________(watch )clothes? Yes ,she is . 12.The girls over there_______(be )my classmates.

13.There _______(be ) nothing new in today’s newspaper.

14.My mother only likes ________(play ) computer games in the evening. 15.There ______ (be)some balls under the bed.There _______ some water on the floor.

There ___________ (be not ) a toilet the building.

16.Tom and __________(he)friend are ___________ (come )to the blackboard.

17.What __________ (be)in the basket?

There are some apples.

18.They like _____________ (banana).

They like ____________ (eat) sweets, too. 19.I can ____________ (sing) the song.

I like ___________ (sing)

20.Don’t ____________ (open ) the door.

It _________ (be) cold.

21.Let’s ___________ (write ) some words.

OK. Look, I______________ (write)now. 22.Can she ______________ (swim)?

Yes, she can. She _____________ (swim ) now. 23.I would like _______________ (read )English. 24.My parents _____________(not work ) on Sunday.

25.How many ___________ (class) are there in your school? There ________ (be) fifteen.

26.Look. They______________ (play) the guitar.

My brother ____________. (jump)

27. ________ she __________ (do) her homework?

No, she ___________.

28.Now, the girls _______________ (dance).

I want to jion ____________ (they).

29.Look , she and he ____________ (read ) and _______________(write).



⒈ 你最喜欢的科目是什么? ______ your __________ subject?

⒉ 附近有超市吗? Is there a supermarket _______________? ⒊ 请问到你们学校怎么走? Excuse me, _______ is the _______ to your school?

⒋ 我打算去云南度暑假。 I am going to Yunnan ______ my summer ___________.


91. 他在夜晚起床吃树叶。

________ night he gets up and ________ _________.

92. 小偷们不喜欢去警察局。

________ don’t like ________ to the police station.

93. Julie在看电视吗?不,没有。

________ Julie ________TV now ?No, she ________.

94. 我们为你提供一份当老师的工作。

We have a job ________ you ________a teacher.


1. 我肯定明天是个好天。

I _____________ tomorrow _____________goodday.


My work is _________ but ____________________.


I ____________ Canada and I can _____________and_______.


_______________ photo, father _____ sister __________ TV.


_____ a student, we should ____________.


1. Tom会说日语和一点儿法语

Tom can speak _____________ and ________ ________ ________

2. 我有一个笔友,他在东京工作I have a pen pal. He ____ in Tokyo.

3. 她和她父母住在中国She ______ in China _____ her parents.

4. 我不喜欢数学,因为太难了

I _________ __________ math because it’s __________ __________

5. Jack在澳大利亚有许多笔友

Jack ________ many pen pals _______ __________

6. 我爷爷每晚都喜欢看电视

My grandfather _________ __________ TV every evening

7. 你能马上给我写信吗?Can you _______ _____ _____ soon?

8. 请告诉我你班里的情况

__________ me something _________ your class, please.

9. 沿着大桥街走,在明珠超市向左拐

_____ _____ Bridge Street and _____ ____ at Mingzhu Supermarket

10. 我希望你旅途愉快I _______ you ________ a good ________

11. 公园是散步的好去处The park is a good place to _____ ___ ___

12. 你可以乘出租车去旅馆 You can _____ ____ ___ to go to the hotel

13. 咱们先去同孩子们玩耍

Let’s ____________ _________ the children ___________

14. 你们在谈论什么动物?

_________ __________ are you ________ __________?

15. 请安静,小孩在睡觉

Please ____________ _________. The little baby ______ _________

16. 工人们白天努力工作,晚上休息

The workers work hard _____ _____ _____ and relax ____ ______

17. 我妈妈在忙着做饭My mother _____ ______ ________

18. 他为一家电脑公司工作He ______ ______ a computer company.

19. 他在与Tom谈论那场足球赛

He talks ______ Tom ______ the football game

20. 人们在购物大厅里买东西People buy things _____ _____ _____

21. 中国人对外国人很友好

Chinese _________ _________ ________ the foreigners


1. 明天他们将带我们参观北京。They will ___________________________ Beijing tomorrow.

2. 我的姐姐擅长弹钢琴。My sister ____________________________ the piano.

3. 这次旅程花了我一个月的时间.This journey _____________________________.

4. 对老人来说,学好英语不容易.It is not easy _______ old people ________________ English well.

5. 纽约位于美国的西海岸. New York is _____________________________________ of the USA.

6. 英国以剑桥大学出名.England _______________________________the Cambridge University.

7. 上海是个有着1300万人口的城市.Shanghai is a city _________a______________13 million.

8. 汕头大约有130年的历史.Shantou is about ____________________________________________.

9. 广东在华南. Guangdong is in ____________________________________.

10. 浙江在中国的东部. Zhejiang is ______________________________________ China.

11. 香港有700万人口.1) Hong Kong has ___________________________________ 7 million.

2)______________________________________ Hong kong is 7 million.

12.在将来生活将会更舒适.Life will be more comfortable ____________________________.

13.我正期待着看这部电影.I_________________________________________ this film.

14. 你正在复习备考吗? Are you _________________________ a test?

15.他打算明天进行一次野餐.He ______________________________________ tomorrow.

16.此时,我们正在唱歌. ______________________________, We are singing.

17.这里一年四季都炎热. It’s hot here ________________________________.

18.你们正在为奥运会做准备吗? Are you ___________________________ the Olympic


19.他们不想扫去好运.They don’t want ________________________________ good luck.

20.他们喜欢用花装饰房间.They like ___________________the room _______ flowers.

21.每个人的桌子上都将有一台电脑.There ______________________ a computer on everyone’s desk.

22. 你在等谁? Who are you _______________________?

23.他正在和谁谈话? Who is he ____________________________?

24.我们将在星期天照相.We _____________________________________ on Sunday.

25.你们将什么时候到达这里?When _______________________________here?

26.你的兄弟比你大还是比你小?Is your brother _____________________________________ you?

27.那些山大约有1200米高.Those mountains are about __________________________.

28.今晚将有大风和大雨.There will ____________________and _____________________


29.他们每周上5天学. They go to school


30.金先生一家打算坐飞机去旅行.The King family _____________________ travel


31.看,他们正躺在沙滩上,并享受阳光. Look!They _____________________ on the beach and

________the sun.

32.他现在玩得开心吗? Is he _______________________________________now?

33.他是香港最受欢迎的歌手之一. He is _______________________________________ in

Hong Kong .

34.他住得离学校最近. He lives ____________________________________ the school.

35.夏天是一年最热的季节. Summer is _____________________________ season


36.那个年轻人需要考虑一下这个问题. The young man ___________________________ this


37.他们很快就会到达车站. They ________________________________ the station soon.

38.香港是个比上海新的城市. Hong Kong is a ____________________________Shanghai.

39.你比他大2 岁. You are ___________________________________________ him.

40.他们打算登上长城. They ________________________________________ the Great Wall.

41.孩子们正在穿衣服.The children __________________________________.

42.成千上万的人将会来中国. __________________________________ people will come to


43.下个星期天气将会变暖和吗? Will the weather _________________ next week?

44.他们正在逛商店买礼物。They _______________________________ presents.

45.长江比黄河宽吗?Is the Changjiang River _________________________ the Yellow River? 六,


I _______________________ hamburgers,pizza ___ ice tea.




I_______________people ________her new look.


He______a little _______his father.


My mother________________________________ today.



61. 有很多人在这儿度假。

There are ________________ here ________________.

62. 他们在谈论什么?

What are they________________?

63. They had fun last Wednesday!(改为同义句)

They _____________________Wednesday! (对画线部分提问)

you for ?

65. 我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。

I am ________ they can play soccer ________________________.


1. 有很多人在这儿度假。

There are ________________ here ________________.

2. 我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。

We are in Paris, ________ in the ________. It’s ________ beautiful, ________ day.

3. –天空正在下雨时,你在干什么?-我在看书。

-What are you ________ when it’s ________?-I am ________ a ________.

4. 一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在骑自行车。

In the park, ________ are ________ songs, ________ are ________ bikes.

5. 我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。

I am ________ they can play soccer ________________________.


1.你们去年在哪度假的?Where _________ you go _________ vacation last year?

2.你假期过得怎么样?_________________ your vacation?

3.他们决定去看电影。They _________________ go to the movies.

4.那个小男孩迷路了。That little boy __________________.

5.你觉得你们的假期怎么样?What did you ________________ your vacation?

6.我们在水里玩得很快乐。We __________ great fun ___________ in the water.

7.她发现一个小女孩在角落哭。She found a_________ girl _________ in the corner.

8.我没有任何钱付出租车费。I didn’t ________ any money __________ a taxi.

9.他们从早饭一直玩到晚饭。They played _________ breakfast__________ dinner.

10.我不能忍受,做饭是妈妈的事。I can’t stand it. __________ is _________ moms!


Unit 5 词汇

有_______ (第三人称单数形式)______ 网球_____________ 乒乓球_______________ 球棒;球拍____________ (英式)足球_____________ 排球__________________ 篮球________________

让我们(一起)__________________ 我们(主格)________(宾格)________ 迟到____________

去取(或带来);得到__________ 美妙的;伟大的_____________ 参加(比赛或运动);玩耍___________ 听起来好像_____________ 有趣的__________________ 没趣的;令人厌倦的______________ 有趣的;使人快乐的n.乐趣;快乐______ 困难的_________________

轻松的;令人放松的_______________ 看电视________________ 相同的________________ 爱;喜爱_______________

和......在一起;带有;使用____________ 体育运动_______________

他(她、它)们(主格)_______(宾格)_____ 只;仅_______________ 容易的;不费力的_____________ 在......以后_____________ 班级;课_______________


Unit 5 句子

你有乒乓球拍儿吗?不,我没有。 _______________________________? _______, ________________. 他有篮球吗?是的,他有。

_______________________________? ________, _____________. 她有网球拍吗?不,她有一个网球。 ____________________________? _______, _______________________. 他们有足球吗?不,没有。

_______________________________? _______, _____________. 他没有棒球拍。

_______________________________. 她有五支铅笔。

_______________________________. 让我们一起玩电脑游戏。 那听起来有意思。

_______________________________. ______________________________. 让我们一起踢足球吧。听起来困难。 ______________________________. ______________________________. 课后我与同学们一起打乒乓球。 _______________________________. 它对于我来说容易。

_______________________________. 我喜欢运动,但我不做运动-我只在电视上看。


Unit 6词汇

下列是可数名词,写出复数形式: 香蕉__________________ 汉堡包_________________ 西红柿_________________ 草莓___________________ 梨_____________

蔬菜___________________ 苹果_________________ 鸡蛋________________ 胡萝卜_________________ 下列是不可数名词: 牛奶______________ 面包_____________ 冰激凌_______________ 沙拉____________________ 大米;米饭_______________ 鸡肉_________________ 食物_________________


生日_____________________ (中午或晚上吃的)正餐____________ 周;星期_______________ 思考;思索____________________ 当然;肯定;一定______________ (提出建议)......怎么样?____________ 正确的;适当的____________ 那么___________

早餐;早饭__________________ 午餐________________


Unit 6 词汇与句子


好;令人满意地_____________ 习惯___________________ 健康的___________________ 真正地___________________ 问题____________________ 需要;想要_______________ 变成____________________ 肥的;肥胖的_____________ 你喜欢沙拉吗?是的,我喜欢。 _____________________________? _____________________. 他喜欢西红柿吗?不,他不喜欢。 ______________________________? ______________________. 他们喜欢香蕉吗?不,他们不。 _______________________________? _________________________. 我妈妈午餐喜欢蔬菜。

_______________________________. 我堂姐不喜欢冰激凌。

_______________________________. 他们晚饭后喜欢草莓。

_______________________________. 早餐他喜欢什么? 早餐他喜欢鸡蛋和牛奶。

_______________________________? _______________________________. 我不想变胖。

