













































例:《伟大的友谊》 马克思和恩格斯是好朋友。他们共同研究学问,共同领导国际工人运动,共同办报,编杂,共同起草文件。著名的《共产党宣言》就是他们共同起草的。








__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 课后练习













( 1 ) Jim goes to Tokyo. He wants to see his aunt. But when he walks out of the station, he can’t find his way. The city is now quite different. He sees a man outside a police station, so he goes up to ask him for help the man looks at him for a long time, then says, “I’m sorry, sir. I’m from another city. I’m standing here and want to find a policeman. He may tell you the way.” (

) 1. Jim goes to Tokyo ___.

A to see his friend

B to see his father

C to see his classmate

D to see his aunt


) 2. He goes to Tokyo ___.

A for the first time

B for the last time

C not for the first time D only one time (

) 3. The man ___.

A works in Tokyo

B knows Jim

C doesn’t live in Tokyo D like the city (

) 4. The man ___.

A doesn’t know the way

B answers at once C doesn’t want to answer D doesn’t like Jim (

) 5. The best title is “___”.

A Going to London

B Seeing his aunt

C Seeing a policeman

D Asking the way

( 2 ) On weekdays Mary gets __1__ at 5:30. She dresses, __2__ her face and does morning exercises. She __3__ breakfast at 6:30 and then she __4__ to school. She goes there __5__ bike. She gets __6__ school at about 7:15 every day. She doesn’t like to __7__ late. Classes begin __8__ 8:00. In class she listens __9__ the teachers carefully, and she works hard at __10__ lessons. She usually has bread and a glass of milk in __11__ middle of the day. Classes are __12__ at 4:30. After class she likes dancing and __13__. Sometimes she throws a frisbee (飞碟) __14__ her classmates. She gets home at 5:30. In the evening, her parents come __15__ from work. They have __16__ at 7:00. In the evening she does her __17__. Sometimes she __18__ TV or __19__ storybooks. She goes to bed at ten. Her school life __20__ interesting. 1. _____________ 2. _____________

3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________ 7. _____________

8. _____________ 9. _____________ 10. _____________ 11. _____________ 12. _____________ 13. _____________ 14. _____________ 15. _____________ 16. _____________ 17. _____________ 18. _____________ 19. _____________ 20. _____________

( 3 ) My name is Chen Lan. My home is in Gulangyu. It is in Xiamen. It is near the sea. Culangyu is a small place, but it is very nice and clean. There are no cars, no buses or no bikes. People only walk. So it is very quiet. People go to visit Gulangyu by ship. Our house is in the middle of Gulangyu. Behind our house there is a big tree. My grandfather tells me that the tree is very, very old. There are many birds in the tree. We call it a “bird tree”. Our house is near the sea. The sea is big and blue. There are a lot of fish in the sea. After school, I go there and catch fish with my friends. It is very interesting. I like fish and I like catching fish. (

) 1. Gulangyu is an island. (

) 2. Chen Lan tells us a lot about her parents. (

) 3. There are no traffic in Gulangyu. (

) 4. Chen Lan always goes fishing alone. (

) 5. Chne Lan is from Xiamen. SBS阅读理解专项练习(一)


( 4 ) “Joe, you are a very old dog,” said policeman Fred. “Today is your birthday again. I remember you were 14 years old last year. But you are still the best police dog in the world!”

“ARF! ARF!” barked Joe. “You are welcome,” said Fred. “ Now let’s get your birthday dinner. Show me where you want to eat. Joe led Fred down the street. good smells came from all the eating places. But Joe walded on. At last he stopped at a small place. He smelled around the door. Then he pushed the door open. “Is this where you want to eat?” asked Fred. But Joe did not bark an answer. He put his nose to the floor and ran across the room. Then he jumped on a man at a table! “Good boy, Joe!” said Fred. Joe and Fred have looked for the robber for ten years. “And now you have found him!”

Joe and Fred took the robber to the police station. Then Fred said, “All right, Joe, you have done your work. Well done! Congratulations. Now do you want that birthday dinner?” “ARF!” barked Joe, “ARF! ARF!” “Let’s go,” said Fred. “I’m hungry, too.”


) 1. How old is Joe? A Fifteen.

B Five.

C Thirteen.

D Fourteen. (

) 2. How many years have the police and Joe looked for the robber?

A 13.

B 10.

C 6.

D 7. (

) 3. In the story, Joe says “ARF! ARF!” twice. The first time he means “____”.

A Hello! How are you?

B Thank you.

C Oh. No. I’m not a good dog.

D I’m sorry to hear that. (

) 4 Fred wants to give Joe a dinner because ____.

A it’s Joe’s birthday B today is Fred’s birthday C Fred found an eating place D Joe caught the robber (

) 5 Joe is great, isn’t he?

A Yes, he is.

B No, he isn’t.

C Yes, he isn’t.

D No, he is.

( 5 ) Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing __1__ her parents. They are both teachers in Beijing colleges. Mary doesn’t know Chinese __2__, but she is __3__ to learn and speak it. She often tries to __4__Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they __5__ understand because she can’t speak Chinese well.

It’s Sunday morning. Mary goes out. She is __6__ in the street. she is going to the zoo to see the birds and monkeys, __7__ she doesn’t know how to get there. She __8__ a Chinese boy. The boy can’t understand her, then she takes out a __9__ and some paper. She draws a mondey on a piece of paper and __10__ it to the boy. The boy smiles and then she shows Mary the way to the zoo. (

) 1. A with

B and

C or

D but (

) 2. A poor

B bad

C good

D well (

) 3. A tries

B trying

C try

D to try (

) 4. A tell

B talk

C say

D speak (

) 5. A do

B can

C don’t

D mustn’t (

) 6. A walks

B walking

C a walk

D walk (

) 7. A so

B then

C but

D or (

) 8. A asks

B questions

C says

D hears (

) 9. A book

B ruler

C note

D pen (

) 10 A reads

B writes

C shows

D thinks 根据短文内容判断正误。(正确的写T,错误的写F) (

) 1. Mary is an American girl. (

) 2 Mary knows little Chinese. (

) 3 Mary is going to the zoo to see the birds and monkeys by bus. (

) 4 Mary draws a panda on the piece of paper. (

) 5 The boy tells Mary how to get to the park.


Lesson 1The Wild West’s Legacy of Shame

By John Halford

1. THE LEGENDS of the Wild West still color many people’s impression of the United States of America. Unfortunately, the romanticized Hollywood cowboys and Indians have given a distorted picture of what really happened.

2. Certainly, America’s western expansion was in many ways an epic of courage and en-durance. Dogged pioneers opened up new territory and forged a nation from the wilderness. This is the stuff of legends. But there was a dark side to this story. For the Indians it was a sad, bitter tale of misunderstanding, greed and betrayal — and we should know that too.

3. Before 1990 fades from memory, let’s pause to remember December 29 as the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Wounded Knee. This “battle” (it was more of a massacre) marked the completion of the conquest of the North American Indians by the United States government.Not Enough Indians

4. In the early days of settlement along the Atlantic shore the colonists and the Indians got along together. Their ways of life were different, but there was room for both.

5. The Indians were not unorganized hostile savages. The various tribes were often confederations or nations, and at first, the new settlers treated them as independent powers. But as European settlement gathered momentum, mistrust began to build.

6. It was not long before the newcomers outnumbered the native peoples (It has been estimated there were only about a million Amerindians in the continent north of what is now Mexico).

7. In the struggle between the French and the British for control of North America (1689— 1763), and in the later Revolutionary War (1775—1783) between the British and the Colonists, the Europeans tried to win the support of the Indians.

8. They became pawns in the white man’s struggle to control North America. Those who found themselves on the losing side suffered reprisals by the victors.

9. By the end of the 18th century, the independence of the United States was established, and George Washington admonished Congress: We are more enlightened and more powerful than the Indian nations. It behooves our honor to treat them with kindness and even gen-erosity.

10.But that’s not what happened. Might became right①, and from the beginning of nationhood of the United States, the native people were exploited, forced from their homelands by the relentless European expansion — usually after signing agreements and treaties they did not really understand.

11. The white man’s concept of land ownership was alien to the Indians. They thought they had agreed to share, only to find that they had signed away the rights to live in their traditional territory.

12. Eventually, the government decided it would be in everyone’s best interest for the two peoples to live apart. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 gave the president power to relocate all the Eastern Indian tribes west of the Mississippi on land the new Americans thought they would not need.

13. None were to be exempted even those tribes who had made an effort to learn the white man’s ways were forced to move. The Cherokees, for example, were settled farmers, had developed an alphabet, and even published a newspaper in their own language.

14. But the Cherokees, along with the Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws and Seminoles②, were rounded up and herded off to “Indian Territory.” One in four Cherokees died during the forced winter migration along what became known as the “Trail of Tears.”

Broken Promises

15. Under the agreement, land to the west of the Mississippi was to be the Indians’ homeland for “as long as the grasses grow, and the waters flow.” Or rather, until the restless young nation wanted the land for itself.

16. Even before the treaties were ratified, the “permanent Indian frontier” was moved farther west. Over the course of decades, agreements were renegotiated, broken, amended, reratified and broken again.

17. The dispossessed eastern tribes, pushed farther and farther west into the Great Plains region, became refugees in the territory of the still free and culturally different Indian nations of the Plains.

18. The Plains tribes were the quintessential storybook Indians — proud, fierce, magnificent horsemen, skillful hunters and fearless warriors. For centuries they roamed the magnificent wilderness that was to become Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas.

19. Romanticized history has portrayed them as noble savages who blocked the path of the bold pioneers.

20. Not really. The Plains Indians also tried to accommodate the relentless encroachment on their hunting grounds. As the white man pushed ever westward, fencing the land and deci-mating the buffalo herds, the Indian nations struggled to hold on to their way of life.

21. They signed treaties; they tried to move out of the way. When cornered they fought back, bitterly and desperately, until, exhausted and discouraged, they would accept the terms of yet another fragile treaty, soon broken.

22. The Indian wars were an ugly episode in the history of the United States. Both sides fought grimly, usually mercilessly. They plundered, tortured and slaughtered; often the vic-tims were unarmed women and children.

23. The conquest of the West, usually portrayed as a valiant struggle, was in reality a cruel, particularly vicious war. Indian braves were not always the noble warriors of legend, and the U. S. cavalry often acted out of ruthlessness rather than courage and chivalry.

24. Unfortunately Hollywood Westerns have made heroes out of some rather bloodthirsty characters. The real heroes were those voices of reason on both sides who tried to stop the bloodshed.

25.The way of life of the two peoples, however, had become so different, and the feelings of mistrust and hatred too strong.

26. The struggle ended near Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, where the last desperate remnant of Sitting Bull’s Sioux③ had been rounded up after leaving the Pine Ridge Reservation.

27. On the bitterly cold morning of December 29, 1890, as the Indians were being dis-armed, a young brave (who may have been deaf) refused to hand over his rifle. In the ensuing struggle, the weapon discharged.

28. The soldiers opened fire, and when it was over at least half the Indians lay dead or seriously wounded in the snow. Skirmishes continued even into the early years of this century, but Wounded Knee represented the end of Indian resistance.

The Trail of Tears

29.The once proud Indian nations became an embittered minority, confined to reservations, second-class citizens in their old homelands. Some, like the Navaho and the Sioux, endured to preserve a strong identity.

30. Other tribes withered and died, remembered only by a name on the map, or the faded artifacts in a dusty corner of a pioneer museum. The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 guaran-teed full citizenship to all Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States, and today, all American Indians have full civil rights.

31. Yet most still choose to live apart, preserving what they can of their way of life. Significant numbers have shared in the American dream. But for many others, reservation life has meant despair, frustration and alcohol abuse.

32. The bountiful and practically empty New World had ample room for both peoples to work out their differences peacefully. But history shows that native people are seldom treated fairly by a stronger civilization.

33. Arguably, the North American Indians may have fared better than some other indigenous peoples on other continents. They were never the victims of a deliberate policy of slavery, or genocide, as has happened elsewhere. But that is not the point.

34. The United States was founded on the lofty principles of freedom and justice for all. But lofty principles ought to be lived up to.

35. The Bible tells us that righteousness exalts a nation, not broken treaties, greed and exploitation. Might is not necessarily right for a God-fearing nation (as the United States of America claimed — and claims—to be).

36. The Bible teaches that a treaty is a treaty, not to be taken lightly, and certainly not to be unilaterally abandoned when its terms become inconvenient.

37. The story that ended at Wounded Knee 100 years ago is a stain on America’s record. We tell that story, not to open old wounds, not to fan new flames of resentment. But to remind us how easy it is for a people flushed with success to become desensitized to the disadvantaged.

38. It is unfortunate that the conquest of the Wild West is universally regarded as a glorious saga of courage and opportunity. It was rather, just another sad, violent chapter in the long history of man’s inability to share with, cooperate with and love his neighbor as himself.

From The Plain Truth,④

January 199

1① Might became right强权即为公理

② But the Cherokees, along with the Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws and Seminoles--- Cherokee:北美印第安彻罗基部落;Creek:以马斯科吉部落为主的美国印第安人一个大部落---克里克人;Choctaws: 印第安人的巧克陶族;Chickasaw:美国马斯科吉印第安人一个部落---契克索人;Seminole:印第安人塞米诺尔族。

③ Sitting Bull’s Sioux:坐牛(北美印第安人苏族首领)

④ The Plain Truth:《朴实真言》(美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪拉市出版的一种教会性刊物。该刊是以六种语言出版、在全球发行的双月刊。)

Analysis of the Content

1. According to the article, the Wounded Knee Battle _________.

A. marked the beginning of the Indian WarsB. Marked the end of the Indian Wars

C. symbolized Indians’ braveryD. demonstrated the colonists’ power

2. The article was written to observe _______.

A. the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Wounded Knee

B. American’s conquest of the Wild West

C. America’s National DayD. the success of America’s western expansion

3. The author’s purpose in writing the article is to ______.

A. arouse Indians’ indignation against the American Government

B. demand compensation for Indian’s past sufferings

C. remind people how easy it is for a people flushed with success to become desensitized to the disadvantaged

D. expose the aggressive nature of the colonists

4. The overall tone of the article is ______.

A. critical of the IndiansB. sympathetic to the Indians

C. eulogistic of the Wild West’s conquestD. satirical of the US Government

5. To the mind of the author, the real heroes during the period of the Indian Wars were ______.

A. the Plains IndiansB. the Indian brave

C. the U.S. cavalryD. those who tried to stop the fighting

Questions on the Article

1. How do Hollywood westerns color American people’s impression about the western expansion?

2. What did the Western Movement mean to the Indians?

3. How did the Indians feel towards the colonists in the early days of their settlement?

4. How did the Indians suffer in white people’s internecine struggles to gain control of North America?

5. Were the Indians treated kindly as advised by George Washington?

6. What power did the Indian Removal Act of 1830 give the president?

7. Did the white colonists observe the act strictly?

8. What concessions did the Plains Indians make at first?

9. To the mind of the author, who were the real heroes in the struggle between Indian braves and white


Topics for Discussion

1. Was the Westward March an epic of courage and endurance?

2. Did white colonists treat Indians in the same way as they treated blacks?





The view from the top, and bottom


Bosses think their firms are caring. Their minions disagree.


AS WALMART grew into the world s largest retailer, its staff were subjected to a long list ofdos and don ts covering every aspect of their work.


Now the firm has decided that its rules-based culture is too inflexible to cope with thechallenges of globalisation and technological change,


and is trying to instil a values-based culture, in which employees can be trusted to do theright thing because they know what the firm stands for.


Values is the latest hot topic in management thinking.

价值观念 是管理学思维最新的热门话题。

PepsiCo has started preaching a creed of performance with purpose .

百事可乐公司已开始宣扬一个信条: 目的性绩效 。

Chevron, an oil firm, brands itself as a purveyor of human energy , though presumably itdoes not really want you to travel by rickshaw.

石油公司雪佛龙在自己的商标上印上 ‘人类体能 的供应商 的字样,尽管它大概并非真的希望你用人力车代步。

Nearly every big firm claims to be building a more caring and ethical culture. 可锐教育官网http://


A new study suggests there is less to this than it says on the label.


Commissioned by Dov Seidman, boss of LRN, a firm that advises on corporate culture, andauthor of How ,


a book arguing that the way firms do business matters as much as what they do, andconducted by the Boston Research Group, the National Governance, Culture and LeadershipAssessment is based on a survey of thousands of American employees, from every rung ofthe corporate ladder.

的作者多弗?塞德曼委托波士顿研究集团进行这项 国家治理、文化和领导能力评估 的研究,该研究是以对来自公司各个级别的数千位美国雇员的调查为基础的。

It found that 43% of those surveyed described their company s culture as based oncommand-and-control, top-down management or leadership by coercion—what MrSeidman calls blind obedience .

研究发现,有43%的调查对象对其公司的文化有以下描述:以命令和指挥为基础、自上而下的管理模式或强制式的领导——塞德曼先生称之为 盲目服从型 。

The largest category, 54%, saw their employer s culture as top-down, but with skilledleadership, lots of rules and a mix of carrots and sticks, which Mr Seidman calls informedacquiescence .

所占百分比最多的调查对象,即有54%的人认为其公司文化自上而下型的,但公司的领导也有技巧可言,只是规则繁多并存在软硬兼施的手段,塞德曼先生称这种为 知情服从型 。

Only 3% fell into the category of self-governance , in which everyone is guided by a set ofcore principles and values that inspire everyone to align around a company s mission .

只有3%的调查对象属于 自我管理型 ,即每个员工都被一套 核心原则和价值 所引导,这套原则和价值激励每个员工以公司的宗旨为中心进行工作。

The study found evidence that such differences matter.


Nearly half of those in blind-obedience companies said they had observed 可锐教育官网http://

unethicalbehaviour in the previous year, compared with around a quarter in the other sorts of firm.


Yet only a quarter of those in the blind-obedience firms said they were likely to blow thewhistle, compared with over 90% in self-governing firms.


Lack of trust may inhibit innovation, too.


More than 90% of employees in self-governing firms, and two-thirds in the informed-acquiescence category, agreed that good ideas are readily adopted by my company .

自我管理型公司中超过90%的员工承认 绝妙的想法很容易会被公司采纳 ,选择性顺从型公司中也有三分之二的员工这样认为。

At blind-obedience firms, fewer than one in five did.


Tragicomically, the study found that bosses often believe their own guff, even if theirunderlings do not.


Bosses are eight times more likely than the average to believe that their organisation is self-governing.


Some 27% of bosses believe their employees are inspired by their firm. 大约27%的老板认为自己公司的员工能够被公司所激励。

Alas, only 4% of employees agree. 奈何,只有4%的员工同意此说。 可锐教育官网http://

Likewise, 41% of bosses say their firm rewards performance based on values rather thanmerely on financial results.


Only 14% of employees swallow this.



A big, bad business


Medical firms struggle to profit from weight-loss treatments


OBESITY is an epidemic to some and an opportunity to others.


More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight.


Find a way to battle the bulge and a huge profit might be made. 找个办法和肥胖对抗,说必定就此大赚一笔。

On February 22nd one pharmaceutical firm, Vivus, took a small step towards this goal.


A committee advising America s Food and Drug Administration recommended that itapprove Vivus s diet drug, Qnexa.


However, the pill s long-awaited final approval may not come until April, if at all. 可锐教育官网http://


The announcement mostly served as a reminder of what a struggle it is to turn fat intogold.


Pharmaceutical and medical-device companies are quite good at treating the conditions thatcome with obesity.


However, they are dismal at helping consumers lose weight.


This is not for lack of trying. 这不是因为缺乏尝试。

Take the curious case of the gastric band.


Bariatric surgery can lead to weight loss in the long term. Hospitals can make money fromall bariatric procedures, including gastric bypasses , but the gastric band is a rareexample of an opportunity for device-makers to profit from weight loss.


Allergan, best known for selling Botox, has tried to use its Lap-Band to tap the obesitymarket.


It is an inflatable loop which the surgeon fits near the top of the stomach, which helps thepatient feel sated earlier.


Allergan has captured about 70% of the worldwide market for gastric bands and balloons, 可锐教育官网http://

butsales are now shrinking.


The recession has sapped consumers desire for expensive surgery.


Some patients have had bands removed because they slipped or proved ineffective.


Last year the FDA approved the Lap-Band s use in patients who are only slightly overweight,but insurers have refused to pay.

去年,美国食品药物管理局同意,微超重病人使用 Lap-Band,但是保险公司却拒绝付款。

In January David Pyott, Allergan s chief executive, said he would scrap an effort to marketthe band for teenagers.

一月份,Allergan公司首席执行官David Pyott说,他将放弃在年轻人束带市场的努力。

He is now trying to convince insurers of Lap-Band s merits, arguing that the $20,000surgery is recouped in saved medical costs within four years.


There is some scepticism about his chances of success: The fact that banding is not as goodas bypass has been known by everybody except the PR firms for the band, says LeeKaplan, director of the Weight Centre at Massachusetts General Hospital.

至今仍有人怀疑他是否能成功:“事实上使用束带不必胃绕道手术好,所有人都知道,除了束带的公关公司,”马萨诸塞州中心医院体重中心主任Lee Kaplan如是说。

Drug companies have had even more trouble than device-makers.


It has been 13 years since the FDA approved a prescription diet pill.

从美国食品药物管理局批准减肥药为处方药到如今已经过了十三年。 可锐教育官网http://

That drug, Roche s Xenical, has notorious gastrointestinal side-effects.


The FDA rejected Vivus s Qnexa in 2010 over concerns for the safety of pregnant women andthe quickening of patients heart rates.


Vivus s new data apparently satisfied the FDA s advisory committee.


However, the agency may yet reject the drug.


Even if Qnexa is approved, it is unclear that patients will buy it.


Qnexa combines two treatments that are already on the market.


Both medicines are generic, which means that doctors may prescribe the existing drugsrather than Qnexa s more expensive version.


For now, it is more profitable to treat fat patients than to try to make them slim.






Premarital sex


The waiting game


Chastity before marriage may have its uses afterall


WHEN is it the right time to do the deed?


If priests had their way, it would be shortly after the wedding ceremony—but recent studiesshow such advice is rarely heeded.


Roughly 85% of the American population, for example, approves of premarital sex.


Faced with numbers like that, what hope do the Vatican and its ilk really have?


More than they did a week ago.


Until now, the argument that couplesshould wait until they are married before they have sex has rested on mere assertion andanecdote.


Dean Busby and his colleagues at Brigham Young University, in Utah, however, havegathered some data which support delay. 可锐教育官网http://


Little is known about the influence of sexual timing on how relationships develop.


Even so, opinions abound.


Some argue that the sexual organs, both physical and mental need a test drive to make surethe chemistry between a couple means they will stay together both in sickness and in health.


Others suggest that couples who delay or abstain from sexual intimacy early on allowcommunication to become the foundation of their attraction,


and that this helps to ensure that companionship and partnership keep them together whenthe initial flames of lust die down.


To examine these suggestions more closely, Dr Busby and his colleagues recruited 2,035married people ranging in age from 19 to 71, and in length of marriage from less than sixmonths to more than 20 years.


Their religious affiliations varied widely; many had none.


All were asked to complete an online questionnaire normally used to help couplesunderstand their strengths and weaknesses. 可锐教育官网http://


Among the nearly 300 questions, participants were asked when they first had sex with theirpartners, whether their sex lives were currently good,


how they resolved conflicts, and how often they thought of ending their relationship.


In addition, the questionnaire had 14 items that evaluated how good participants were atexpressing empathy and understanding to their partners and how prone they were to becritical or defensive.


All questions, apart from those about frequency of sex, were answered on a five-pointscale, with one indicating strong disagreement and five indicating strong agreement.


Because religiosity delays sexual activity, Dr Busby and his colleagues also asked participantshow often they attended church, how often they prayed and whether they felt spirituality wasan important part of their lives.


They used the answers to control for religiosity. They also controlled for income, education,race and length of relationship.


Their report, just published in the Journal of Family Psychology, suggests that people whodelay having sex do indeed have better relationships, on four different measures.

他们刚刚在《家庭心理学杂志》发表的的报告认为,那些延缓推迟性行为的伴侣在四种不同的测量比较上的确拥有一份更良好的两性关系。 可锐教育官网http://

That result applies to both men and women.


Unfortunately, Dr Busby s method cannot distinguish the cause of this.


It could be, as many moralists preach, that the delay itself is improving.


It could, though, be that the sort of people who are happy to delay having sex are alsobetter at relationships.


Correlation, in other words, rather than causation.


That is material for another study.


If the result persists, though, even when personality is taken into account, it will provideuseful ammunition for priests and marriage-guidance counsellors.



1.marriage n.结婚;婚姻

The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。

2.ceremony n.仪式;礼节

The marriage ceremony took place in the church. 可锐教育官网http://


3.population n.人口

What is the population of this country? 这个国家的人口是多少?

4.approve v.批准;赞成

The city council approved the building plan.


5.anecdote n.轶事;奇闻

He departs from the text to tell an anecdote.



