




Tom & Mike


Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China. It was established on the basis of monks running school by Zhudong, the magistrate of Tanzhou prefecture in 976A.D at the time of Northern Song Dynasty. The academy accepted disciples throughout the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional Confucian learning to an institute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named Hunan University. The academy has witnessed a history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it was called a “one-thousand-year-old academy”.我们便到了岳麓书院的大门,大门始建于宋代,旧称“中门”,清代同治7年进行过翻修,采用的是南方将军门式的结构。



The gate was formally built at the time of the song Dynasty, and was then called central gate. The present structure was renovated in the 7th year of Tongzhi reign of Qing Dynasty, adopting the st ructure of a General Gate of southern China.

The characters “Yuelu Academy” on the horizontal tablet were inscribed by Emperor Zhen Zong, the emperor of Song Dynasty. It was said in the 8th year of Xiangfu reign, northern song Dynasty Zhengzong learnt the education reputation of Yuelu Academy and the virtue of the master,

Zhoushi, so he summoned Zhoushi to the capital to an interview and gives him the title “master of the imperial college” in the hope that he would stay in capital to gives lectures. However, Zhoushi longed for his Yuelu academy and insisted on going back to the academy. So the emperor awarded his Majesty’s own handwriting “Yuelu Academy” to hang on the top of the main gate and meanwhile presented him with some classic to take back to academy. From then on, Yuelu Academy became well-known all around the country and student came here to study in endless stream. Yuelu Academy became one of the four famous academies in the Northern song Dynasty.

Now on the door posts of the gates are couplets which read “the kingdom of Chu, unique home of the talents; the Academy of Yuelu, the very cradle of all. This couplet originates from Chinese classics and it is very appropriate given the fact that talents have been brought up continuously by the Academy since its establishment.



Located at the heart of the academy, the lecture hall is the most important place for teaching and momentous ceremony as well as the core of all construction of the academy. The hall had 5 lecture rooms when it was first built in the 9th year of Kaibao reign, northern song Dynasty. In the 6th year of Qiaodao reign, southern song Dynasty, the famous idealist Zhangshi and Zhuximade made a joint lecture here, which was the first joint lecture in the Confucian academies of China.

Under the foreside brim of the hall is a horizontally-inscribed board “Seeking truth from the facts” written by Bing Bu cheng, the principle of the industrial school. He treated it as a school motto in order to encourage students of the academy to be realistic in doing everything throughout their lives so as to judge wisely.

In the center of the hall are two gilding inscribed wooden boards. One read “Learn before you can probe the infiniteness of the universe.” Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty inscribed it to encourage the idealists to advocates their philosophy and to improve their self-cultivation. The second was inscribed by Emperor Qianlong and it reads “The doctrines taught here in the south are genuine Confucian doctrines.”This is the highest praise the academy could receive from the perspective of the advocates of idealism, indicating the essential status of the academy in the history of the idealism.

第二篇:TO be the Yuelu academy guide岳麓山的英文导游解说词

To be the Yue Lu academy guider

Good morning! ladies and gentlemen:

Today we will go and visit the yuelu academy! yuelu academy is one of the four famous academies in china, and it was established by zhudong, magistrate of tanzhou prefecture in 976a.d at the time of northern song dynasty. the academy accepted disciples throughout the song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties. it was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional confucian learning to an insitute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named hunan university.

Early in 1015, emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty awarded the academy hid majesty"s own handwriting "yuelu academy" on a tablet. form then on many famous scholars and great thinkers gave lectures here, among them were zhangshi, zhuxi and wangyangming, thus making a great impact on the province"s culture and education. most of the existing buildings here were constructions of the ming and qing dynasties, and the bulk of the engraved stone plates and inscribed tablets have all been kept intact, in 1956 the academy was listed as a historical site at the provincial level and later, in 1988 it became a historical site at the state level. the last restoration project started in 1981 and the major part was completed in 1987.

Now, here we are at the "he xi platform", "he xi" means the "the splendour of the sunrise", it was named by zhuxi, a great idealist

philosopher of the confucian school during the song dynasty, the platform was first built on the top of yuelu hill, by zhanshi, and later in 1528, a pavilion was built on it, but it became deserted with the passing time. in 1790 luodian, the master of the academy, built a platform at the present site, in 1820, the succeeding master, ouyang houjun, renamed it "he xi platform" in order to memory zhuxi and zhanshi. it was restored in 1868.On the inner walls of the platform are two big chinese characters "fu" and "shou", which mean "blessing" and "longevity" respectively. legend has it that the character "shuo "was written with a broom soaked in yellow mud by a taoist master at the time master luodian was attending a banquet in honour of the examination officials and those dispels who had passed the civil exam hence it has been regarded as having "celestial touch" the character "fu" was written by luodian, the master himself.This gate in front of us is the main gate, the gate was formerly built at the time of the song dynasty, and was then called "central gate". the main gate underwent both destruction and reconstruction in the course of time. the present structure was once thoroughly renovated in 1868.The characters "yuelu academy" on the horizontal tablet were

inscribed by emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty. it was presented as

an award to zhoushi, the master of the academy, when he was summoned to the emperor"s presence. on both door posts are couplets which read "the kingdom of chu, unique home of the talents, the academy of yuelu, the very cradle of all ".it was composed in the qing dynasty by the master of the academy, yuan jiangang and his disciple zhang renjie.

This gate was the second gate, it was first built in 1527 during the ming dynasty. it underwent repairs and restoration many times .it was completely devastated during the anti-japanese war .in 1984, the gate was restored to its former state. This is the lecture hall, where the students had lessons here, it was first built at the time of the song dynasty and was once named "jing yi hall". now, it has a more elaborate name "the hall of the loyalty, filiality honesty and integrity", because on the inner walls of the hall are engraved four big chinese characters:" loyalty, filiality,

honesty and integrity. they were handwriting by the great scholar, zhuxi, who once lectured here. others, such as the school regulations, the

administrations and way to read were masterpieces of the masters of the academy. on the two horizontal tablets hanging on top were written:"Learn before you can probe the infiniteness of the universe.""The doctrines taught here in the south are genuine confucian doctrines."

They were inscribed by the emperor kangxi and qianlong respectively during the qing dynasty.

The building in front of us is the yushu library, "yushu" literally means "imperial books", so yushu library ,built in 999a.d in the early song dynasty, was a place to keep imperial books. books were

continuously sent here during the succeeding dynasties. the library was first named "classics treasuring house" in the song dynasty, "classic venerating house" in the yuan and ming dynasties, and finally "yushu library" in the qing dynasty,. it had been repaired and expanded many times, and now it has a collection of over twenty thousand chinese classics. this building was rebuilt on its original site in 1986.

The two small pavilions xi quan and ni lan , built during the song and ming dynasties, were restored to the right and left of the compound galleries in order to display cultural relics.

第三篇: 岳麓书院导游词
















各位游客,前边是天外村广场,是泰山西路的进山路口。广场由一方一圆两部分组成,暗含着中国古代“天圆地方”的哲学思想,也被称作“天地广场”。广场建于2000年,占地面积3.5万平方米,(Motivational model yuedu.mipang.com)其中方形广场边长36米,中央镶嵌着大汶口文化着名的“日火山”符号。广场四周,围以石栏,栏板上镌刻着孔子、司马迁、李白、杜甫、元好问等42位历史名人咏颂泰山的诗辞文赋。连廊外侧耸立着12根高达7.2米的九龙盘旋石柱。每根石柱有三部分组成;12根龙柱代表了曾到泰山举行封禅祭祀大典的(黄帝、舜、周成王、秦始皇、汉武帝、东汉光武帝、隋文帝、唐高宗、唐玄宗、宋真宗以及康熙、乾隆)等12位帝王。



























各位朋友,现在让我们按照书院的建筑布局慢慢地走进那一种隽永的文化氛围。书院这个名字是唐朝才开始有的,是国家用来藏书和校典的地方,到宋朝时演变为讲学和藏书之外,稍后就具备了讲学、藏书、祭祀三大功能。岳麓书院是由潭州太守朱洞正式创建于北宋开宝九年(公元976年),经过近40年的风风雨雨的发展,大中祥符八年(公园10515年),宋真宗赵恒召见岳麓山周式,御赐“岳麓书院”匾额,于是书院之称开始名闻天下。岳麓书院距今已有千多年的历史,大家跨越头门,仰头可以看到的拓唐代著名书法家欧阳洵手迹而制成的“千年学府”匾额便是明证。走进书院,映入大家眼帘的是赫曦台,有些朋友可能会纳闷“赫曦”到底有什么含义。关于赫曦台的命名,是与两位名人密切相关的。赫曦台原建于南宋时期。乾道三年(公远1167年),著名理学家朱熹从福建来到岳麓书院,与当时另一位著名理学家,岳麓书院主教张拭(代山长)进行学术交流,两位名家经常相约登岳麓山观日出,每当看到朝阳光芒四射,朱熹就对张拭说“赫曦”(就是日出光明炎盛的意思),他于是把岳麓山峰命名为赫曦峰,张拭筑台,朱熹题“赫曦台”。现在大家看到的赫曦台是清朝同治七年(公元1868年)重新修建的,它呈“凸”字形结构,是典型的湖南地方戏台。大家拾级而上,可以看到台左右两壁檐上还保留有清乾隆年间修建时的戏剧故事雕塑,左边有《拾玉镯》,右边有《秋胡戏妻》等到较具有艺术价值的雕塑,可见,当时的书院的师生除了清苦的学习外,还有丰富的课余活动,儒家士人既严谨又闲适的思想也略见一斑。现在,大家请看台左边墙壁上近丈高的“寿”字,此字用二笔写成,形如龙蛇盘绕,柔中带刚,非一般人所及,所以被人们传为仙迹。关于此字的形成,还有一段有趣的故事。相传清嘉庆十二年(公元1807年),岳麓书院院长罗典在书院举行重赴鹿鸣宴宴会(鹿鸣宴指古代的地方官宴请科举考试中的考官和中试的学生的宴会,因为宴会上通常都演奏《诗经 鹿鸣》从而得名。重赴鹿鸣宴是指鹿鸣宴六十年后而举行的宴会),这天,达官贵人、科场举子云集岳麓书院,大家谈古论今,吟诗作赋,热闹非凡,正当兴头,一位身穿青布青袍,脚着草鞋的老道人来到院内,自称前来赴宴,那些士人见来者只不过是一个无名老道,便不是很善意地叫他先写几个字,道人当然明白其中之意,随手拿起墙边的扫帚,伸入黄泥水中,将扫把一举,唰!唰!两笔写下丈多高的“寿”字,然后把扫帚一丢扬长而去。院长罗典在惊叹之余曾托人*寻老道人,但不知下落,后来罗典在右边的墙壁上补书了一个“福”与“寿”对称。大家现在看到的“福”字用一笔写成,笔力强劲,形如猛虎下山。“福、寿”二字如龙腾虎跃,暗含岳麓书院是藏龙卧虎之地。但岳麓书院到底藏了什么龙,卧了哪只虎,我们稍后再讲。




各位朋友,请继续往前走,现在我们游览的是书院的核心部分——讲堂。讲堂位于书院的中心的场所,是书院教学和举行重大活动的场所,现存建筑是清康熙二十六年(公元1687年)由湖南工业专门学校校长宾步程撰写的。“实事求是”出自《汉书 河间献王刘德传》意即从实际出发,求得正确的结论,大家再看讲堂大厅中央悬挂的两块流鎏金木匾,第一块是“学达性天”匾,此匾是康熙二十六年(公元1687年)御赐,意思是通过学习理学可以达到恢复天性、天人合一的地步,此匾说明了岳麓书院是以理学作为办学传统,到这里来求学,可以达到学问的最高境界。第二块是“道南正脉”匾,这块匾是清乾隆八年(公元1743年)御赐,意思是岳麓书院所传播的朱张湖湘学是理学向南方传播后是正统,此匾高度评价了书院传播理学的地位。大家请往下看,讲堂的正中是一个高约1米的长方形计时坛,这是以前教师讲课的地方,讲坛上摆有两把红木雕花座椅,这是当年两面位理学大师朱熹和张拭会讲的用物。朱张会讲,盛况空前,“马饮则池水立竭。舆止则冠冕塞途”。为经念这两位名家,长沙至今还有“饮马塘、”“朱张渡”等地名。讲堂现有八幅对联和诸如《欧阳正焕整齐严肃碑》等大量碑言刻。讲堂右侧是湘水讲经堂,左侧是百泉轩等景点,请大家各自欣赏。





Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Yue Lu Academy for sightseeing. I am very glad to be your tour guide. The location we are now at is called the Front Gate. Please look up, there is a horizontal board inscribed with Chinese characters “千年学府”. It means the “Millennial Academy”. Why this academy is called so? Because it was established by TanZhou Prefecture ZhuDong in 976 AD, more than 1000 years from now. Hence the name “Millennial Academy”. It was one of the 4 academies in ancient China. Now please follow me and let’s go inside to experience the cultural atmosphere in Yue Lu Academy together.从岳麓书院的平面图,大家可以发现岳麓书院的古建筑在布局上所采用的是中轴对称、纵深多进的院落形式。其中讲堂是位于中轴线的中心,也是整个书院的中心位置。书院的建筑主要有三个部分的功能:讲学、藏书、祭祀。

From the layout, we can see that this academy is axis symmetric. Teaching hall is at the center of the axis. It is also the center of the whole academy. There are 3 main functions of the academy: giving lectures, collecting books, and offering sacrifices to God.我们现在来到的地方是赫曦台。赫曦台是古时候酬神演戏的舞台。朱熹在岳麓书院讲学的时候常常很早就爬起来跑到岳麓山上看日出,看到日出就拍手欢呼“赫曦,赫曦”,意思是红红的太阳升起来了,后来张拭就修了一个台,取名“赫曦台”。

Here we are at Hexi platform. In ancient time, it was the place for offering sacrifices and acting. During ZhuXi’s giving lecture here, he often gets up early and climb up the mountain to see the sun rise. When he sees the rising sun, he will clap his hands and cheered: HeXI, HeXi.” It means the red sun rises in the east. In later years, Zhang Shi had a platform established named He Xi platform.


Now we are arriving at the first gate. Please look up. There is a horizontal board inscribed with the characters” Yue Lu Academy”. It was granted by Zhen Zong in Song dynasty. Please have a look at the couplet below. In Chinese we say “惟楚有才,于斯为盛”The first half of the couplet was selected from Zuo Zhuan, and the second half was from Anelects. The meaning of the couplet is that there are many talents and celebrities here in Hunan province, but it is especially thriving here in Yue Lu Academy.


Now we are standing in front of the teaching hall. It is the place for teaching. Also, it can be called the hall of loyalty, obedience, honesty and integrity. There are altogether 3 horizontal boards in the hall. In Chinese we call them “实事求是、学达性天、道南正脉”.首先我们来看第一块匾:“实事求是”这是民国初期湖南工专校长宾步程撰写的。毛泽东青年时曾寓居半学斋,“实事求是”对他的思想形成产生了重大的影响,在后来的革命实践中,他丰富和发展了“实事求是”的内涵,使“实事求是”成为毛泽东思想的精髓。

The first board “实事求是”means come down to earth. During Chaiman Mao’s staying here, this thought has imposed great influence on him. In later years, he developed this thought into a practical and realistic style of work, and also, this thought has became the essence of Chairman Mao’s thought.


Now, please take a look at the second board inscribed with 4 Chinese characters “学达性天”It was granted by Emperor Kang Xi in Qing dynasty. It means that we should study to reach our innate characteristics. The character “性”means human nature, and “天” means natural law. Emperor Kang Xi hopes that one should learn to reach an ideal state that men become an integral part of nature.


The third board is engraved with “道南正脉”. It was granted by Emperor Qian Long to praise Yue Lu Academy for the achievements it made in developing Neo-Confucianism. The meaning of the board is that the Neo-Confucianism here in Yue Lu Academy is authentic.

Then, what is Neo-Confucianism? It is another way of saying Confucianism in Song Dynasty. The funder of Neo-Confucianism is called Zhou Dunyi in Hunan province. It is the brothers of Cheng Ying and Cheng Hao that developed Neo-Confucianism.



Please look down; there is a platform about one meter high at the center of the teaching hall. This is the place where the teachers giving classes. The two chairs on the platform are set to commemorate the two masters Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi. The two had once given lectures together in the teaching hall. It was a grand occasion at that time. Thousand of people come here from all over the country. Among them, many became the celebrities in Chinese history, such as Zuo Zongtang, Wang Fuzhi, Wei Yuan and so on.


Now, we are at the front of the building called “Yu Shu Library” “Yu Shu” means imperial books. It’s the place to keep imperial books at that time.

Ok, our visiting is going to come to an end. I hope that after our visiting, you can have a better understanding of the culture and history of Yue Lu Academy.

