



Good evening, teachers! I’m very happy to introduce myself here. My English name is Amy. I’m 12. I’m from Class 4 Grade 5 of XiuHu primary school. I’m an active girl. I like playing football. Because I think it’s very interesting. I’d like to eat chicken. They’re tasty. My favourite colour is pink. I like painting. There’re many pictures in my roo

Today I’m very happy to say an interesting story for you. One Dog or Two? One day a dog has a nice piece of meat for his dinner. He goes home happily with the meat in his mouth. On his way home,there is a stream. The water is still and clear. He stops to take a look at it. What does he see? There is a dog as big as himself and he has some meat in his mouth,too. “I’ll try to get it. What a feast I will have today!” He opens his mouth to get it, but just then his own piece falls into the stream. He goes sadly home. What does the dog have for dinner that day? The Wolf and the Litter Goat

One beautiful spring evening, a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner. He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.

“I must have that goat,” the wolf thinks to himself. “But how can I reach her?”

“Hello, little goat!” cries the wolf. “It’s dangerous there. I’m afraid you will fall.”

“Don’t be afraid,” says the goat. “I’ll not fall.”

“please come down here. Don’t be afraid of me. I’m a good wolf. I want to play with you. And the grass here is sweet and fresh,” the wolf says.

“Thank you,” says the goat. “I know who you are and what you want. You don’t want me to eat the grass, but you want to eat me up.” Then the clever goat runs far away,and the wolf has no dinner.


. 请谈谈你对你学校的感觉等..

(在哪自己写吧).First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. Then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.

I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.


介绍冬至的英语作文 Winter Solstice As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar. The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated. The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organize celebrating activities. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest. The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped. Relatives and friends presented to each other delicious food. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice was a day to offer scarifies to Heaven and ancestors. Emperors would go to suburbs to worship the Heaven; while common people offered sacrifices to their deceased parents or other relatives. The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) even had the record that "Winter Solstice is as formal as the Spring Festival," showing the great importance attached to this day. In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things. In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour. The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors. They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition. People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet. 下一页为冬至相关中文介绍 冬至相关中文介绍: 冬 至

冬至,是我国农历中一个非常重要的节气,也是一个传统节日,至今仍有不少地方有过冬至节的习俗。冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁” 等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,我国已经用土圭观测太阳测定出冬至来了,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。时间在每年的 阳历 12 月 22 日或者 23 日之间。 冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长。古人对冬至的说法是:阴极之至,阳气始生,日南 至,日短之至,日影长之至,故曰“冬至”。冬至过后,各地气候都进入一个最寒冷的阶段,也就是人们常说的“进九”,我国民间有“冷在三 九,热在三伏”的说法。现代天文科学测定,冬至日太阳直射南回归线,阳光对北半球最倾斜,北半球白天最短,黑夜最长,这天之后, 太阳又逐渐北移。

在我国古代对冬至很重视,冬至被当作一个较大节日,曾有“冬至大如年”的说法,而且有庆贺冬至的习俗。《汉书》中说:“冬至阳气起, 君道长,故贺。”人们认为:过了冬至,白昼一天比一天长,阳气回升,是一个节气循环的开始,也是一个吉日,应该庆贺。《晋书》上 记载有“魏晋冬至日受万国及百僚称贺„„其仪亚于正旦。”说明古代对冬至日的重视。 现在,一些地方还把冬至作为一个节日来过。北方地区有冬至宰羊,吃饺子、吃馄饨的习俗,南方地区在这一天则有吃冬至米团、冬至 长线面的习惯。各个地区在冬至这一天还有祭天祭祖的习俗。




时间流逝,高一第二学期已然结束。在这一学期里,我在英语教学,备课,批改作业,以及辅导学生方面都做了一些新的学习和尝试。同时自己也学习了许多先进的教学理+念,进一步深化了专业知识。对于新课程改革也有了更深一步的学习。新课程改革,是一次深刻的改革,新课改倡导全人教育,强调课程要促进每个学生身心健康的发展,培养学生良好的品质和终身学习的能力,新课改倡导建设性学习,注重科学探究的学习,关注体验性学习,提倡交流与合作、自主创新学习,课程改革的成败关键在于教师,教师是课程改革的实施者,作为教师的我必须做好充分的准备,学习新课程改革理论,更新教学观念,迎接新课改的挑战。从上学期开始,在全国上下刮起了”杜郎口风”,在全国掀起了一场 ”杜郎口教学模式”改革,经过研究和探索,我认为”杜郎口教学模式”之所以在全国推广,有其特殊性和先进性,另外,我也清醒地认识到,任何一种先进的教学模式和先进经验都不能照搬,必须结合自己的实际情况,因此,为了将杜朗口先进经验和本校实际想结合,我进行了一系列探索。所以,下面简单地回顾一下开学以来在这些方面所做的一些英语教学工作。



2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和 1
















oct.22,2013 dear general manager, i have attended the electronic products fair held in new york, us, which lasted for one week. there is another thing that needs mentioning. our customers hope that we may provide top-quality after-sales service. sincerely yours, david wang sales manager篇二:英语作文介绍信模版 dear tom, the house is located in the crossi

英文介绍信格式 1 文体介绍

正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:





(5)介绍信一般篇幅不长,前三个方面的内容常常可以放在一个段落里。 2 实用范例

(1)subject: introduction dear mr. / ms., this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business. we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to reciprocate. yours faithfully, yang ning 尊敬的先生/小姐,


我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。 您诚挚的


(2)subject: introduction dear mr. / ms, we shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need. yours faithfully, yang ning 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。 如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。

您诚挚的, 杨宁篇五:英文推荐信范文 dear sir: sincerely yours, chung weikuo research fellow and professor the institute of european and american studies 第二部分、对该推荐信的分析您觉得这封推荐信怎样呢?如果这是一封为秘书介绍新工作的推荐信,那还可以接受;不过对于申请研究生院来讲,就似乎不太够力度了。首先,这封推荐信犯的一个大忌就是不够明确。从信中我们只看到推荐人很努力地用了一大堆形容词,试着告诉入学评审委员,这个申请人“很聪明”、“很热心”、“很有潜力”、“很有分析能力”云云,相关的例证却付之厥如;接著,这封信又未能指出这个申请者这些特质与将来的研究领域有何相关,只说在这个申请人的帮助下,他可以专心于研究工作,言下之意似乎就是告诉对方这个申请者是个很好的秘书,而非一个有前景的研究生。 其实,只要多用一点心思,换个观察角度,单纯、琐碎的助理工作一样可以表现出这名申请者在研究生院相关方面的能力。比方说,推荐人不妨强调他之所以雇用这个人为研究助理,是因为这个助理以前曾做过与他目前的研究领域相关的报告,表现出申请者在这个研究领域已经具备的基础知识和研究潜力。

