





1. Do you really believe that Practice makes perfect? Give Specific examples to support your idea. 2. "It is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do." – Churchill 3. Do you think people today are any closer to achieving a peaceful and harmonious future or harmonious world than Confucius, who lived 2000 years ago? 4. Nowadays many university students are keen on starting up business, even at the expense of their study. What do you think? 5. Internet fraud has become a more and more serious problem, which endangers the trust among people. Do you have any good ways to deal with this problem? 6. Phone Apps have brought us many conveniences. Would you please recommend one or two that are most popular with university students and tell us why? 7. When Martin Luther King meets Barack Hussein Obama…

8. If you were to vote for American president, who would you prefer, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? 9. The government should/ should not invest more in sports to promote nationalism.

10. This summer, a tragedy happened in Beijing safari park: a woman was killed and her daughter was badly hurt after they got out of their car and were attacked by a tiger. Recently, the daughter has expressed her regret for online blame on both her and her family. What’s your comment? 11. What have you benefited from your college life? What is your ideal university in your heart? 12. What is your understanding of the quality of being independent? What are the benefits of being independent? 13. Suppose your course studies on campus have conflicts with your part-time jobs or social practices. What would you like to deal with this problem? 14. What are the qualifications of being a good leader? What is your understanding of leadership training of the young people? 15. What is your understanding of being successful? How would you like to train yourselves at college to get well prepared to embrace a successful life?

第二篇:韩国语演讲比赛 题目

1. 한 중 문화가 비슷하면서도 다르다. 2. 성공이란 무엇인가? 3. 하면 된다. 4. 나의 한국어학습법 5. 한국드라마의 매력 6. 문화의 힘

7. 왜 한국어를 공부하는가? 8. 이럴 때 한류의 파워를 실감한다. 9. 졸업 후 진로 10. 나의 기숙사 생활 11. 행복이란

12. 그 영화가 참 감동적이었다. 13. 그런 사람을 만나고 싶다. 14. 젊었을때의 고생은 금 주고도 못 산다. 15. 보람있는 대학생활

16. 봉사활동에 대한 나의 생각 17. 그 책을 추천하고 싶다. 18. 통신수단의 발달과 인간관계 19. 잊 지 못할 그 사람 20. 나의 인생계획 21. 우리 고향에 오세요. 22. 그 곳에 가고 싶다. 23. 가장 인상 깊은 한국의 문화풍습 24. 친구 만드는 법

25. 지구가 아프면 우리도 아프다. 26. 우리 모두 환경을 보호합시다. 27. 감사하는 마음 28. 아르바이트를 합니까? 29. 나의 스트레스 해소법 30. 한 중 대학생의 차이점






1、报名:(5月8日 ——5月18日) 由各班大学英语精读课教师在规定时间内组织动员报名。填写报名表(附)5月17日下午6点前将报名表交外语系办公室(用规定的报名表电子版)。








1、The Future Is Now

2、Man and the Internet

3、The Greatest Invention in My Eyes

4、Unity and Diversity

5、The Significance of Morning Reading

6、1+1=2?(Does one plus one equal two?)

7、Love and Take Care of Nature

8、Let’s Stand up From Where We Fall Down

9、Opportunity Around Us

10、Computer Games, Bless or Curse?

11、How do You Get a Good Relationship?

15 、My Future Occupation

16、The East and the West, Let’sEnjoy the Combination of the two Cultures

17、Building Trust Between People

18、On Challenge

19、Harmonious Campus in My Eyes

20、Competition and Co-operation

22、My Dreams

23、To go for great goals, you have to start from minor ones.

24、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.

25、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

26、The Importance of Reading intensively

27、United we stand, divided we fall


17th 21st Century speech Contest ---- Dongbei University of Finance & Economics(2011)

1. Study abroad: waste of money or deserve the cost? 2. Marriage: be well-matched in social and economic status or love is enough? 3. Impact of new technology on eliminating diversity 4. Is it reasonable to evaluate students’ achievement? 5. Leaders are made, but not born. Do you agree? 6. Your attitude toward salary negotiation? 7. If you are working in a foreign country, would you like to get used to new culture or keep your own? 8. Which is more important in keeping social safety, law or morality?

9. If you have a magic life remoter control, which part in your life would you like to replay or eliminate? 10. Will buying fake diploma lead to brighter future? 11. How do you think of Punk phenomenon in China? 12. Problems in primary school and kindergarten? 13. People tend to pay more attention to fashion, is it good or bad? 14. Introduce four of your role models that influence you most. 15. Would you prefer new books or second hand books? 16. Tobacco is good for economy and bad for health, how will you deal with it? 17. Can you give some suggestions to college students? 18. Choose three courses for college students. 19. “You will never know if you never try.” Do you agree? 20. Your definition of success. 21. What kind of family would you choose to be born in. wealthy family or working class family? 22. Different cultures among mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan? 23. Do you agree with the saying that public figures have no privacy? 24. Tell us some body languages you use most, do you know some of them in other cultures? 25. What do you value most in your first job? 26. How to grade one’s ability, academic achievements or something else? 27. Will you start with a regular job or work for yourself? 28. What is your opinion of corruption among officials? 29. Why do Chinese students go abroad to study? List as many reasons as possible. 30. What do you think of the saying, “Spend wise and stay rich”?




2. 怎样从自身做起,来实施卓越的“燎原”工程 主题二:大学生活


2.大学校园里最难忘的感情(师生情、爱情、友情等) 主题三:大学毕业季


2.面对各大高校就业竞争者,如何展现我们沈师学子的风貌 主题四:道德培养





