



May 9th this day is a special day, is our mothers Day Mothers day.

This day happens to be Sunday, I do not go to school, I would like to give my mother what kind of gift it, good to my mother a surprise. I came to my savings pot, opened a look only a dozen silver coins, what can I buy it? I think I want to buy a flower! So I went to a flower shop, a florists aunt said mothers day to send carnations so I bought a bunch of carnation and sent it to his mother. His mother received the flowers are very happy.


Today is a holiday for mothers, I want for my dearest mother combed a head.

I prepared a comb hair first, and then make mom has good braid down, gently, carefully to the mother again and again to comb to the ends up. I learn to mother for I comb my hair looks at ordinary times after combing your hair, then reproduce bright hair with hair bands. But I found my mothers hair is all no longer black, shiny black hair, but there are several white hairs, I thought to myself, mother must be too tired, not only to work had to take care of me every day, sometimes also worry about my grades...

Looked at those white hair, my eyes flash tears. Heart yells: mom, I love you!


Today is mothers day, I gave mother a box packaging delicate biscuits, I also made a beautiful card carefully, I use the rope tied card on cookies, I do a line of words written on the card is “I wish mom happy holidays” oh, its the best of both worlds, perfect!

After a while, after I showed my mother, the mother said: “son, you finally understand.” I listen to the mother of the words I can be happy.

When mother father holiday I will give them a big surprise, let mom dad happy, happy, happy.







“没有资料,你叫我怎样复习? 对了,我昨日上课的时候,你就就是不就就是动过我东西?”“我就就是你妈,怎样不能动你东西。”

哦,原先就就是一对母子啊,我大概也听出了个子丑寅卯来,此时妈妈把儿子的复习资料当成废品扔掉了,儿子发现后,才跟妈妈争吵的。 这个当妈的也真就就是的,儿子的东西连有用无用都分不清,职责明明在她,却还据理力争。


我一楞,我怎样也被卷入了他们的争吵,但出于礼貌,还就就是回头张望了一下。 那个母亲的目光却没有停留在我的身上,她向前面用板车拖着废品的方向疾力跑去,好在距离不远,她很快就追了上去。她喘着气和那人交谈什么,在征得那人同意之后,她把一堆废品摆在了地上,竟想去翻找!

于就就是,在我面前,一位还很年轻,衣着得体的母亲就这么不顾面子的,在小区里,翻找她儿子继续的资料。 在这么漫无目的的寻找中,她竟然奇迹般的找到,她刚想回去,却又被收废品的人拦去了,让她把东西整理好才让她回去。

她尴尬十分,却也把废品整理好了。 真奇怪,刚才那个跋扈的儿子去哪儿了,他难道就就是不愿见到自我母亲如此难堪的一面吗?

无言对天下父母,真就就是此情可问天! 呀,我怎样忘了准备给老妈的礼物,可不能随便,我突然想起妈妈一向想要我做的手工发卡,那个发卡就就是在手工班学做的,此时但我一向没舍得送人,哪怕妈妈看发卡的眼神透露出喜爱。
