



1.有水无湖:海、洋、海湾、河等,都用the;单个湖不用the,(但多个湖 用the); 如the Red Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Yangtze River The Great Lakes(五大湖);Lake Erie(伊利湖) 2.有球无星:地球,月亮用the;行星不用the: 如 Mars, Venus; 3.有山无峰:

如The Huangshan Mountains(黄山);Mount Everest(珠穆 朗玛峰); Mount(or Mt.) Tai(泰山) . 4.有独无欧(偶):独一无二的,

如the earth, the moon, the sun用the; 欧洲等七大洲不用the. 如Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Antarctica, Oceania 5.有(足)族无球(运动):种族用the: 如the Indians(印第安人); 球类 运动 如baseball, basketball 6.有文无章:历史性的文件用the;小说等的章节不用the 如The Constitution(宪法); chapter one 7.学而不专:学校放在词组的前面时用the;专有名词放在词组的前面时不 用the; 如The University of Fudan; Fudan University

第二篇:The statement claims that the choices of the stu

The statement claims that the choices of the students in the education institution should be guided into some certain directions. To some extent I agree with this point while it should be pointed out that this opinion neglects some factors and regards all the situations the same.

The first aspect that we should pay attention to is that theeducation institution could be decided into various types including the Fundamentalism schools, colleges and universities. For those who are still in the elementary schools, it is improper to encourage them to choose some certain fields of study. You could not image that a seven-year-old boy talking hedge funds with you and telling you about his next plan buying five million stocks from a company. As to the higher education, we should not mix them out. For example, to some linguistic education school, the classes are really limited and the possibilities for their students to switch offare rare.They go there just for the aim of learning a language rather than other purposes so it is unnecessary forthe school to encourage them to go for another field. But on the contrary,for some top MBA schools in the world such as Harvard Business School, which is a place to gather the talented businessmen around the world who are eager to pursuing money and wealth so it is rather more unnecessary for the school to encourage them because they themselves have already have clear goals.

For the comprehensive universities in the world, encouraging the students depends on the different conditions. For those who go to university only to peruse the career development , to choose a lucrative fields of study may not seem that ridiculous . But as to those who are really interested in theirstudy it is not proper to make them suspend . And there are also some students really keen on the academic research and deciding to devote to the science field all life time. When consider these group of people, moneymay not that appealing to them and lucrative careers will not become a tempt to them.

So in a conclusion, whether to encourage the students to change the field or not depend on the different situation and different conditions. There is none elixir so the leaders of the education institutions should consider more before making a decision relating to the students.

第三篇:The Call of the Wild

Abstract: The Call of the Wild, Jack London’s work, through a shocking story of a special dog called Buck fighting for survival, and learned to conform to the law of nature and obey the master. Finally, he found a basic instinct hidden inside him, which enabled himself to survive the tough environment, revealing the life in rushing for gold and fortune, encouraging people keep fighting in the hard environment wherever you are.





Buck, a half St. Bernard and half sheepdog with intelligence, strength and dignity, living a comfortable and civilized life on an estate, belongs to a kind judge who really took good care of it. Unfortunately, he was kidnapped and sold to North, in the hard days of pulling a snow-sled, he learns to adjust to life as a sled dog: he learns to fight, scavenge food, and sleep beneath the snow on winter nights, Eventually Buck kills Spitz and achieves mastery. With Buck at the head of the team, Francois and Perrault’s sled sets a record time. However, the men soon receive new orders and must bid the dogs goodbye. They turn the team over to a mail carrier who forces the dogs to carry much heavier loads. At the end of this journey, the dogs are exhausted, and the mail carrier sells them to a group of American gold hunters, Hal, Charles and Mercedes. Inexperienced and out of place in the wilderness, they overload the sled, beat the dogs, and plan poorly (SparkNotes). Half way through their journey, they begin to run out of food. Starving and overworked, one by one the dogs start to die. There are only five dogs alive when they pull into John Thornton’s camp. Buck refuses to rise when Hal orders to leave. So the cruel Hal beat Buck repeatedly. It’s Thornton who intervenes and saves Buck’s life. The rest of the team continues. However, the dogs and humans soon fall through the melting thin ice and perish together. Thornton becomes Buck’s master, and Buck’s devotion to him is total: he saves his master’s life twice and wins a bet that allows Thornton to pay off all his debts (GradeSaver). But this love is mixed with a growing attraction to the wild. So Buck always ranges far afield, and returns to Thornton in the end. Until, one day, he comes back to the camp to find his beloved master killed by the Yeehats, a Native American tribe. With rage, he kills many of them and then heads off into the wild, where he becomes the leader of a pack of wolves. But every year he returns to the place where Thornton died to mourn his dearest friend. Buck finally survives, and he really serves as a good example of the idea of “survival of the fittest”: his experience fits, his instinct fits, and his virtues fit the harsh environment. Someone is better suited to an environment will have a better chance for survival and lead a better life, The primitive law of the survival of the fittest also applies to the human world, like Buck who has just set a good example for human beings to learn. Therefore, it’s necessary, not only for Buck and other animals in the wild, but also for humans in the

civilization, to answer the call of the wild, which can be understood as certain required qualities, so as to be the fit one to survive in any environments, someone is not suited will inevitably lag behind or be killed, like Spitz, Hal, Mercedes and Charles. Experience is also

important for humans. Buck’s masters Hal, Charles, and Mercedes, extremely inexperienced in the wilderness, mistreat the dogs. They overload the sled, beat the dogs and plan poorly. Their ignorance finally results in their death. On the contrary, Buck’s former masters, Francois and Perrault, help the team set the highest record for their run due to their rich experience and knowledge about the wild and the dog Buck’s ability to listen to his instinct, which is handed down by his ancestors, enables him to be more and more powerful; and his natural knowledge, coming from instinct, makes him suited for the conditions of the environment. Besides, Buck’s virtues, such as loyalty, tolerance and persistence play an indispensable role in his fitness in the wilderness as well According to the novel, the wild is no longer a symbol of law of jungle but a headspring where streams out , besides loyalty tolerance and persistence, love, respect, friendship, bravery, diligence, and cooperation… all the virtues fit for survival. However, in human society, which is generally considered higher than wilderness, those virtues are disappearing. It’s humans that kidnap, beat, and even kill dogs; it’s humans that quarrel and fight instead of loving; it’s also humans that cheat and betray each other rather than keeping loyal.

第四篇:The Rhythm of the Rain

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,

Telling me just what a fool I’ve been.that it would go andin vain,

And let me be .

TheI care about has gone away.

Looking for a brand new start!

But little does she know that when she left that day.

Along with her she took my heart.

Rain, please tell me now. Does that seem fair for her

To steal my heart away when she don’t care

I can’t love another, when my heart’s somewhere far away.

TheI care about has gone away.

Looking for a brand new start!

But little does she know that when she left that day.

Along with her she took my heart.

Rain, won’t you tell her that I love her so

Please ask the sun to set her heart aglow

Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow.

Listen to the rhythm of ing rain,

Telling me just what a fool I’ve been.that it would go andin vain,

And let me be .

Oh,to ing rain--pitter-patter...

第五篇:The call of the wild 1

1. The introduction

Jack London, a famous American writer, was born on January 12th, 1876 in California. Born in a poor family, Jack had to leave school to make money. He worked hard in many different jobs. In the year 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead of getting much gold, he found ideas for his books and stories. He went back home and began to write. He wrote a lot of influential works during his life span, such as The Son of the Wolf, Love of Life, The Sea Wolf, The White Fang, etc. His writings successfully reflect the contradictory views of man’s nature and destiny in and against the wild and are warmly welcomed. He died in 1916 when he was only forty years old. The call of the wild was written after London went back from the north. Due to the shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables, London suffered scurvy and had to went back home. Though he didn’t find gold, he had accumulated a lot of writing materials which laid the foundation of his writings. On his way home, he had drawn the outline of his several books including the call of the wild.

2. The content of the novel The novel consists of seven chapters. It mainly tells Buck, a dog’s transformation from ranch pet to Ghost Dog of the Wilderness. The story starts with the context of the second great gold rush of the 19th century. Because of the discovery of gold in the Northland, thousands of people went there to find gold, which also made the demand of dogs increase significantly. As a result, numerous of

dogs were sent to the cold north and Buck was among them. Buck was born in warm California, and he was a mixed-blood whose father was a huge St.Bernad and whose mother was a Scotch shepherd dog. He inherited his parents’ qualities of bravery, belligerence and the endurance of coldness. Besides, though he had lived the life of a stated aristocrat, he was not becoming a mere pampered house dog because hunting and kindred outdoor activities helped build his strong body. All these were an indispensible part reason of his survival in the badly environment. Just as an old saying says that dog is humans’ loyalist friends, Buck was no exception. He believed in all the people that he was familiar with, while his loyalty caused him great trouble. Manuel took advantage of Buck’s loyalty and sent him to the cold, dark Northland. It is a turning point of Buck’s peaceful life and then his life changed completely. After a passage through many hands, Buck was sent to a place where he met a stout man wearing a red sweater who taught him the first important lesson that he would never forget. The man beat him severely with a club and Buck’s dignity was hurt deeply. However, he learned that: Once for all, that he stood no chance against a man with a club. It was his introduction to the reign of primitive law. Then Buck and another Newfoundland dog Curly were taken away by a little man. In the tween-decks of the Nerwhal, Buck and Curly joined another two dogs: Spitz and Dave. Before long, Buck learned another important lesson which came from the death of Curly. Curly showed her friendliness to Spitz, a husky dog, while led to a fierce fight. Finally Curly went down. It was a shock to Buck. From the thing, Buck learned the law of the jungle: there was no fair to play and once down, that was the end of you. At the same time, his hatred towards Spitz was increasing significantly. Having not recovered from the shock caused by the tragic death of Curly, Buck received another shock that he was set to work like horses. Although his dignity was sorely hurt, he was too wise to rebel. On the contrary, he bucked down with a will and did his best. When the chilly night came, Buck learned from his own team-mates how to sleep in the extremely cold snow world. Buck’s smart was really appreciated by Perrault and Francois. When working with the other dogs, he was taught how to work well in a team. Though sometimes he was punished by others because of his mistakes, he learned quickly. Faced with hard conditions, Buck changed a lot to adapt the environment. To get enough food, Buck learned to steal others’ food while not being caught. The dominant primordial beast was strong in Buck and under the fierce conditions of trail life, it grew and grew. He adjusted himself to the completely new life and tried his best to avoid fighting with others, especially with Spitz. Though he hated Spitz very much, he was patient enough to wait for the chance of revenge. Spitz also realized that Buck had threatened his dominant position, so he took every chance to get rid of Buck. Thus it’s inevitable that the clash for leadership should come. Eventually the fight between the two began. After a fierce and thrilling fight, Spitz went down and Buck replaced of him. From then on, Buck began to build his dominant position of the small world. Buck was equal to the leader position. At the lead of Buck, the general tone of the team picked up immediately and their speed also increased sharply. When achieved their goal, Perrault and Francois had to leave Buck and other dogs because they had to take another task. Therefore Buck and his mates were taken charge by a Scotch half-breed. This time, Buck’s work was not light running, but heavy toil each day, with a heavy local behind. Though Buck didn’t like the job, he still worked well. But the trip was really hard. In addition, the lack of rest and the bad weather made their situation worse. After several days’ hard work, all the dogs were broken down. Among them, Dave suffered most and before long, he died. And the others were also exhausted. At last, new dogs replaced of them. Buck and his mates were taken away by three Americans. Since they had no experience of taking charge of dogs, it’s not long before they got into hard situation. They realized that their dog-food was half gone and the distance only quarter covered. What’s the worse, there was no possible to get dog-food. So they decided to cut down the orthodox ration and tried to increase the dogs’ travel. Besides, Hal took hard on the dogs. As a result, the situation of Buck and his mates was even worse. Eventually some died. With the dogs falling, all the three Americans were in desperation, while the dogs’ suffering was even worse. At the time, they met John Thornton. John sympathized with the suffering of the dogs deeply so he bought the dogs from the Americans. Then, Buck began a new relatively comfortable life. At the care of John, Buck recovered gradually. It’s from John that Buck felt humans’ affection again, so Buck was very grateful to John. To show his gratitude, Buck did whatever John asked him to and he rescued John’s life several times. Gradually their relationship became closer and they relied on each other deeply. However their peaceful life was soon ended because of the invading of the Yeehats. During the fight with Yeehats, John was killed. Buck was so sad and angry that he revenged on them. After that, a wolf pack invaded Buck’s valley. After a fierce fight, Buck beat the wolf and became the head of the wolf pack. Here may well end the story and Buck had finished the transformation from the ranch pet to ghost dog of the wilderness.

3. My views on the book The novel refers to a series of stories about dogs. Each dog has its own character. After I read the novel, I find the dogs are very similar to humans, not only because they have the same feelings as humans like anger, sorrow, etc, but also they have the similar qualities. I would like to talk about some of the characters in the book which impress me most. (1)

Buck In my view, Buck is a perfect dog. Being a pet, he is worthy of the title of humans’ best friend. His loveliness, loyalty and livingness bring a lot joy to people. While being a dog living in nature, his inner qualities began to shine. First, his strong adaptability is really amazing. We can’t help appreciating him. When taken to the chilly north from the warm south, Buck was smart enough to adapt the sudden change. He learned from his mates how to sleep in the extremely cold night. When dogs suffered starvation, Buck learned to steal others’ food while not being caught. Faced with club, he was clever enough to learn to obey while never loses his nature. We have to admit it’s surely a sensible strategy. All these illustrate how strong his adaptability is. Then he is masterful and patient. Suffering the pains that the club and fierce conditions brought to him, he tolerated and adjusted himself to them. What’s more, his endurance with Spitz shows Buck’s wisdom furthermore. Though his hatred towards Spitz was deeply, he waited patience until it’s time to fight.

Buck’s another quality is his gratitude which can be seen from his loyalty to John. Because John had saved him, He tried his best to make John happy and never disappointed him. He also spared no efforts to save John’s life for several times at the risk of losing his own life. (2)

Spitz Spitz is the head of the team. He surely had excellent abilities to lead the team. While I don’t like him, even I hate him in some degree. That’s because of his cruelty and his narrow-mindedness. The death of Curly, a friendly dog who showed friendliness to Spitz while led his own death, is an evidence of Spitz’s cruelty. And just because Buck had threatened his dominant position, he found every chance to get rid of Buck. So the fight with Buck showed his narrow-mindedness in some degree. (3)

Dave and Sol-leks

They are the representatives of hard workers with highly responsibility. Their goal in life was to play well on their positions. They cared little about fame which can be seen from the scene that Buck insisted on playing the leader role in the team while they had no interest. All they thought was to work well. Besides, they had the spirit of sacrifice:Dave was so weak that he couldn’t play his role any more, while he would rather die on his position. Their attitude to work really moved me. Apart from the characters, I also think about the relationship between morality and survival. From the perspective of the book, we may find that morality is a barrier of survival in fierce conditions. Buck survived successfully mainly because he got rid of the so-called morality that he had developed in comfortable environment. To survive, he did something that was against the morality such as steal. If he abided by morality, he was very likely to starve to death. So easily, we may come to the conclusion that morality is based on survival. If one’s survive has no security, he has little ability or energy to care about his morality, even he wants to. On that condition, to survive, he may even do something that is against morality. Thus, it’s not hard to understand why people living in poor life usually have little sense of morality. So when we talk about the Somali pirates, we shouldn’t just condemn their evil because no one is willing to challenge the law at the risk of losing his own life. The reason that the Somali pirates chose to rob is that they are too poor to live. So the best way to get rid of the threat of Somali pirates is to ensure their survival security, or we would never get rid of the threat only relying on taking hard on them. Similarly, a country wants to improve its citizens’ moral level, the sensible method is to develop economy and improve the people’s living standard.
