




由此说明安全需要得到我们的重视。首先,人以食为天,所以食品的安全现在很受到关 注。现在很多商人为了食品的保质期,在食物理放了很多添加剂,导致了人们的身体越来越不好。这样是很不对的。其次,自身的安全也是很重要的。特别是出行问题上,人们现在乱穿马路不看红绿灯就是自己没有安全意识的表现。最后他人的安全也需要等到我们的关注,现在醉酒驾驶的人越来越多不仅是人们不重视自己的安全也是对他人安全的不负责任。



As we know, safety in our life is very important to us.

First, everyone needs to eat. It is bad to add too much additive into the food for it can make people ill. Eating food which is out of date is also bad for our health. Second, we’d better make sure the road is clear when we are crossing the road. Don’t cross the road when there is a red man. Not only we should take care of ourselves, but we should take others into consideration as well. For example, we’d better give up smoking and don’t drive when we are drunk.

In all, we should pay more attention to safety. It is helpful for both us and the others.二、社会道德(责任心)




Responsibility is very important to us. We should be responsible in many situations.

We can’t be a person who can do everything, but we need to be responsible for everything we have done. Responsibility can somehow make us successful. On the other hand, it is necessary to have it in a family. A happy family needs every family member to be responsible. Filially, responsibility can help the society to be better. To give seat to the old is the very example.

All in all, to be responsible is not only good for us but good for the others as well.三、教育类




Education is very important to us all. In order to get a better education, there are a lot of

things to do.

First of all, parents need to understand their children. Nowadays students have more and more homework to do. As their parents, giving more care is better than stress. A more important thing is that parents should not pay too much attention on reputations and benefits. Don’t forget that students are only children. They need smile on their face, even though parents are always goodhearted.

As a matter of fact, education is not only good for a family but good for our society as well. So let’s do our best to have a better world.四、环境类

由此说明保护环境是很重要的。首先,随着社会的发展,保护环境应该得到我们个人的 重视。从小事做起,比如不对树木乱刻乱画。其次,环境的保护意识得不到重视,将会对人类的健康造成严重的威胁。例如癌症的突发。最后,环境的保护要循序渐进。一旦自然资料遭到破坏,很难在短时间内恢复。很多动物的灭绝就是最好的证明。



It is known to all that Environment is very important to us. We should do our best to have a better Environment.

A good Environment makes people healthy while a bad environment makes people sick. For example, a dirty environment may cause cancer. In order to make a better environment, we should act from step to step. To begin with, we shouldn’t cut in the trees or on the desks. We shouldn’t overuse the natural resource; otherwise things like the dying out of the dinosaurs may happen again.

In all, if we don’t protect the environment right now, it may threaten the whole world. So let’s do our best to have a better world.








1. 奥运过热

2. 生态以前考过2次了

3. 科技对于文科学生不公平




1. 贫富两极分化问题(非常重点,一定要准备)

2. 城乡和东西部差距(准备一下,今年政治里也是重点,会命分析题)



1. 中国或美国的人口老龄化问题(比较重要,这是世界问题)

2. 对老年人的关怀(准备一下,命题的不少是老头)



1. 对贫困大学生的关怀(准备一下,贫困生现象和学费虚高)

2. 大学生的心理障碍(准备一下,上网成瘾、马加爵现象,响应党中央思想道德建设)

3. 对下岗工人和民工的关怀(了解一下,话题敏感)


1. 以上是本人得到新信息后立足基础的大胆猜测,力图压干水分,直击考点,希望对大家有帮助,如果有闪失,也希望大家谅解。

2. 不提供范文,大家自己找,免得考起来撞车。

On Social disparity (社会分化或贫富差距)

No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens. Changes resulting there from have not only impacted the economic system, but the social system as well. While we are celebrating our achievements in the past twenty years in social modernization and economic development, the issue of economic disparity, the problem of gap between the poor and the rich, arouses more and more public concerns.

There are many factors attribute to the increasing economic disparity. First of all, unbalanced economic development gives rise to income gap between the east and the west parts of China as well as one between rural areas and the urban areas. As the frontier of Chinese economic reform, big cities in the coastal areas such as Shanghai, Guangdong, Beijing, etc., has attained steadily high economic development rate for near two decades. The west areas such as Sichuan, Guizhou, however, are still underdeveloped economically. Secondly, the transition from plan economy system to market economy and the innovations of the enterprise structure introduce huge number of lay-offs into the labor market. Unemployment has now been a more and more serious challenge

to Chinese Government. According to official statistics, 20% of the bulk of urban population are in the stage of low-income or under-employment. Finally, lack of effective social assistance scheme(社会救助系统) and social security and services worsen the current social disparity.

Many sociologists warm that social and economic disparity can result in instability of the society, which will finally ruin the whole country’s existing economic accomplishments earned in the past two decades. Therefore, we have to attach importance to the problem and try to find out the way to help low-income family and individuals to improve their living standard.


Aging population problem (社会老年化问题及如何对待老人)

Many countries including developed and developing ones has experienced aging population. This is the result of decline birth and marriage rates. Aging population society indicates that it has less work force for production and much more old ones for society to take care of. In America, the generation of Baby Boom would experience their old age in the year of 2010s.

Aging is a social problem the majority of people living in the world are focusing on. The main problems aroused can be listed as following points. First of all, although in many countries, government would set up a series of social security and services to help old people to conquer problems of making ends meet. It cannot work problem out thoroughly. For the aged of lower class worker, and who is easy to lose his job or only has irregular income their economy problem will become more serious than higher class. Because their income is so limited, maybe can not cover the daily expense, and also, they have no money reserved for their old age. Undoubtedly, health is another key point. Aging inevitable and will come to everyone sooner or later. And there are two kinds of aging, the physical and psychological decline. In the United States, they are subjected to job discrimination, suffer high rate of poverty, and face prejudice formed on inaccurate stereotypes.

Since problems aroused by aging are so important and serious to the social stability and flourish. So the government of all levels should pay high attention to it. For the Family Members: especially for their mature children, they must respect their aged parents and show their caring usually. Be tolerant and more considerate. The elder should also change their concept about old age, try to find interest in it. For the Society: mostly for the government, they must take aging problem in to consideration at any time, Form a better Social Security System for them, protect them from poverty, and spend much more expense in funding and maintaining old people protecting organizations and welfare. Such as paid or free nursing houses for elder to live during their last years of life. For communities old ones are living in, they should also offer them varies of social activities, which can include entertainment and study. All these ways created can make elder’s life colorful and can also help them to enjoy their whole life.

Human being is a kind of species, which can also get old and eventually dies. So taking care of old people is so necessary. As a kind of good tradition it has long history in both China and abroad and must be respected as one of human beings’ merit.

Financing undergraduate education of students in poverty (贫困生教育问题)

Recently the issue of financing undergraduate education of students in poverty has been fully covered by the media, which arouse grave concerns from both the public and the government. Although the situation of the poor students involved has received wide sympathies and financial supports of various forms, it takes pain-taking efforts to solve the problem as a whole.

Basically there are three factors leading to the problem of students in poverty. First of all, due to innovations of China’s higher learning education system, the authorities has given up its policy of free-higher-learning-education since 1998, which shifts part of the financial burden to the individuals involved. Secondly, to improve the education quality, universities of China pursue bettering their facilities necessary and attracting competent faculty members, which greatly stimulates the cost of administering a school. To make the balance even, most universities choose to raise tuition to guarantee its healthy development. Finally, unbalanced regional economic development and increasing number of lay-offs or underemployment worsen the financial situation of households of poor student. In rural area of the west part of China, 80% of the admitted students are forced to give up their dream of entering university because of the lack of money.

From the above analyses we can easily draw the conclusion that the problem of students in poverty has become a social problem which will finally influence the further development of our society. Therefore, we should take it into serious consideration. I strongly suggest Chinese government establish more effective financial policies and find out more channels to finance the students’ education.

Psychological problems confronting university students (高校心理问题)

The execution of the notorious murderer, Ma, jiajue, again rings the warming bell to the public to fight against psychological problems confronting university students. In my opinion campus psychological problems have following social roots. First of all, new generation of university students are born in one-baby family, entitling them to excessive care and love from parents and grandparents. Therefore, most of them lack enough disciplining in how to get along with people around and don’t know how communicate with each other. Egoism is flooding within and outside campus. Secondly, due to the development of internet, new generation of university students are exposed easily to negative side-effects of the society. They are obsessed with sex, rumor, QQ, internet games, etc., In the cyber-world full of cheating and rumor, colleague students incline to put studying aside and pursue leisure instead. Thirdly, loopholes in moral disciplining by the educational authorities also should take to blame for the worsening situation. More and more tragic cases indicate campus psychological problems are now to be fight against immediately. What can we do to help them out? It is a question not only in the realm of sociologists but also every social element involved. In my opinions, an effective psychological consulting system should be established in every university to teach and help students affected find the way out when in psych-troubles. Also on the parts of the students, they should try to enrich themselves in every aspects of life and improve their communication skills. Last but not the least, universities have to

strengthen their moral disciplining to help students establish correct target of life and moral standard.


Topic 1 Students and mobile phones


1. 学校已提供了公共电话,因此学生没有必要带手机,而且手机话费多;

2. 若在课堂上接听手机会印象上课;

3. 学生开手机游戏或接发短信,将无法集中精力学习。

Now mobile ohones are becoing more and more popular among the middle school students. Is it really necessary for us students to take the mobile phone to school? My answer is “no”.

First, there are some oublic ohones in the school. It is convient for us to keep in touch with our parents or friends after class. The charge of the public phone is cheaper than that of the mobile phone. Second, if the mobile phone rings in class, it will disturb the teacher and other students. Third, some students play the games in the phone. It is a waste of time. What’s more, some students use the mobile phone to cheat in the exams.

So I don’t think it is really necessary for us students to take the mobile phone to school. (140)

Topic 2 Being a civilized teenager

假如你要接受一家英语报社的采访,记者提供出的问题是“How can you be a good teenager?” 。 请你根据下面所给提示及要求,准备一段应答稿。


(1)What should you do at school?

(2)What can you do to give help at home?

(3)How do you show your love to your parents (or grandparents...)?

Well, to be a good child, first of all, I should study hard at school. I must listen to the teachers carefully in class. Besides, I should also be friendly to others ad take active part in the school activities.

At home after I finish my homework, I can help my parents do some homework, such as clean the house, wash the dishes and clothes. What’s more, I should always respect them and talk to them often. And on their birthday, I will give them some presents or do somethig special to show my love.

Topic 3 An announcement








There will be an English lectures on the differences between American Culture and English Culure. It will be given by Mr. Li of our school in the school hall on Saturday evening from 6:00 to 8:00, May 30th. Anyone wh is interested in it will be welcome.

Please be sure not to be late.

May 29th

The Students’ UnionTopic 4 Celebrating the Birthday

假如你是陈琳,上周六是你的生日。很多朋友来参加你的生日聚会,他们给你买了礼物,还向你说生日快乐。你的妈妈给你做了蛋糕。你们一块吃蛋糕,玩得很开心。请以My Birthday Party 为题,写一篇70词左右的短文

My Birthday Party

Last Saturday was my birthday. I had a birthday party at home. I invited many frineds to my party, and they bought some presents for me. My mother made a big birthday cake for me and prepared a big meal for us. Before dinner, all of them sang “Happy birthday to Chen Lin”. During the party, we ate and talked and laughed. We had a wonderful time.

Topic 5 My favourite sports

Dear Bob,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Now I’m writing to you to say something about my favourite sport. I like swimming, running and playing volleyball. But volleybal is my favourite sport. When I was young I watched the Olympic Games on TV and our Chinese women volleyball team won the first place. I was very excited and from then on I became interested in volleyball. Now I’m on school volleyball team. But I can’t play it every day because I’m in my third year in a middle school. I’m very busy with my lessons, so I can play volleyball only on Friday afternoon.

Do you like volleyball? Please tell me in your next letter.

Yours,Ma Lin

Topic 6Computer Games

Nowadays, many children are very interested in computer games, and they play for a long time. This causes a lot of trouble. It is very bad for their eyes. Many children have to wear glasses for this reason. What is worse, some of them don’t pay attention to their studies any more.

To solve this problem, parents should help them. Give them time to play computer games, but they can only play for half an hour or an hour. Parents should also encourage them to study hard and take part in more exercise.

Topic 7 Safety and Self-protection

以 How to keep safe in the school 为题,写一篇短文。内容包括




How to keep safe in school

Do you know that our shool life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example, one day, two students ran after each other in the hallway. Suddenly, one of them fell down and hurt his leg because of the wet floor. Therefore, he had to stay in hospital for two weeks. So I think students should always walk but not run in the hallways. And the teachers had better keep an eye on the students after class and stop them from running. As last, I hope all the students should pay attention to their safety in school.

Topic 8 Greenhouse Gas and Low-carbon Life


On June 5th —World Enviroment Day, our class has a discussion on how to protect the ecviroment. We think the enviroment is one of our biggest worries. Take air pollution for example. It causes global warming, which affects lives on the earth. How to stop global warming? In my opinion, there are so many things each one of us can do every day. It’s best for people to take buses or walk instead of driving cars. We should stop using plastic bags for shopping. We can recycle to reduce the rubbish and use solar energy.

In these ways can we save evergy, reduce pollution and protect the enviroment.


(2012-05-09 01:31:47)


江苏省太仓高等中学 时静


美国有名的试飞驾驶员胡佛,有一次飞回洛杉矶,在距地面九十多米高的空中,恰好有两个引擎同时失灵,幸好他技巧高明,飞机才奇观般地着陆。胡佛即时检讨飞机用油,正如他所预感的,他驾驶的那架螺旋桨飞机,装的却是喷气机用油。当他召见那个负责颐养的机械工时,对方已吓得直哭。这时,胡佛并没有像大家料想的那样暴跳如雷,而是伸出手臂,抱住维修工的肩膀,信念十足地说:“为了证实你能干得好,我想请你明天帮我的飞机做维修工作。”从此,胡佛的飞机再也没有出过差错,那位随随便便的维修工也变得爱岗敬业,精打细算了。 这个故事令人激动。固然维修工的错误险些使自己丧命,但心肠仁慈的胡佛深深理解有差错者的心理。当对方因出了重大错误而苦楚不堪时,善解人意,自我抑制,出乎意料地给予宽慰,使其恢复自负和自尊。这,就是友善的巨鼎力量。试想,假如胡佛恼怒叱责这位维修工,甚至不依不饶地查究他的义务,那么很可能会彻底地毁了他。可见,面对统一件事,以两种不同的态度来看待,就会有迥异的终局。友善,可以使大事化小,小事化了,不仅善待了别人,也能使自己得益――胡佛的飞机不是从此就没出过任何差错吗?而以愤怒乃至暴力来应答,成果往往是有百害而无一利。




[点评] 这篇文章吃透了话题资料的内涵,破意上有必定的深度,而且用例典范,对照赫然,分析切当,读来令人佩服。


江苏省太仓高级中学 王�










[点评] 本文作者联合浏览所得和本人的亲自阅历,有理有据地开展阐述,说明了友善能润泽美德天生跟影响一个人成长的情理,观点明白,言之成理。 附时文一篇:








面对女孩递过来的乌龟,青年人眯起眼睛缓缓观赏着,脸上的肌肉时不断地抽动一下,继而一丝笑颜委曲地跳了出来。他喃喃自语道:“好,把它作为结婚礼物是再好不外了。”青年人的脸高兴得有点扭曲,两眼灼灼闪着光。女孩在一旁仔细察看着青年人,她对青年人自言自语道出的那句话觉得极大的震惊。虽然她刚离开校门未几,但她知道那种货色若呈现在婚礼上,将无疑是投下一颗重磅炸弹。 女孩表情安静地问道:“大哥,结婚的礼物应该好好包装一下的。”说完哈腰到柜台下找着什么。“真不巧,包装盒用完了。”女孩说道。


女孩忙说:“没关系,我今天回家连夜给你包装好,明早你来取,保障让你满足。” 第二天一早,青年人如约取走了那盒包装得极优美的礼物,像兵士奔赴战场一样,去加入他以前曾经深深爱过的一位姑娘的婚礼。共2页,当前第1页1

第五篇:以感恩为话题作文-以感恩为话题作文 以感恩为话题的作文















2 感恩的日子












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