





How to protect our environment / save our earth Today / Now / Nowadays

As we all know , the environmental problem has become / is one of the greatest challenges in the world.Human beings are injuring(destroying)our earth.Many trees are being cut down.Some animals are endangered.The water in the river is becoming dirtier and dirtier.Natural resources(自然资源)are becoming fewer and fewer.As a result(结果), the earth is becoming warmer and warmer, there are many natural disasters(自然灾害)happening.Such as earthquakes, floods, storms and so on(等等)

In order to protect our environment, what should we do? / what should we do to protect our environment? First, we should plant more trees instead of cutting down trees, Second, we shouldn’t waste natural resources, we should save them.For example we should save water.Third , we should stop factories from pouring dirty water into the river.Fourth, we shouldn’t use plastic bags or throw about rubbish.We should recycle rubbish.In a word(总之), we can do many useful things to save our earth.I believe that our earth will become better and better if everyone pays more attention to our environment.注示:如果是一篇演讲稿,第一句增加为I’m happy here to make a speech.最后一句要写为:Thanks for listening.二.学生安全越来越重要,学生应怎样保护自己呢?

How to protect ourselves!Teenage safety has became more and more serious, a list of school accidents have happened recently, so how to protect our teenagers has become a big problem that we have to face.There are many things that we have to know about.First, don’t go out late at night alone.If you have to, you must go with your friends or family.And go back home as early as possible.Second, you’d better not talk with strangers.Third, don’t meet an Internet friend alone, or you can meet in a public place.Fourth, we must obey the traffic rules, Be careful on the road.Fifth, it’s necessary for us students to know the knowledge about the fires-aid.It’ll give us skills know to protect ourselves.Sixth, if you are in trouble, you must be brave call 110 as quickly as possible.Or ask people around you for kelp.In a word, safety is the most important.We muse learn how to protect ourselves.三.日常生活、学习中,我们会遇到各种各样的烦恼,怎样面对和解决这些烦恼呢?

How to deal with our problems?

In our daily life, everyone has all kinds of problems.How to face and solve them? Here are some suggestions / tips(建议)for you.First, when you wake up each morning, be happy to meet another day.Second, if you can’t study well, you can ask your friends or teachers for help.Try your best to study.Third, if you can’t get along well with your classmates or parents, talk about your problems with them.Find out the best way to solve it.In a word, we should change the problems into challenges.Nothing is difficult / impossible if your put your heart into it.(世上无难事,只怕有心人)





1、Traffic and Protecting Environment(交通与环保)

2014年1月上旬,全国中东部地区17省市持续雾霾,陷入大范围的重度和严重污染。造成这一现象的主要原因是工厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。绿色低碳,保护环境,从我们身边小事做起。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以“Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment为题写一篇80词左右的短文。





Let’s Do Something to save Our Environment

We all live on the earth.The earth is our home.We have only one earth.We must take care of it.It gives us the best environment.If we harm it, it will be angry.And then we will have a terrible end.There are three problems in our earth;they are pollution, disaster and illness.It’s our duty to protect our environment.So we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, save energy, reduce the pollution.We should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.Protecting the nature is very important.It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.2、科普知识与科学技术The Popular Science Knowledge and Science Technology


The Most Helpful Invention

There are a lot of inventions in the history.Some of them play an important role in people’s life and some have greatly changed the world.In my opinion, I think the most important invention is the car.First, people used to travel by train or by plane.But now, they can go any place by car.Second, when holiday comes, they can visit their family and friends by car.Third, they can also go to many places of interest to enjoy themselves.In a word, I do agree that cars are the most important invention.、The Environment around You(周围的环境)

生活在社区里的孩子们生活单调:几乎不认识周围的邻居,没有兄弟姐妹。社区负责人黄叔叔注意到这个问题,于是向大家征集解决问题的建设性意见。假如你是Li Ping, 请你写一篇80词左右的邮件向他提出你自己的建议。





Dear Uncle Huang,Thank you for reading my e-mail!I am living in this community.I don’t have any sister or brothers.I also have no friends here.Luckily, you want to help us.Here are my suggestions.First, we can organize the children in this community to clean up our neighborhood.Through this activity, we can know each other and make new friends.Second, I hope we can be offered a room to do homework, and then we can help and learn from each other.Third, I think we can ask children to join our Youth Club.We can take part in a lot of interesting activities, such as holiday camps and discos, regular visit to the old people, evening parties and concerts.Our life will be fun and colorful.Best wishes!

Yours truly,Li Pin4、Relationship and Emotional Attitude(人际关系和情感态度)书面表达:



As students born after 1990, we have so many advantages.We are usually kind and helpful.When someone is in trouble, we always give him or her hand.We are also active.We like to do sports and go traveling.Most of us can work hard in class and play happily after school.Besides, we are imaginative and creative.We always try something new and do everything differently.On the other hand, we also have some disadvantages.Sometimes we can’t express our opinions in proper ways;sometimes we are a little over confident.And many students have no brothers or sisters, so they may do everything for themselves.These problems may make us seem impolite;even we can’t communicate with others well.So it’s the most important for us to learn how to get on well with others.、Interest and Hobby(兴趣与爱好)书面表达:







Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in schools.We also have many kinds of after-class activities in our school, such as English corner, playing basketball and swimming.I am interested in the English corner, because it can help me make some new friends there.If you also want to take part in after-class activities, I have some suggestions.You had better choose the activities which are good for you;you had better choose what you like.Dear friends, please take part in after-class activities.I’m sure you will learn a lot and you will find it very interesting at the same time.Your school life will be colorful.、Something Personal(个人情况)书面表达:

你有没有发现你的家人或你身边的朋友也发生了变化?请你写一篇文章介绍你的一位家人或朋友这几年来的变化,包括外形、性格、喜好、生活方式等几个方面的变化。80词左右。People sure change!My best friend, Mary has changed a lot in the last few years.She used to be fat but now she is thin.She used to have short hair but now she grows it long.She used to be really quiet but now she is outgoing.She used to spend a lot of time playing computer games, but now she has to study all day.She used to do morning exercises and some other activities every day, but now she is used to studying all the time and spends little time on her hobbies.In the evening, she used to watch TV with her family, but now she must go to bed early, because she has to get up early in the morning to read the text books.Time goes by, it’s amazing how she’s changed and she is never a child.7、Reduce Pressure(减压)

假设你们班要在下星期一举行题为“The Ways for Students to Relax”的班会,请结合报道的内容。用英语写一篇80字左右的发言材料。



2.你认为来自于English Online调查结果的放松方式是否有效,为什么?


Dear fellows,Not only adults but also we students often feel stressed because we have too much homework to do, and we are very busy studying every day, we don’t have our own time to do what we are interested in.We are very tired and sleepy all day, so we should learn to deal with it.What should we do to relax?

From the result of the survey, I think doing sports with classmates is a good way to relax.Because it’s good for our health and it can make us relaxed.I also have three ways to relax ourselves.First, we can listen to music.Second, we can go to the movies with our parents on weekends.Don’t study at home all the weekend.Third, when we feeltired, we can think about something interesting.I hope my suggestions can help you.Thanks!

8、Family, Friends and the People around You(家庭、朋友与周围的人)

假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情,他或她为你做了什么,你又将怎样回报他或她的付出。请结合上文内容,以“Thankyou, my…”为题写一篇发言稿。





Thank You, My Mother

Wherever we are today, whatever we are, we owe it to our parents who have given and taught us so much, so we should thank them, especially, thank our mother.I think my mother is one of the best mothers in the world.She is the busiest one in my family.She does chores for the family and

cares about my study.She has taught me a lot.She does lots of things for me.But she never wants anything in return.How will I show my thanks to my mother? First, this year, I am going to

give her a surprise birthday party and buy her a special present.Second, I’ll

do well in school.Third, I’ll help her do housework when I’m free.I want to

make her happy.In a word, I love my mother.9、Shopping(购物)


请你用Shopping Online为题写一篇文章,说说你的看法:人们为什么喜欢网上购物,网上购物有哪些优点和缺点。(80词左右。)

Shopping Online

Today, people are busy with their work and study and have little time to go shopping.So shopping online has become an important part in their lives.It is convenient and we can save much tim

e.Besides, with all the traffic problems in cities, going shopping is not an easy thing.Just sit at a computer, click and choose, you can find all kinds of different things online.You can also comparewith the prices.So you can buy something you like but not expensive.However, shopping online can bring you some trouble.Sometimes, you will find that the things you get are different from those you can see online.And, the qualities of the things are not so good.Even, you will be cheated by others.So we should be careful to shop online.10、Plans and Wishes(计划与愿望)







细读试题, 认真审题。通过审题弄清楚下面几个问题: (1) 所给情境和提示 (即内容是什么) ; (2) 要求是什么; (3) 写的体裁是什么 (如:通知、日记、书信、留言条、人物或地点介绍、看图写话等) 。

对于书面表达的内容和要求, 即对题目所提供的信息, 不论是中文、英文提示, 还是图画、图表, 都要认真分析, 反复推敲, 抓住要点, 掌握主旨大意, 这是做好书面表达的前提和先决条件。


编写要点提纲, 组织语言材料。我们在进行写作时, 要根据写作的中心思想考虑如何开头、展开和结尾, 设想几个承上启下的连词。将主要句型, 关键词语记下, 形成提纲, 写时切忌结构分散, 废话连篇, 严重离题。英语书面表达题材广泛, 内容丰富多样, 要弄清写作的要求是写人、叙事、介绍、通知、补全对话、书信、日记、留言条, 还是看图作文。如果是日记, 要写明年、月、日和天气情况;如果是书信, 则要注意书信的格式, 注意短文词数不要低于或超过规定的词数太多。拟定提纲时, 中心要突出, 条理要清楚, 不要写一些与主题无关的东西。


把列出的提纲写成英语, 再连句成篇。做好这一步骤需要注意下面六点:

(1) 尽量使用简单句和最熟悉、最有把握的句型短语来表达, 少使用一般疑问句、祈使句和感叹句, 不用或少用非谓语或情态动词等较复杂的句型, 切忌华而不实。

(2) 正确运用语法结构和关联词;主谓语要一致, 主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。

(3) 语言表达要符合英语习惯, 切忌汉语式英语。

(4) 运用语言时, 思维要活跃, 注意一个意思可以有多种表达形式。例如:如果通篇只用“There be”结构, 该书面表达的效果肯定会大打折扣。

(5) 句子连贯, 语句通顺, 表达清楚。

(6) 书写一定要工整、规范、清晰。四、反复检查

认真检查, 改正错误。写完作文后, 要做到认真检查, 改正错误, 做好这一步骤可以分为五步:

(1) 通读全文, 仔细检查, 看内容是否完整, 有无遗漏或误解。

(2) 检查格式是否正确, 有无文不对题或欠缺的地方。

(3) 检查语法是否正确, 有无句式或用语错误, 尤其注意人称的使用、名词的所有格、名词的单复数、冠词及时态等的使用。

(4) 检查词数的多少, 是否符合题目要求。

(5) 看一下书写是否规范, 有无拼写、大小写、标点符号等方面的错误。


越来越多汽车进入我们的家庭生活, 改善了我们的生活, 但同时也带来了很多问题, 如塞车和车祸, 给家庭和社会带来极大的危害。作为中学生, 我们应该怎样做呢?

请写一篇有关交通安全的短文。 (80字左右)


1.遵守交通规则, 如走人行道/过斑马线。



你可以适当增加内容, 使短文通顺, 过渡自然。

参考词汇:sidewalk人行道, zebra-crossing斑马线

注:第一段已给出, 不计入总数。

With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life.But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.

Traffic safety is everybody’s business.We must obey the rules.For example, we must walk on walk side.When we cross zebra-crossing, stop and look left and right, then go across fast.Don’t play football on the road.We can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving, etc.






















Dear Mr and Mrs Brown, I’m a Chinese boy.My name is Li Hong.I’m very happy to know that I’ll stay in your house for the English Summer Camp.I’d like to say something about myself so that you can know me well.I’m fifteen years old.I have a happy family with three people.I’m studying in No.1 Middle School.We learn eight subjects.I’m interested in all of them.I like reading and playing the piano.I like English very much, but my English is not good enough.I think you can help me with my English.I hope to meet you soon.Best Wishes, Li Hong

2.An announcement(口头通知)

Please be quiet, everyone!I’ve got something important to tell you.Since we are going to have a medical examination in the People’s Hospital on Monday morning, you can’t eat anything.Please gather at the gate of the hospital at eight.That’s all.Thanks.3.NOTICE(通知)

There will be a meeting for all the monitors of our school in the small meeting-room, at 9:00 this morning.The teachers and the students of our school are going to see a film at 4:00 this afternoon.The classes this afternoon will begin at 1:00.be sure not to be late for school, please.The Students Union

June 4

4.A diary(日记)March 8, Sunday Fine I was doing some shopping at ten o’clock this morning when one American couple came into the shop.They told the shop assistant that they wanted to buy a camera.But the assistant didn’t understand what they had said, and they didn’t understand what the assistant said either.They were all very worried.I went over and helped them.They bought a camera at last.They were very happy and thanked me again and again.I’m glad that I can talk with foreign friends in English.5.奥运会

Everyone knows that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.All Chinese people are proud of it.As a Chinese young man, I want to go to Beijing to be a volunteer of the Games to service the visitors from all over the world.I think it is very excited because it will make foreign visitors to know the Chinese people and culture better.I will practice my spoken English hard.Because it will help me to communicate with the foreign visitors and service for them better.I believe that my dream will come true in 2008!

6.自我推荐 Dear Chairman, I am a boy student from Class 1, Grade 3.I’d like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.I am well.I work hard at my lessons.I like helping others.I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons.On my way home, I often help old people cross the street.On the bus, I always give my seat to women with babies.Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park.If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends.Besides, I can do more for others.I’ll be glad if I’m received, I am waiting for your answer.Yours, Wang Lin

7.The Changes in My Hometown(家乡变化)

In the past, my hometown was very small.People lived a poor life.The house were old and small.Pollution was very serious, and there was rubbish everywhere.The traffic was not convenient, so few visitors came here.Now great changes have taken place in my hometown.The environment has become more beautiful.The mountains have turned greener, the rivers clearer and the sky bluer.There are trees, flowers and grass everywhere.People live a better life.Their houses are large and bright.Many people have their own cars.Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our city.I’m sure my hometown will become better and better in the future.8.悔过书

Thank my friend, Mike, for telling me not to play computer games.I have realized it’s bad for me to go to bed so late for playing games.As a result, I had to sleep in class.I couldn’t listen to the teacher carefully.I regretted it very much.From now on, I want to change it.I want to start a new life.I want to study hard, I have made up my mind to listen carefully in class and finish my homework on time.I can get much knowledge on the Internet.I will play basketball with my friends in my spare time.I think I can do that and I will be a good student.9.失物招领

Found A school bag was found on the playground yesterday afternoon.It is black and orange, with a lot of things in it.Anyone who lost it please go to Class 1, Grade 9.I’m Zhang Daming.10.My Pleasant Trip(旅游)

One day when I was in Grade 7, I went to Jiangxinyu Island with my friends by boat.First we climbed the hill, then we flew kites.At noon we sat on the grass having a picnic.The weather was pretty fine that day.In the afternoon we met several soldiers who were only a little older than us.So we could play games together and they also told us interesting stories.We laughed and laughed happily.What a pleasant trip!I will never forget it.11.人物介绍 Dear Alex, How’s it going? I’d like to tell you something about Hong Zhanhui, a great Chinese boy.He was born in a poor family.During the 24 years, he looked after his brother, adopted sister and his sick father.Because when he was a child his mother left the poor family.He took his sister to go to the college.The life he lived was difficult.But he studied hard and after school he did part-time work.He never asked someone for help.It’s very moving.I think everyone must learn from him!

Yours, Zhang Lin 12.英语学习

Everybody has different ideas about learning English, but I think learning English should become our habit.I love English and I have been studying English for four years.I have two foreign pen pals.We write to each other in English.They often tell me much interesting news about their countries.I enjoy telling the stories to my friends at school.I think English gives me lots of fun.And the more I learn English, the more confident I am.In my school, I am the monitor of English.I’m other students’ god example.I’m often praised by me teacher.English helps me succeed in studying.English has been a part of my life.13.环保

Water is very important to humans.It is used in homes, in farming and so on.We know that much water has been polluted.Some factories are pouring waste water.For example, they often forget to turn off the taps.If we don’t have enough water.Land will be dry and crops will die.We can’t live without water, so we should try our best and encourage everyone to protect water resources.We must save water and stop polluting it.We not only protect the water but also find ways to reuse it.If we don’t do this, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop.14.My Mother

My mother is very kind and easygoing.She helps me a lot.She takes good care of my daily life.For example, every morning, she wakes me up and cooks breakfast for me.When I’m in trouble, she always encourages me to face my difficulties and cheers me up.I still remember that once I argued with my best friend and was upset.My mother talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem.With her help, I became a top student in my class.I’m very thankful for all that she has done for me.I believe she will be proud of me in the near future.附:英语中考满分技巧






用词要恰当,不可逐句把提示翻译成英语。写作时,应尽量选用你最熟悉、最有把握的词和句型来表达思想。如果有些单词不会些,有些句型不会表达,可以设法绕开,用熟悉的同义词、同义短语或同义句来代替。要学会善于运用适当的关联词,如and, or, but, so,because, since等,以使行文逻辑紧密,自然流畅。





中考英语作文是考查学生综合运用英语能力的一种重要形式,中考英语作文在中考英语试卷中占据20分,在中考英语中起着举足轻重的作用。作文质量的好与差,得分悬殊很大,将对考生中考总成绩带来很大影响。应对策略:2步思路、再加3步骤 思路: 1.审好题






(1)选用比较有把握的词汇,用恰当的句型写出确切反映内容要求的句子。在熟悉的基础上,鼓励多用高级词汇和结构复杂的复杂句。如表达“为了„„”时,可用in order to do 或 so as to do.也可用so that引导目的状语从句。(2)写出的句子要达意,完整,语法正确,合乎习惯,特别是句式、谓语动词形式要有根有据。

(3)表达限定的内容有困难时,就要想到“All roads lead to Rome.”这句话,用变通的方法,以达到“曲径通幽”。如要译“他表哥外强中干”这样一句话,表达起来似乎很难,但我们完全可以通过学过的东西将这句话明白贴切地表达出来:His cousin looks strong but in fact ,he is rather weak.(4)尽量避免使用汉语式的英语。例如要表达“她睡得很迟”,不可写成:She slept very late.应该写成:She went to bed very late.因为“sleep late”表示“睡懒觉”。又如要表达“他一点都不担心他的英语”,不可写成:He is not a little worried about his English.实际上意思完全相反,表达成“他非常担心他的英语”了。应该是:He is not a bit worried about his English.或:He is not worried about his English at all.2.连词成句,添减相宜




(2)为了使句子或段落语义连贯,表达合理准确,可以适当加入一些连接词语。如表达转折可用but ,however ,otherwise等,表达递进可用and ,also ,besides ,What’s more等,表达因果so ,therefore ,as a result等,表达对比可用at the same time ,meanwhile,while等,表达让步可用though ,although ,even if等。有时还需要加入一些必要的过渡句子以达到承上启下的效果。







目前,泰州正在创建(create)全国文明城市(National Civilization City)。作为一个中学生,我们在学校、在家里、在公共场合等等应该做到哪些才能称得上是一个文明的(civilized)人呢?我们又如何为这个活动作贡献(make contribution to)呢?请你就此写一篇100字左右的短文。

Nowadays, ______________________________________________________________ 解题步骤




分析:五大提示要点只有第一要点是限定的,考生可以直接翻译。其余四大要点都是半限定的、半开放性的。考生需要根据文章主题的需要联系实际生活进行适当发挥。不同的考生会有不同的答案。这部分既是写作的重点也是难点。考生可用简明的英语写出要点。如: At school: keep the classroom clean and tidy.At home : help parents do some housework.In public places: obey the traffic rules,don’t make too much noise.make a contribution to this event: give out leaflets to make people understand the importance of this activity.第三步:列出写作提纲,并将要点扩展成句。

开头(Introduction):Taizhou is creating a National Civilization City.As middle school students ,we should try our best to become civilized persons.正文(Mainbody):

At school, we should keep our classroom clean and tidy every day.We shouldn’t throw about rubbish.At home, we should help our parents do some housework.In public places, we shouldn’t make much noise in public places.We mustn’t cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.We can make a contribution to this event by giving out leaflets to the citizens to make them understand the importance of this event and take part in it.结尾(conclusion):I am sure Taizhou will become a National Civilization City soon.第四步:组句成文。

分析:根据文章内容和要求,可以适当调整以上句子的先后顺序。为了使文章连贯自然,表达准确,适当加一些表达并列、递进、因果、转折等关系的连词,然后组成文章,这时如果发现文章词数不够,可把短语变成句子,也可增添一些与表达内容有关的短语或句子。如:表达“在家”,不用“at home”.而用“When we are at home.”如果发现文章词数超过要求,可以将句子变成短语或两句并一句。第五步:计划时间,认真检查、修改。分析:





