




All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an effective way to get work done。 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your observations, or your reading。

Some people argue that it is not an effective way to give one person central authority and responsibility to get work done. Rather, all groups and organizations should function as teams where everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities. Although it is true that doing things in team-based environment creates a cooperation spirit which is a powerful motivator for the workers of the company, I still believe that there should be someone who makes decision and share duties。

First, a group cannot make decisions. Everyone in a group can bring out suggestions, pros and cons, but only one person can make the final decision and bear the major responsibility for a project or task. This brings my second point that responsibility has to be personal to mean something. Group responsibility means nothing. Another point is that a required step in any large project is to divide the project into smaller parts and to assign them to the team members. Naturally, only a chief person can do that。


The following appeared in a memorandum from a member of a financial management and consulting firm. We have learned from an employee of Windfall, Ltd., that its accounting department, by checking about ten percent of the last months purchasing invoices for errors and inconsistencies, saved the company some $10,000 in overpayments. In order to help our clients increase their net gains, we should advise each of them to institute a policy of checking all purchasing invoices for errors. Such a recommendation could also help us get the Windfall account by demonstrating to Windfall the rigorousness of our methods. Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

Sample essay 1:

The argument that checking all purchasing invoices for errors will not only increase the net gains of the clients but also help the firm get the Windfall account is not entirely logically convincing, since it ignores certain crucial assumptions.


题目:If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable. 只要值得,不择手段达到目的是合理的`。


The speaker claim that if a goal if worthwhile, then any means taken to achieve this goal is justifiable. Although the assertion makes sense when we consider the underlying of this implication is that whatever the conditions, the natures of the endings deserve our effort wholehearted. But if we examine the broad meaning that this claim carries, we find this threshold statement suffer deficiencies from many aspects of consideration.

First let define the worthiness of a goal. How worthwhile and valuable a goal is lies not only in the subjective meditation and evaluation of an individual, we must consider the interactive influence exerted by this goal on others.

For example, a country may consider the goal of achieving economic success and well being of its citizens to be worthwhile, but if we know they exploit cheap labor forces in third-world country,utilize scarce natural resources that being exported from poor countries, or dump low-cost goods in these countries, our morals reveal us the dark side of the goal and make it less worthwhile than it seems to be to its home people. On a personal level, a persons food might be the otherspoison, so did the goal.

Consider the ambition of Napoleon, his ambitious goal is to conquer the whole European Continent, which considered by himself and many of his follows to be the most glorious plan they have ever made. But by resorting to wars, killings, and blood shedding, their sweet dream turn out to be the nightmare of people habituating in this continent. In a word, since no goal is set from a pure disinterested, impartial perspective, it is necessary to bear the interwoven relationship in mind before targeting at a certain goal.

Even if a goal is worthwhile agreed by majority of people, we should consider cost-and-benefit side of things in an effort to obtaining an nonbiased, all-around point of view. Most people today agree that the exploration of outer space is a worthy goal considering the valuable research materials we would get from for our physics and medial experiment and weather forecast.

What is more, due to the limit longevity of earth and the ever increasing of populations, we see high calls to find another habitat for our future generations. Even if all the advantages and benefits involved justify the worthiness of this goal, not all means taken would be considered as sensible and judicial. Since most pressing social problem such as AIDS prevention, poverty,environmental problems still in need of immediate attention and observation, we need to allocate most of our resources to tackle these problems.



“It is unfortunate that today‘s educators place so much emphasis on finding out what students want to include in the curriculum and then giving it to them. It is the educators‘ duty to determine the curriculum and the students‘ duty to study what is presented to them.”


The statement above conceals intesting connotations far above curriculum development. Issues of classroom control and development of scholarly talents are at stake, not simply a debate over which books are acceptable or over revisionist histories.


The statement itself is a bit misleading in that in my experience, student control over curriculum hardly existed. Each year, there were certain course offerings made available, and students were to choose from those offerings, of course bearing in mind requirements for graduation set forth by the administration. On a classroom level, the immediate, initial material may have been somewhat directed by the students, but this was a part of the process allowed by the teacher/professor insgroupsto gain the interest and attention of the students.


However, too much of any one thing becomes problematic;

(这句话是否是指“过犹不及”的意思?我不大确定。However用于转折,但从下文的意思看,好像并不是对however以前内容的转折呀!这里可能有点问题!)letting students set the curriculum, as with letting students choose and design their own major in college, serves ultimately to dilute the quality of the educational experience unless a single advisor can devote significant amounts of time to the individual student. This amount of time, or even the expense to the student of this individual attention, seem to indicate that resources would be better allocated elsewhere.


Of course, any school in which the students decide “what goes” is bound to have problems controlling students. Once the educators, be they administrators or teachers, are under the control of students, even a democratic situation would be like holding royalty acountable to the mob(这句话我一直不明白是啥意思,请牛人指点!). Presently, students hear for hours that they should not forget to use a condom in the heat of the moment, and educators think the message gets through, while half the kids can‘t even remember to bring a pencil to class. Students go to school not to simply learn the Pythagorean theorem, but to learn direction and receive guidance. This cannot occur when students are in charge, and standards, already hard to find in America‘s contemporary public schools, will become unenforceable. If students dictate and administrators do, students will never learn academic responsibility, and if they can‘t be held accountable for homework, what other responsibilities will they avoid when they get older?

这一段相对比较简洁,通过举例等方式,说明学生缺乏自主决定课程设置的能力,让他们决定课程设置将使他们得不到direction and guidance.

But in another sense, teachers and students do exist in a partnership of sorts. Teachers are there to satisfy the needs of the student, and the student, while perhaps not being the most experienced/ knowledgeable person on what his/her needs actually are (versus wants), at least should be afforded some say. In addition, we must remember what the purpose of education is, and that there are different levels of education.

这里才进入了准备论述的主要内容,即学生和老师应当是伙伴关系,而不该是谁强迫谁做什么。不过,后面加了个in addition,又强调了一下教育目的和不同层次教育的差别。扯进来的东西太多了!

In high school, the focus is not so much on learning actual material. The focus is on developing study habits, and on social interaction. The best secondary schools promote an environment in which individual creativity and pacing can be developed,swheresstudents are taught to think on their own, and learn to debate and argue in a scholarly way, through writing and other formal methods of discourse.sgroupscollaboration and interpersonal skills are developed and honed. The actual details of what is studied and tested is of less importance. Whether a student reads Maya Angelou, or Yeats, or Euripides essentially is beside the point as long as a student‘s mind is cultivated, not just their ability to record and recite.

(这里谈得好象都是secondary school教育的目的,非常精彩,但有些扯远了!) What is important is that secondary students develop and grow in the hands of the professionals. (最后一句才点了一下学生和老师的关系)

The secondary educational experience is designed to prepare a student for college. It is in collegeswheresthe individual learns to examine the world and how it works, and the individual‘s place in it.


As for duty, it is the educators‘ duty not simply to determine the curriculum, but to present it effectively. They cannot half-heartedly paint it on the blackboard, they must enliven it and actually teach. Hard work must be lauded, while freeloaders are punished. (教师的责任) These are the duties of teachers, and the duty of the students is not just to learn or study, but to grow. An independent mind is what students need, and that mind has to be in a position to want and be able to question beyond the material presented, not simply to question its legitimacy。

(学生的责任,不仅仅要质疑教学内容的合理性,更重要的是要敢于探索教学内容以外的新东西) That distinction,(是指质疑教学内容与探索新东西之间的区别吗?)

though subtle, is the difference between letting the students follow a self-destructive course of premature self-determination on the one hand , and permitting on the other hand the fostering of great talents through a cooperative, mentoring relationship最后一句话非常费解,的意思可能是说,学生对校方提供的课程内容的质疑(学生决定课程)其实是一种盲目的早熟,会毁了学生的前途,而鼓励学生的探索精神,独立精神则只能由老师、学生的通力合作才能达到,呼应了的开头,总结全文。



2,前半部分谈“学生决定课程”的弊端,实际是同意了提干的说法(It is the educators‘ duty to determine the curriculum and the students‘ duty to study what is presented to them)。虽然论证有力,文笔精彩。但我个人觉得这一部分作用不大。因为本身就不同意“学生决定课程”现象的存在,说明在眼里,这个问题并不重要,那为什么还要花这么大篇幅论述该现象的弊端?难道担心字数不够?









Issue写作对于论据的要求是非常高的,因此你的名人事例的储备,相关知识量的积累是非常重要的。这一环节也正是GRE考生最为头疼的一部分,举不出支持自己的观点的例子,因此让自己的文章显得只有苍白的论证,缺乏说服力。因此要多读历史,积累例子,尤其关注那些重要的哲学家、科学家、艺术家、政治领袖等人的生平事迹、主要贡献。例如Issue里的这样一道真题:“Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society。”(真正影响深远的思想家和具有高度创造力的艺术家总是与他们的时代和社会步伐不一致)。这个题目如果没有必备的那些思想家和艺术家的例子,文章必然缺乏说服力。因此读历史积累写作素材,具体说就是论据素材是拿高分的一个重要环节。




有些考生写GRE文章,喜欢用专业性的逻辑用语,其实没有必要,就事论事比较好。在批驳的时候为了显得有力,可以多用用for example、it is possible that、it is likely that之类的句型,因为Argument就是挑错与找茬的过程。如果实在觉得错误不好找,那么就根据每一句话批,基本上,每一个表示原因的句子中都可能存在逻辑错误。


GRE作文难度: Issue>Argument

总的来看,Issue难度高于Argument。对于考生来说,Issue比Argument要求拥有更扎实的写作功底和更严密的逻辑思维。同时,ETS对于Issue的模板化和plagiarisms更加敏感。总之,获得Issue高分需要较多的努力。相比之下,Argument内容相对单一 (出错的逻辑类型比较少),题目中给了考生更多的提示信息,因此提高Argument成绩容易一些。





“Of the two leading real estate firms in our town—Adams Realty and Fitch Realty—Adams is clearly superior. Adams has 40 real estate agents. In contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whom work only part-time. Moreover, Adams’ revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch, and included home sales that averaged $168,000, compared to Fitch’s $144,000. Homes listed with Adams sell faster as well: ten years ago, I listed my home with Fitch and it took more than four months to sell; last year, when I sold another home, I listed it with Adams, and it took only one month. Thus, if you want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams.”


The author argues that Adams Realty is superior to Fitch Realty. To support this claim the author cites statistics about the number and working hours of agents, and the number and sales prices of homes sold by the two farms. Further, the author cites anecdotal evidence involving personal experience with Fitch and Adams. A careful analysis reveals that this evidence lends little credible support for the argument.





The claim is partially based on the fact that Adams has more agents than Fitch and that many of Fitch’s agents work only part-time. There is no correlation between the number of employees, their working hours, and the quality of their work. Without such a link, we could consider the possibility that a smaller firm could be more effective than a larger one and, likewise, that a part-time agent could be more effective than a full-time agent. Besides, the author does not provide any information about the specific number of Adams agents who work part-time.





The claim is also supported by the fact that Adams sold more properties than Fitch last year. One year of sales records is an insufficient sample. It is possible that in most other years Adams could have sold fewer properties than Fitch. Moreover, the disparity in sales volume could be explained by factors other than the comparative quality of the two firms. For example, perhaps Adams serves a denser geographic area or in an area where turnover in home-ownership is higher for reasons unrelated to Adams’ effectiveness. It is even possible that the only reason sales volume is higher at Adams is because the company employs more agents but, perhaps, each Adams agent sells fewer homes on average than each Fitch agent does. Without ruling out such alternative explanations for the disparity in sales volume, the author cannot defend the conclusion based on such scant evidence.





Support for the claim is also drawn from the average sales price of homes. This evidence only illustrates that the homes that Adams sells are more valuable on average than the ones that Fitch sells, not that Adams is more effective in selling homes than Fitch. Moreover, it is possible that a few relatively high-priced or low-priced properties skewed these averages, rendering any conclusions about the comparative quality of the two firms based on these averages irrelevant.





GRE issue写作优秀实例:全球化


With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of the society -- including education, politics, the arts and the sciences -- will benefit greatly from international influences.



I fundamentally agree with the contention in the title statement that, with the growth of global network in many areas, every aspect will benefit from international influences more or less. However, the continually appearing harmful byproducts of globalization,though maybe not so disturbing right now, calls for a more comprehensive and balanced view in which the positive and negative influences are both considered.

Admittedly, globalization is a process leading to improving productivity in increasing national welfare in every country who participates in it. As David Ricardo, one of the most important economist of the Classical Political Economics, brilliantly illustrated as the famous Law of Comparative Advantage, ”Even if one nation is less efficient than other countries in every commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade,when every nation keep producing commodity in which its comparative advantage (presenting as comparative price in a monetary society) is greater and exchange with other countries for other products.“ Nowadays, not only has this principle been proved right in economic area, but in culture, politics, education and social spheres, it becomes a fundamental rule and primary notion based on which the policies are established. Thus the idea is widely accepted that material progress and well-being of one country will do good to that of others.

However, when we enjoy the advantages of the globalization, there are still many disconcerting phenomenon along with this process. First of all, more and more multinationals from developed countries locate their manufacturing departments, which produce much pollution, in developing countries like Thailand, Vietnam and China, while leave their Research&Development sectors at home for some cost-saving reasons. But this aggregates the environmental deterioration and industry structure laggard in the developing countries. In other words, people in these countries will suffer the potential dangers from international influences.

In addition, too rapid globalization help deracinate some cultures in powerless position.As an example, in China, fewer and fewer children and youth are interested in the Chinese Opera, not to say take it as a career. Their most favorite singers are Branny Spears and Robby Williams who are popular all over the world. But, can you simply conclude that R&B and Rap music is of more values to the young people in China than the Chinese Opera that has a history of over years? Actually, though energy- and time-consuming, it is one of the most important responsibilities, as a member of the society, to protect those ancient cultures from being bogged down in the Sargasso sea of modern culture when we keep on with the globalization.

Finally, the loss of intelligence is another dilemma confronted by developing countries in these days. Whether supported by national scholarship or self-financed, many students from these countries maintain a further education in western countries.Nevertheless, when they find satisfying job opportunities, they will probably not go back and work for their motherland. Unfortunately, this part of students is always among the most intelligent human resources of the country, who are supposed to be the main force to construct the country. This kind of destruction to a society can even not be measured by money.
