General Manager Sales Resume销售英文简历


General Manager Sales Resume销售英文简历(共9篇)

篇1:General Manager Sales Resume销售英文简历


Mary Harris

445 Main Street, Stockton, CA 1234 TELL:****** Email:***********

Objective: To obtain a demanding position as a Sales professional in a well established company that will utilize my knowledge and experience.Summary of Skills.Proven track record as a sales professional and exposure to client servicing, business development and strategic planning

.Self motivated individual & ability to achieve sales target in a fast paced environment.Strong communication & customer service skills.Remarkable sa1es and math skills.Outstanding organizational & leadership skills

Professional Experience.General Motor, Concord, CA, Dec.2004 to present

Account Manager.Responsible for the development of sales and marketing strategies for.Consistently maintained the average sales performance of 110%

.Achieved the sales target for the year 2008 that resulted in an increased revenue of $7 million.Trained new employees on aspects that include product knowledge and sales pitch Toyota, Berkeley, CA, Oct.2002-Nov.2004

Account Executive.Responsible for design and implementation of marketing promotion material.Coordinated with other business accounts to increase over all sales

.Maintained the average sales performance of 130 per cent and the sales revenue grew to $8 million

Customer Support Representative, Jan.2002-Sep.2002

.Dealt with customer service issues that include shipping delays and invoicing inconsistency.Responsible for implementing best customer service practices to improve distribution channels and minimize customer complaints

.Managed client relations to promote long-term relationships


.B.S.Degree in Business Administration, 2001.University of California, Berkeley, CA


Mary Harris

445 Main Street, Stockton, CA 1234 TELL:****** Email:***********













·实现了2008年度销售目标的增加,总额为700万美元 ·培训新员工,包括产品知识和销售推广方面 丰田汽车,加州,2002年10月至 2004年11月






·处理好客户的服务问题,其中包括运输延误和发票不一致的问题 ·负责实施最佳客户服务,以提高分销渠道,减少客户投诉 ·客户关系管理,以促进长期的合作关系




篇2:General Manager Sales Resume销售英文简历

George E.Rodriquez

242 James Martin Circle

Columbus, OH 43212

Residence: 123.654.5555




An Automotive Sales Management position that will effectively utilize acquired expertise, creative talents and commitment to excellence.Desire a position with career growth potential.Summary Of Qualifications:

Innovative professional with 16+ years of progressive experience within the automobile sales industry and the skills to drive business growth, capitalize on new revenue potential, and manage all aspects of daily business operations.Expertise in new and used vehicle sales, pricing strategies, client relations and needs assessment, marketing, financial management, purchasing, administration, and staff training, supervision, motivation and mentoring.Proactive leader with refined business acumen and exemplary people skills.Facilitate a team approach to achieve organizational objectives, increase productivity and enhance employee morale.Quick study, with an ability to easily grasp and put into application new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies.Dedicated, innovative and self-motivated team player/builder.Exceptional leadership, organizational, oral/written communication, interpersonal, analytical, and problem resolution skills.Thrive in both independent and collaborative work environments.Proficient in the use of various computer programs and applications including Reynolds & Reynolds.Professional Experience:

Used Car Manager / Sales Manager-Johnson Buick Pontiac GMC Argusville, Florida.4/99-9/02

Purchased auto inventory from auctions and wholesalers, conducted appraisals, directed the reconditioning of trade-in vehicles for resale, and assisted with new car sales.Created innovative promotional marketing strategies, designed and placed advertising featuring $1.5M in used car inventory.Hired, trained, supervised and mentored 12 sales people;motivated staff to meet/exceed established sales goals and objectives by developing effective sales incentives.Gave final approval on all sales, trade-ins, financing and credit arrangements.Monitored and reported sales volume, financial and business transactions.[Generated sales of 70-90 vehicles per month.]

Sales Manager-Howard Buick Pontiac GMC Jacksonville, Florida.4/99-9/02

Drove sales of new and used vehicles;reviewed and approved sales deals by all sales associates.Ordered new car inventory and negotiated with auto wholesalers to purchase used vehicles.Scheduled and managed three sales managers and 20 sales associates;taught employees successful sales and closing techniques.Designed and placed advertising featuring vehicle inventory;appeared in dealership television commercials, and created promotional marketing strategies to stimulate sales growth such as off-site tent sales events, special finance mailers and a first time buyer program.Developed strong customer relations, appraised trade-ins, orchestrated financing, and gave final approval of all sales.Ensured employees provided highest standards of customer satisfaction and quality service at all times.Education:

Jacksonville Community College




简历是求职者向招聘单位推销自己的重要工具, 它也是打开面试大门的金钥匙。一份语言规范、得体的英语简历体现出求职者具备清晰的思路、良好的语言表达、较强的沟通交际能力, 而且体现出求职者所具备的专业特长、语言功力、综合文化修养等, 因此英语简历的写作显得尤为重要。


(一) “I”使用的错误

为了引起招聘方的注意, 在写作中, 应聘者主观地认为“I”的出现会加深招聘方的印象, 这样的写法适得其反。“I”的反复出现会另招聘方非常不舒服, 认为应聘者骄傲, 不顾及他人的感受。所以在写作中, 尽量少用“I”或“my”的句子。

如:As a result of my steady efforts in study, I can get good scores. (wrong) As a result of steady efforts in study, I can get good scores.

(二) 语法、句法错误

在简历的写作中, 恰当运用简单句, 避免使用复合句是书写句式时不错的选择。简单句虽然简单, 但招聘方阅读时倍感枯燥无味, 很难留下深刻印象。简洁中蕴含信息容量很大的语言是招聘方希望看到的。

如:As I have been in Japan for 4 years, I know Japanese well. (wrong) having been in Japan for 4 years, I know Japanese well. (right)

另外, 在时态的运用上学生也经常混淆和模棱两可, 对于过去时和现在时的运用常常错位, 例如, 在写作中, 描写相关经历用过去时, 介绍自己曾经获得的奖项用一般现在时。

(三) 词汇使用错误

在词汇的表达上学生经常使用中式英文。“三好学生” (excellent student instead of three good students.) “辅导员” (counselor instead of ideological tutor.) “班长” (class president instead of monitor.) 因语感较差, 导致中式英文的表达出现较多。

(四) 时间顺序错误

在英语简历的写作中, 学生在说明学历和工作经历时经常先写过去, 再写现在。而英文简历的写作要求采取倒叙的方式说明学历和工作经历, 先写现在的学习和工作经历, 然后再写过去。在写作上一定要注意规范化的写作, 而不要受到汉语习惯的影响。一定要写出地道、符合西方表达的句子。

(五) 版面格式不规范

在简历的写作中, 美观、大方的排版会给招聘方留下美好的印象。合乎规范的排版应是条目化, 符合西方人的阅读习惯和审美意识。在简历的写作中, 学生演常常根据自己的喜好来排版, 五花八门, 各式各样。简历的写作需要培养学生跨文化的交际意识, 培养学生具备规范化和正确性的意识。


(一) 书写特点

1. 大写。

大写标题可以迅速吸引读者的注意力, 读者在瞬间后捕捉到主题意思, 使得招聘方即刻理解了简历的主旨, 有效地引领招聘方逐步理解各项内容, 为求职者成功申请到面试打开了一条通路, 也为找到满意工作奠定了基础。


2. 粗体和黑体。

在简历的写作中, 单词粗体和黑体起到了强调的作用, 表明了作者的亮点所在, 优势得以展现, 希望以此吸引招聘方的注意力, 使得招聘方会着重阅读, 加深印象。

如:Education Background

3. 颜色。

简历书写者为了让招聘方清晰辨识到重点信息, 深刻领会简历书写者的意图, 有些文字用蓝颜色, 以此来表明重点, 增加更多的有力条件, 为成功面试铺垫基石。

4. 字号。

简历撰写者通过多种多样的方式来展现自己的优势以此来获得招聘方的青睐。字号的变化体现了求职者的心情。下面这个例子的标题字号为13.5, 正文字号为小五。简历撰写者希望读者多多关注并予以重视。

5. 标点。

英文简历是求职者成功取得面试资格的一个重要环节, 是打开就业渠道的一扇门。在简历中, 简历书写者陈述与招聘相关的工作、技能、特长等诸多事宜, 通常是陈述句, 句号运用多。

(二) 词汇特点

1. 名词。

在简历写作中, 简历书写者运用积极、乐观的词汇来陈述与招聘工作相关的事宜, 更为积极地展现简历书写者的资质, 招聘方会在阅读时感到愉悦舒服, 愿意录用阳光明媚的人士, 它会给公司的前景加砖加瓦, 同时增加了自信心, 有利于面试成功。

如:Creation, independence.

2. 动词。

在英语简历的写作中, 每个具体的动词描绘着简历书写者的学习、工作经历。因简历书写者的具体行为动词可以展现不同阶段所做的具体事情, 动词的生动运用可以把平时地相关事宜传递出来, 因此动词运用较多。

如:Demonstrate, design, communicate, purchase.

3. 形容词。

在简历写作中, 形容词的运用生动形象地展现了简历篇章美的韵味, 栩栩如生地勾画出求职者不同一般的经历和良好的社会阅历。

如:Active, energetic, modest, creative.

4. 词汇重复。

为了保证招聘方清晰读懂简历, 不产生任何误会和曲解, 简历书写者使用重复词汇来达到清清楚楚、明明白白的目的。努力做到简历清晰明了, 一目了然。

如:Work as a teacher.Work as a tutor.

5. 词语并列。

在简历写作中, 意思上相近的词并列排放, 准确无误地表达了每一个词的意思, 烦琐中显现简单, 招聘方进一步明晰此词的意思, 加深了印象。

如:Supervises and directed, questions and concerns.

(三) 句法特点

1. 主动语态。

在简历的写作中, 直截了当、简洁明了, 没有拐弯抹角。执行者和接收方一目了然, 主动语态的运用明晰了执行者和接收方。

如:I can make full use of my financial management knoewledge and skills.

2. 陈述句。

陈述句客观、真实地展现出简历书写者实事求是地写出了与应聘工作相关的经历和技能。陈述句在简历中的运用丰富了简历书写者所具备的各项能力, 没有任何虚构浮华之词, 真真切切。

如:An individual's resume usually includes personal data, job objectives, educational background, work experience or employment history and other information or references.

3. 过去分词短语。

在简历的写作中, 过去分词短语的使用丰富了句式结构, 使得句子结构紧密, 句意达到了言简意赅的效果。

4. 平行结构。

在简历的写作中, 平行结构运用较多, 它平衡和协调了前后的句子, 节奏分明, 保持了语言的连贯性。语言内容鲜明, 语言气势突显。

如:Guide and direct the large-scale events, manage and coordinate large-scale events.

(四) 语篇特点

1. 版面设计。

条目化、分项式的版面设计是英语简历语篇设计的特点。版面设计具有条理性, 会给招聘方留下美好的印象。版面设计美观、大方会另招聘方赏心悦目, 爱不释手。同时也增加了简历书写者的面试机会。


英语简历的书写重在“简”, 啰嗦繁杂的句式是避讳的。简简单单的句式干净利落, 令招聘方对大篇幅的内容一目了然。“and”在简历中使用较多, 它简化了复杂的句式关系。

如:Supervise general office activities and assist the executive vice-president such as writing and reports.

3. 词汇同现。

词汇同现联结了句与句之间的密切关系, 控制整个语篇的主题范围, 加强了语篇的衔接力, 语义连贯, 相互之间互为联系, 互为补充。在简历的写作中, 词汇同现的使用加强了语篇的粘合力。“Vice-president”是中心词, 与之工作有关的词汇依次使用。

如:Vice-president, Duke University, North Carolina, PA (2002-present) .


写好英文简历是求职成功的重要部分。简历中的书写、词汇、语句、语篇特点不但体现了简历书写者的逻辑思维能力, 而且也体现了语言文字表达的能力, 是一个人综合能力素质的体现。通过探讨写作策略, 希冀帮助求职者成功就业, 找到满意的工作, 为社会贡献自己的一份力量。


[1]陈鹏霞.英文求职信与求职面谈英语会话[M].世界图书出版公司/香港商贸出版社, 1991.

[2]丁往道, 等.英语写作手册[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1994.



Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述




2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM

2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective:

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.



Name in English     : XXX

Sex                 : Female

Date of birth         : 1978-10-14

Hukou             : Shanghai

Location            : Shanghai

Work Experience    : >5 years

Current salary     : 100,000-150,000 RMB/Year

Mobile             : (0)13000000000

E—mail            :

Address           :


1. Nice Characters Good professional presentation skills.

2. Team work spirit.

3. High liability and Attribution.

4. Be able to work under great pressure.

5. Kinds of hobbies.

Job target:

Target Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology, Medical Facilities/Equipment, Healthcare/ Medicine/ Public Health

Target job:   Product/Brand Manager, Product/Brand Supervisor, Business Supervisor/Executive, Product/Brand Executive, Marketing Planning Executive

Target address: Shanghai

Target salary : Anticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person

To hillock time: The new post can in the long time assume the post

Working experience:

/07—Present    XXX

Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology

Inner City Dept. Sales Representative/ Executive

Responsibilities & Achievements:

1. Visited the clients periodically and provide outstanding pre-sales & after-sales services, which set up a good relationship with the clients.

2. Quite familiar with the specifications of the products as well as the situation of the responsible hospital, and able to recommend the suitable products to the hospitals.

3. Prepared sales plan according to the assigned sales targets, increased sales to 200% in the responsible areas within first half a year.

Achievements: Prepared sales plan according to the assigned sales targets, increased sales to 200% in the responsible areas within first half a year.

/07—2004/06:Shanghai Own-Medic High-Tech Medical Industrial Co., Ltd

Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology

Office Admin Staff/Assistant

Responsibilities & Achievements:

1. Prepare and file daily report and weekly summary on behalf of Sales Director.

2. Assist in arrangement and organization of sales promotion, expenditure budget and effect evaluation.

3. Responsible for liaison with relevant government bureaus & cooperating medical institutions, and keep good communication with doctors.

4. In charge of coordinating among different departments and providing products training service.

5. Engaged in products publication activities, including wording, photography, print, etc, and extending the products’ information timely and correctly.

/09—/02:Zhongshan Hospital, Pediatrics Hospital etc.

Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology

Surgical Department, Medicine Department and etc. Doctor, Internal Medicine

Responsibilities & Achievements: Working as an internship.

Achievements: Doing excellent work in my internship and gain praises from the patients and doctors

Education background:

/09—2002/06: Medical Center of Fudan University (Former Shanghai Medical University) Basic Medicine Bachelor



2001/10Certification of intermediate interpreter

2001/01Nationwide Computer Level Test Band2


Language skill:



To obtain sales assistant position in New York.


1990-Present REGENCY CORPORATION, Dallas, TX

Sales Assistant

-Act as liaison between customer and sales representative. Provide customer service via telephone. Ascertain order accuracy. Track and expedite orders. Cooperate in team endeavors.

1987-1990 THE MUSIC MAKER, Inc., Houston, TX

Sales Assistant

-Coordinated sales efforts of a staff of six for a large musical instruments dealership. Developed and maintained working relationships with manufacturers and customers. Supported top account executives. Maintained open files to ensure greatest customer satisfaction.


Research Assistant

-Assisted in the collection of delinquent real estate, personal property and motor vehicle excise taxes. Matched instrument of taking against daily tax title receipts. Processed petitions of foreclosure for the legal section and title searches.


Senior Claims Investigator

-Investigated and expedited claim settlements relating to ticket disputes and information request.

1983-1984 SHERMAN BANK FOR SAVING, Sherman, TX

Bank Teller

-Interacted with customers, processed all money and check transactions, balanced all transactions at the end of each shift. Operated a Wang Word Processor, CRT and TRW terminal, and developed a working knowledge of money market funds and TRA accounts.


Austin College, Sherman, TX


Sex: Female

Date of Birth: 1982-11-1 marital status: unmarried

Nationality: Chinese Folk: Han

Height: 163CM

Education: graduated from college Time: September 2006

Residence: place of residence is Yuzhong District, Chongqing: Chongqing Yuzhong District

Resume Network

No picture

Occupational Overview / job interest

Are engaged in the industry: the other is engaged in Occupation: Sales Class - staff

Level posts are: intermediate positions (for more than two years work experience) Work Experience: 5 years

Current salary: Overseas work experience: No

Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: Chongqing Yuzhong District, Chongqing Jiangbei District

Expect to engage in the industry: fast-moving consumer goods (grain, oil, food and drink of alcohol on ...)

Consumer durable goods (furniture, textile and apparel ...)

Financial sector (banks and insurance securities investment funds futures)

Professional services (legal accounting audit consultancy)

Expectations of job: Sales Class - staff

Insurance / banking

Advisory / consultancy category

Administrative / Personnel category

Salary expectations:到岗time: 1 week

Self-evaluation / career goals

Self-evaluation: I, outgoing, cheerful, and will actively work towards the use of office software such as WORDEXCEL. A serious and responsible work, communication and sales ability, good with customers to establish a good relationship, have a good professional and vigorous and resolute style of work, at the same time I work in the previous sales have been among the best. Respect for leadership, unity and colleagues, a strong sense of teamwork, courage in the face of setbacks and pressure to adapt to different working environments!

Educational background

School Name: Chongqing TV (June - 2006 9 months)

Professional Name: Hotel Management Education: tertiary

Location: Chongqing石桥铺Certificate: Hotel Management

Work experience

Company Name: Chongqing, Central China Real Estate (December - 2008 9 months)

Industry: real estate development, construction and engineering services (design intermediary supervision of property) the nature of the company: Sino-foreign joint venture (joint venture. Co-operation)

Size: 500 ~ 1,000 Location: Chongqing

Job Title: Vocational Adviser

Job Description: In the work with responsibility for housing sales, and to the point of sale of each and every customer to establish a good relationship between good communication and good record of every customer in order to prepare the work of the latter.

Company Name: Estee Lauder (January 2005 - 2007 8 months)

Their industry: fast-moving consumer goods (grain, oil, food and drink of alcohol on ...) the nature of companies: wholly foreign-owned. Foreign Office

Size: 200 ~ 500 Location: Chongqing Municipality

Job Title: beauty consultant

Job description: responsible for product line at the counter sales, the company also achieved the performance indicators issued monthly tasks, each with a BA in counters are getting along well, sales have been several counter top, and between customers established a good relationship.

Company Name: Shiseido Cosmetics, Inc. (January 2002 - 12月)

Their industry: fast-moving consumer goods (grain, oil, food and drink of alcohol on ...) the nature of companies: wholly foreign-owned. Foreign Office

Size: 200 ~ 500 Location: Chongqing Municipality

Job Title: beauty consultant


Name: website for graduates Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Account Address: Guangdong Province, stature: 170 cm ? 60 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 25 years old

Training and Certification: Integrity Badges:

Job intentions and work experience

Talent Type: General Job ?

Position: Trade categories: Purchasing with a single QC, sales / marketing categories: sales manager, business manager, industrial / factory class: Drawing engineers with a single purchase

Work Experience: 3 Title: Senior

Job type: Full-time Date Available: anytime

Salary requirements: - 3500 hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal Work Experience: Company Name: Guangzhou China and the United States Foreign Trade Co., beginning and ending Clear :-01 ~ -08

Company nature: Foreign-owned-owned industry: an integrated industrial and commercial enterprises

Positions: Domestic Sales Manager

Job Description: 1 deal between the company and its customers business processes, develop new customers, responsible for all domestic purchases. (Procurement)

2, is responsible for the listing company and factory orders and shipments schedule of work, customer complaints. (Documentary)

3, the independent travel to the domestic production of goods factory inspection quality and progress. (QC)

Reason for leaving: About Man

Company Name: Guangzhou Hao Trading Co., Ltd. beginning and ending Clear :-01 ~ 2008-01

Company nature: Chinese-foreign joint-owned industry: metals, minerals, fabricated metal products

Positions: with the single and Procurement

Job Description: 1, responsible for the company and customer follow-up between the business, maintaining the old and new customers, the independent travel to the Mainland factory inspection QC.

2, responsible for product orders to follow up and look for sources of goods, nation-wide procurement.

3, responsible for drawing view and drawing, proficient AutoCAD and understand the software such as photoshop (strengths).

Reason for leaving: About Man


Graduate institutions: Guangdong University of Technology

Supreme Education: college graduation date: 2007-06-01

A learned profession: Marketing Professional 2 learned: Computer Applications

By the education and training experience: the termination of Clear Start Clear School (institutional) professional to obtain the certificate Certificate No.

2006-092006-12 testing center in Guangdong Province Senior CAD Draftsman CAD drawings 65,626,329,565


Language: English Good

Mandarin level: fluent in Cantonese level: fluent in

The ability to work and other expertise to

One familiar with the work between the company and factory processes, business contacts, to develop new customers, to understand the domestic procurement.

2, able to handle business between the companies and factories, order follow-up independently-factory inspection QC.

3, able to travel independently throughout the country are familiar with Guangdong and the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Rim, and other local transportation, the economy.

4, can work independently, understand the exhibition, network marketing, Alibaba, Taobao and so on.

5, proficient AutoCAD2004 understand photoshop graphic drawing software, and pro / E three-dimensional mapping software.

6, skilled computer operators, proficient in word, excel and other office software, and to understand class office equipment maintenance.

7, are familiar with factories of plastic and metal product quality and follow-up work.

Detailed personal autobiography

I am serious and responsible work, can hard-working, sincere and have a strong sense of team identity, with a keen ability to market analysis, can Dudangyimian, self-judgment is one really to work, people



No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


A Sales Manager position within the advertising industry


Seasoned sales professional able to work with major accounts. Creative and resourceful in generating ideas and solving problems. Able to build strong customer relationships.


International Sign Supply Denver, CO 2000 -

Regional Sales Manager

-Increased sales from $500,000 to $2,000,000.

-Supervised and trained a sales staff of 3.

-Suggested new products that increased earnings by 23%.

On-Time Signs Colorado Springs, CO 1990 - 2000


-Founded a local sign company that utilized state-of-the-art computerized sign systems. Introduced an oversized digital printer to the community.

-Created custom signage for ad agencies, local companies and non-profits. Known for reliability, accuracy and quick service.

-Supervised a staff of 5, including designers, sales associates and office manager.

Sun Times Newspaper Ft. Collins, CO 1987 -1990

Advertising Sales

-Contacted existing and new customers for advertising in a weekly community newspaper.

-Tripled revenues in two years.

-Assisted customers in designing and placing their ads.


Colorado State University Ft. Collins, CO

Bachelor of Arts, English and Journalism

Writer and editor for student newspaper

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