新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计


新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计(共8篇)

篇1:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计


Family and Home

Lesson 25

Jenny’s Family

Lucky Middle School

He Yuan 一. 教材分析


本单元的日常用语主要围绕“家庭”话题编排。教材为学生提供日常生活中“询问年龄/职业”的场景,帮助学生理解并掌握描述家庭成员时常用的英语表达方式。在教学过程中,教师应创设“介绍家庭”的情景,通过Free Talk/Song 引导学生学习。2.教学重点

运用What does she do? She is …

talk on the police radio 3.教学难点


二. 教学目标


⑴掌握词汇:member, son, daughter, drive, policeman, radio,⑵短语及句型: the Smith family, What does she do? She is …, talk on the police radio




⑴ 通过歌曲及Free Talk等多种学生喜闻乐见的教学形式激发学生的学习兴趣。⑵ 采取师友互助的学习模式增强学生之间互帮互助的合作意识。4.学习策略


三. 教学准备

教材,PPT, 歌词

四. 教学步骤

Step 1 Leading in(5 minutes)

All of us love our family.Our family is everything.Sing Finger Family together.Then use some pictures to show the new words.New Words member[`membə] n.成员

son [sʌn] n.儿子

daughter[`dɔ:tə] n.女儿

drive [draiv] v.驾驶,用车送n.驱车旅行 policeman [pə`li:smən] n.(男)警察 radio [`reidiəu] n.无线机,收音机

(Read these new words after the teacher and read them to each other.Then show themselves.)


Step 2 Listen(2 minutes)

Let students listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.This is Jenny’s ______.Jenny

_____ my friend.She ____ in Canada.Mr.Smith is Jenny’s ______.Mrs.Smith is her _______.She has ________ —Bob and a ______ — Lynn.Listen to this part three times.When students finish this part, they should read their answers.(设计思路:对学生进行英语听力的练习,第一遍泛听,是对听力材料的全面了解,第二遍精听,是完成填空,第三遍是核对答案)Step 3 Read and Answer(15 minutes)

Show Jenny’s family members.Let students know more about Jenny’s family.Ask students to read the passage by themselves and answer the following questions.• 1.Where does Jenny’s family live? • 2.What’s the family name of Jenny? • 3.What does Jenny’s mother do? • 4.What’s Jenny’s brother doing? In this part, students should finish by themselves firstly.After a few minutes, let them discuss answers with their partner.And try to find the language points.(设计思路:阅读文章是对教材的进一步了解,在阅读的过程中找到答案并进行互相核对,可以进一步加深对文章的了解。)Step 4 Language points(17 minutes)

Show their answers and try to explain the new language points.1.Jenny’s family lives in Canada.in Canada是介词短语, 在句子中作地点状语。

Canada意为 “加拿大”,它作为专有名词第一个字母应该大写。如:This is a map of Canada.这是一张加拿大地图。

2.Jenny’s family name is the Smith.我们是史密斯一家人。

1)the Smith family意为“史密斯一家人”或“史密斯夫妇”,当它作主语


The Smith family are very friendly.史密斯一家人很友善。2)定冠词加上姓氏的复数也可表示


the Smith family也可表达为the Smiths。如:the Brown family = the Browns布朗一家

the Green family = the Greens格林一家 3.She is a bus driver.她是一位公共汽车司机。

a bus driver意为“公共汽车司机”,是一种职业名称。


My English teacher usually drives to school.我的英语老师通常开车去学校

What does sb.do? 询问某人职业或身份, 常用以下句型:

1)What is / are sb.? 如:

─ What’s your father?


─ He is a doctor.他是一名医生。

2)What do / does + sb.+ do? 如:

─ What does she do? 她是干什么的?

─ She is a student.她是一名学生 4.Her brother is talking on the police radio.talk on the police radio

用警用对讲机交谈(设计思路:知识点的讲解是通过回答问题间接解决的,这可以使得学生更加主动地掌握知识,学生的补充也是对知识的扩充,有利于更加灵活地掌握所学知识。)Step 5 Exercise(5 minutes)I.翻译下列短语

1.家庭成员____________________ 2.用警用对讲机谈话 ____________________ 3.一幅他的全家福照片

____________________________ 4.格林一家 __________________ II.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.-What does your brother do?

-My brother is a _________(警察).2.Bob ______(live)in Canada.3.Let’s look at the picture of ____(he)family.4.My ________(mother)name is Mary Smith.5.Tom is a bus ______(drive).Do this part by themselves.Then discuss the answers with their partner.At last, show their answers.(设计思路:练习是对学生所学新知识的巩固和旧知识的复习,有利于加强学生的记忆。)Step 6 Homework(1 minute)

Draw your family then write the passage about your family.________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________(设计思路:写关于学生自己的家人更加贴切学生的生活,而且所写的内容就是本课的重点,可以加深学生对于新知识的理解与掌握。)五. 教学反思

此次课,我的课题是Jenny’s Family。教学目标是通过听说活动的设置,重点帮助学生了解如何介绍家庭成员及职业,并懂得要爱家人。为了达成此目标,我整节课遵循了由简到繁,由输入到输出的原则,首先通过导入引出关于family这一话题,通过学生与学生共同对话从而加深学生对单词的掌握程度。词汇的学习是为了帮助学生更好地理解和完成课文内容的输入过程。其次便是对于课文句式的不断练习,最终达到掌握课文的输出形式。



不足:(1)上课时稍显紧张,出现口语错误。例如Let’s warm-up以及look here.(2)对于出示语言点,应该是先整体理解课文后让学生共同找出新的知识点。我的做法反其道而行之,使得课程的整体性不够严谨。


六. 板书设计

Lesson 25 Jenny’s Family

Jenny’s Family Members

Mr.Smith(a worker)

Mrs.Smith(a bus driver)



Lynn(son/a policeman)

(daughter/a student)

(daughter/a student)

篇2:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计

本单元的内容为7—12课,主要教学内容为26个英文字母的读法和写法,并且包括身体器官和颜色的一些单词。最后一课的“Again, Please”是复习课,这一课整体复习了前面五课的学习内容。在教学时要注重学生的读和写,并且用生动活泼的教学增加孩子学习英语的兴趣与积极性。教学目标:




3、学会句型“What colour is it?”并能同学间进行对话。




2、会表演每课中的对话 情感态度价值观:提高学习英语的兴趣与学习积极性。

Lsson7 My Friend 第一课时


1.学习识记新字母 A、B、C、D,新单词friend

2.学习并熟练运用„„, this is „„.Nice to meet you.对话。

3.学会认读apple book cat door四个单词。

【技能目标】识记新单词,熟练应用„„, this is „„.Nice to meet you.句型。




1.学习识记新字母新单词A、B、C、D,新单词friend 2.学习并熟练运用„„, this is „„.Nice to meet you.对话 【教学用具】abcd字母卡片 【教学过程】


1、复习This is„„句型。

学生根据实际情况指着班内任意一名同学说“This is a boy.” 或“This is a girl.”

2、练习用“Nice to meet you.”句型对话,并指明学生上台表演。

3、导入:第一单元我们认识了新朋友Danny, Jenny,和李明,我们每个人都有很多的朋友,你的朋友又有哪些呢?今天我们就来学习“朋友”用英语怎么说呢,你怎样用英语向别人介绍你的朋友呢。


1、学习第一部分“My friend”

(1)让学生在两段对话中找出认识的句子,读出来并说出它的意思。(教师随机指导名字“Wang Hong”)


(3)讲解句子He is my friend.和She is my friend.说明he和she的区别,并把he和his、boy对应起来,把she和her、girl对应起来。(4)学生练习句子He is my friend.和She is my friend并记住意思(5)学生练习句子This is a boy.His name is„„ He is my friend.和This is a girl.Her name is„„ She is my friend.并表演(任意指着班里的一名学生说出其中一组的三句话)。






三、课堂检测 “Let’s play!” 游戏:(1)每个学生拿出四张大小一样的纸,分别写上A、B、C、D四个字母,根据教师的提示拿出相应的纸片,比赛谁拿的又对又快。






ABCD四个字母的大小写,每个写10遍。apple cat door 3个单词每个写5遍并写上翻译。背诵第一部分“My friend”中的对话。


Lesson7 My Friend This is a boy.This is a girl.His name is„„

Her name is„„

He is my friend.She is my friend.Aa



Dd 课后反思:






3、熟记第一单元学过的句型,并可以两个人一组进行对话 教学重点:熟记1—7课所学的句型,会写abcd四个字母。教学难点:会写abcd四个字母 教学过程:


1、欣赏歌曲“find a friend” 教师简单讲解歌曲意思 学生听录音歌曲3遍

2、学生练习熟悉第一部分“my friend”对话,时间5分钟













学生根据教师说出apple book cat door的中文说出其相应的英语 学生拿出听写本,教师检查学生四个字母的写法。




1、ABCD四个字母的大小写,每个写10遍。apple cat door 3个单词每个写5遍并写上翻译。

篇3:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计

Mothers and Fathers Are Special

First part:Mother’s Day.


1.知识与技能:掌握本课单词及短语alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method.

2.过程与方法:通过中心话题“Mother’s Day”, 及配套的PPT课件和图片来直观导入新课, 培养学生学会感恩。

3.情感、态度与价值观:Family的含义。培养学生学会感恩, 培养学生细致观察的能力。


1.alive, hero, take care of, experiment, fill, upside, scientific, method的用法。

2.What day is Mother’s Day?Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May every year.

3.How do people celebrate it?Give presents to their mothers, or make a special breakfast for their mothers.


多媒体课件, 视频。


本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”。整个单元的设计围绕这一主题展开。学生通过关注家人、亲情和沟通, 主要是感恩教育。通过课堂项目和故事, 学生复习已学词汇和学习新词汇, 熟练针对这些话题进行交流。


学生在之前已经学习了本单元的部分词汇, 并预习了本课。通过前五个单元的基础学习, 对理解本单元的知识点有一定的帮助。本单元的中心话题是“Mother’s Day”, 学生对这方面的内容有所了解, 但理解不够深刻。所以本单元的主要教学方法是, 挑本单元的重难点讲, 单独板书, 重点强调。尽可能多地以图片和视频的方式教学, 来加深学生对本来陌生事物的印象, 从而提高记忆能力。


alive, hero, take care of的用法。


1.听故事, 看图片answer me the question.How do you like the story?

2.导入新课, 看视频, 画出重点。


(1) People give______gifts______ (礼物) to their mothers.

(2) In England people__celebrate_____ (庆祝) “Mothering Sunday”.

(3) In North America, people do___special____ (特别) things for their parents.

(4) They also try___to help______ (帮助) mothers all day.

(5) Their mothers are still_______. (活着的)

(6) In the______ (17世纪) they began to use machines.


(1) It was amazing that the little baby was still. (活着的)

(2) These soldiers are______. (英雄)

(3) We should______ (照顾) our mothers when they are old.

九、板书设计 (略)

十、教学反思 (略)


篇4:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计



(一)知识方面:1.正确听、说、口头运用单词 tall、short;2.能正确理解并能口头运用句子I’m tall, I’m short;3.能运用会话中的句子进行情景会话。








Step 1:greeting and warming-up


Step 2:Presentation and Practice

1.教授单词tall 和 short。同学们把图片中的不同找出后,教师随即把“tall 和 short”板书在四线三格(课前已画好),在板书的过程中把这两个单词拼读出来,同学们也很自然的跟老师把字母读出来,领读几遍,让学生跟读;教师慢读,让学生能看到教师的口型正确的读出tall、short; 教师做动作演示“tall、short”,把手放在头顶上方就是“tall”,把手放在头部稍低处就是“short”,让学生边做动作边读出单词。接着检验学生的掌握情况,让同学们“推火车”读,横排读,竖排读;教师做动作,学生说出“tall、short”;教师读“tall、short”,同学们分别做出tall和short的动作。接着让同学们分组再做这样的游戏。通过这一系列的练习同学们已经很好的掌握了这两个单词。练习后给表现好的同学和小组加星。接着让同学们再来拼读单词,提示同学们观察四线三格中的字母,哪个字母高,哪个字母低?教师提问:“who is tall?” 学生回答:“t is tall, l is tall , h is tall.” T:“who is short?”S:“s is short, o is short,r is short,a is short.”


2.教授课文。播放教学光盘第一遍,让学生把课文内容大概了解一遍,并用铅笔在课文上划出tall和short;播放教学光盘第二遍,让学生跟读模仿发音,并用铅笔在课文上划出有关tall和short的句子,让学生读出来并翻译。重新播放光盘第一部分,让学生模仿Danny的语气来读,教师带领同学们逐句分析,找学生模仿Danny的语气来读。播放光盘第二部分,教师带领同学们逐句分析,找学生模仿Jenny的语气来读。T:“Class,who is tall?who is short?”S:“Danny is short,Jenny is tall.” T:“But Danny says ‘I’m tall, Jenny is short ’,why?” S:“He sits on his tail.”(他坐在了自己的尾巴上)(全班同学哈哈大笑)


3.Oral-English practice。播放课件,课件中有同学们喜欢的姚明和多种动画人物,教师把这些明星们用不同的方式展示给大家,并不断提问:“Who is tall?Who is short?”同学们的回答积极性非常高:“YaoMing is tall.”“Cat Jim is tall.”“Mouse Tom is short.”……接着教师随意抽出两名同学比较高矮,让这两名同学练习“I′m tall, ××is short.” 练习后给表现好的同学和小组加星。


Step3:Playing game

T:“Class,I have some letter head-wears, let’s see who is tall who is short? Ok?”教师把准备好的带有字母的头饰给大家看,教师叫几位踊跃的学生来到讲台前带好头饰,并说出这样的句子:“I’m tall,I’m short.”台上的同学们仿照说出。T:“大家看,台上同学们的头饰有什么规律呢?”S:“他们能组成tall和short。”教师让台上的同学按照tall和short的字母顺序重新排列,他们的头饰组成了tall和short,组成tall的同学说:“I’m tall.”组成short的同学说:“I’m short.”座位上同学们的积极性非常高,把这样的游戏再重复一次,满足了同学们的好奇心。



篇5:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计

1. mastery words: station, child, room, taxi

2. a dialogue about what they see at the Beijing Station

3. Present Continuous Tense

Teaching goals:

1. understand the meaning of the text

2. remember the mastery words

3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Key points: 1. some expressions: take care of; be scared

2. the Present Continuous Tense

Difficult points: the Present Continuous Tense

Teaching aids: pictures, audiotape, flashcards, slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Opening class

1) greetings in everyday English

2) duty report: they can talk about whatever they like to say.

3) mainly revision about last lesson

2. New lesson

Step 1 Lead in

Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

Have you ever been to a very crowded place? Where?

How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in your city?

Help them answer the questions and you can give them some words to guide them to answer.

Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text and answer the following questions:

How does Danny feel at the train station?

How many people are there at the station?

What are the people doing at the station?

Why is the child crying?

Answer the questions and discuss the whole text to make sure they understand the meaning. Deal with any question they have and explain the language points at the same time.

Step 3 Listen to the tape again and let them read after it.

Step 4 Have them read the text for a few minutes. Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step 5 Deal with the “LRT’S DO IT”

Work with a partner. Write a dialogue. One of you is arriving in a city. You need a hotel room. The other person is selling hotel rooms. Practice your dialogue and present it to your classmates.

Step 6 A test


1) There are so many p_______ on the street.

2) Be quiet! The baby is s_________.

3) We can buy train tickets at the train s________.

4) I’m t__________. I’d like something to drink.

5) Father likes reading n_________ after washing the dishes.

Keys: 1) people 2) sleeping 3) station 4) thirsty 5) newspaper

Step 7 Summary

Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They arrives in Beijing at last. They see many people at the station. They are doing different things. It’s crowded there. They want to find a hotel. After class you must remember the mastery words of this lesson and you should practice using the Present Continuous Tense.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) remember the mastery words

3) finish the activity book in lesson 15

篇6:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计

1. mastery words: farm, hear, meet, course, of course, lot, lot of, enjoy

2. A dialogue between Danny and his new friend

3. The usage of some phrases

Teaching goals: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Remember the mastery words

3. Find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16

Teaching key points: 1.introduce where you are from

2. some useful expressions

Difficult points: how to introduce yourself

Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcards, and slide projector

Type: dialogue

Teaching procedure

1. Class opening

1) Greet the students in everyday English.

2) Duty report.

3) Main revision of last lesson. Explain when necessary.

2. New lesson

Step1 Lead in

Ask the students some questions:

Do you like to make new friends? Why or why not?

Who is your newest friend? How do you meet?

Discuss them with the class and you gather many different answers.

Step2 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

What does Danny want to buy in Beijing?

Who is Danny’s new friend?

Where does Wu Li come from?

After listening to the tape, answer the questions and discuss the whole text. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points in this period. Write the key points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.

Step3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.

Step4 Practice

Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.

Step5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

You meet a new friend on the train or bus. What should one say to a new friend? What can one do to enjoy time with a new friend? With a partner, write and practice a dialogue. Present your dialogue to your classmates.

In this part the teacher should guide the students to discuss the questions.

You may give them some words to help them.

Step6 A test


1) The woman behind me is singing. (一般疑问句)


2) She is talking to the man. (对划线部分提问)


3) The baby is sleeping. (否定句)


1) Walk to the station. (否定句)


2) Ben is noisy in class. ( 同义句)


Step7 Summary

Today we learn a dialogue about Li Ming and his friends. They meet a new friend on the train. Then they feel hungry and they discuss what to eat. What did they say? After class, read the text fluently.

3. Homework

1) understand the meaning of the text

2) finish the exercises in the activity book

篇7:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计

课时目标: 知识目标: 1.能听、说、读、写关于面部器官的6个单词:hair , nose , eye , mouth , ear , face。2.能听说、认读和运用 left 和 right。

3.理解“Let′s chant!” 中的内容,并能边唱边表演。能力目标:会运用句型:“What is it? It is your....” 进行交际。情感目标:通过小组合作培养学生的合作意识和能力。


重点:四会面部器官的六个单词:hair , nose , eye , mouth , ear , face。难点:left 和 right;会唱歌曲。教具学具:



Step 1: Warm-up and reviewing 1.Greeting.2.Reviewing.Review the word about the body: hand , head ,arm , leg , foot。Step 2: Lead in: T: What is this?(教师伸出左手问学生)S:It is a hand.T: What is this?(教师伸出右手问学生)S:It is a hand.T: 同学们要想把两只手分开咱们需要用到哪两个词?S:左和右。T: 领读:左 left

右right S: 跟读5遍 T: 板书 Lesson 15 Left and Right T: 引导学生说出:left hand right hand left foot right foot Step3: Let′s chant.1.听关于“左右”的歌曲。

2.跟老师一起唱“左右”歌曲。Step4: Presentation and reading 1.Learning the new words Look at my face and learn the new words.教师指着自己的脸说“face” Read after me 5 times please.(板书face)然后指着不同的面部器官来教授单词:hair, eye, nose, mouth,ear.2.Reading the new words Teacher shows the word cards and the students read the words.Then show the pictures and say out the words.3.practicing the new words Give the students 3 miuntes to practice reading the words.4.Playing the word games.5.Play “point and say” game Give students 3 minutes to practice “point and say”。

Then ask some students to discribe their face in English.Step5:Spelling the new words 1.Look at the word cards and spell the words once.2.Give students three minutes to prctice spelling.3.Ask some students to spell the words.Step6:Writing the new words: Give students three minutes to writes in their exercise book.Then check if they write correctly.At the same time,ask two students to write on the blackboard.Step7:Pattern T: What is it? S: It is your...Give students three minutes to practice the words and the pattern sentences.Then ask some students to act out in pairs.让学生把本课所学单词带入到句子里进行运用和交际。Step8:Let′s chant.把今天新学的单词eye ,ear 和left, right 带入到歌曲里唱一唱。Step9:Conclusion Teacher concluses what we learn in this lesson.Step10:Homework 1.作业:在作业本上画一张面部图,并标出相应的英语单词。2.当堂练习:做练习册15的习题检测学生的掌握情况。3.课下练习:把今天学到的英文歌曲给爸妈唱一唱。播放本课歌曲结束本节课。


Lesson 15: Left and Right 课时目标: 知识目标:

1.四会单词:hair , nose , eye , mouth , ear , face。2.三会单词 left 和 right。3.会唱歌曲。

能力目标:会运用句型:“What is it? It is your....” 进行交际。情感目标:通过小组合作培养学生的合作意识和能力。回顾总结:




篇8:新冀教版7年级英语上册Lesson 25 教学设计

(一) 教学课型:综合技能课

该课型基于教材文本, 又超越文本信息重构新的文本。教学过程从信息输入到信息加工处理, 最后到信息输出, 真正着眼于“提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力, 特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。” (教育部, 2003)

把教材的第二部分调整到第一步分之前处理, 在复习环节引导学生综合、分析、处理信息的能力, 在自主与合作学习过程中了解异国文化, 激发学生对生活的热爱。

根据Learning English教材的课程理念, 本课准备以任务型教学模式为主, 融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构, 使整个教学过程循序渐进, 并使交际内容生活化。

(二) 教材内容分析:

Fun in the Sun是初中英语冀教版 (Learning English) 八年级下Unit 1 Spring is Coming! 的第五课。

通过本单元学习学生将复习学过的有关天气、日期和季节的词汇, 并通过故事和话题进一步扩展描述天气的词汇, 学习有关户外娱乐的词汇。通过比较中国和加拿大的户外娱乐活动, 使学生能够把语言学习和个人经验、观点表述联系起来。

本课围绕“建议”展开话题, 以学习新的体育运动词汇, 用英语提建议, 以及发表个人见解为重点, 为“使学生能够把语言学习和个人经验、观点表述联系起来”, 做好语言积累和知识铺垫。在复习有关天气的词汇同时, 在对比中加入不同的户外娱乐活动, 让学生了解文化差异, 培养学生热爱运动、热爱生活的情趣。


(一) 知识基础:

学生对于有关季节、天气和运动的词汇已经有一些了解和积累, 基本掌握用“I like to do…/ I like doing…”表达个人意愿。

(二) 心理及技能特点:

50%左右的学生基础较差, 没有良好的英语语言表达习惯, 这部分学生比较依赖教师讲解, 习惯于被动接收信息。约20%的学生能够听懂并乐于参与教学活动, 善于发现问题并能够积极解决问题。还有大约30%的学生能够参与课堂活动, 但是由于畏难情绪常常不敢尝试。

(三) 学习需要 :

爱玩是孩子的天性。为了能够真实准确的表达个人意愿, 学生有了解更多户外娱乐项目的愿望。基于已有知识, 学生需要了解和学习更多有关户外娱乐或活动的词汇, 以及更加丰富的语言表达方式来满足其表达需要。


(一) 语言知识目标

1. 学习词汇:baseball, skiing, hit, rather, kick

2. 学习句型: 建议用语——

Let's (go cycling.) {Let’s …, shall we?}

Shall we (play basketball?)

How / What about (playing soccer?)

3. 识别词汇:degree, cycling, soccer ball

4. 了解词汇:Baseball 棒球



Table tennis乒乓球




Setting-up exercise健身操


Roller skating Blading滑旱冰



(二) 语言技能目标

1. 通过听说训练, 使学生学会有目的的获取所需关键信息。

2. 学生基本能够运用所学语言项目准确表达个人见解, 与他人交流。

3. 训练学生与他人沟通信息, 合作学习的能力。所有学生能够就简单话题提供的信息表达自己的观点, 参与讨论。

(三) 情感态度目标

1. 锻炼学生在学习中敢于用英语表达个人意见和见解, 培养学生的合作与竞争意识。

2. 培养学生热爱生活, 热爱运动的品质。

3. 让学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。


(四) 文化意识目标



第一, 考虑到学生整体水平以及教材的难度, 本节课分为“词 - 句 - 篇”三个步骤。只有做好单词和句型的操练, 铺垫到位, 学生对学习内容的把握才会水到渠成。因此本节课训练重点是前两个步骤, 使学生在合作、探究学习过程中逐步建构语言能力, 提高合作学习效率。对于“篇”的要求作为难点, 力争80%的学生达成目标。

第二, 利用多媒体, 通过声音、图片等各种形式的辅助, 结合听、读、说、写的训练将生词和重点句型整合、归纳、提炼进行足够量的语言输入, 引导学生积极主动地参与教学活动。

第三, 学生运用前面几个环节积累的词汇和句型进行对话, 发表个人见解。在教师的帮助下, 学生合作学习, 自制出游计划并在全班展示。



Warming-up: Listen and sing.

营造气氛活跃课堂, 使学生尽快进入英语学习状态。


Class opening. / To have a review.

(一) 预设学生活动

Free Talk:

What do you like to do in spring (in China) ?

Exercise the patterns of discussion likes or dislikes.

(二) 教师活动

Leading-in & Presentation:

Tell them spring is a season for sports. And lead insports like this:

T: May I know what sports you like in spring?

S: Yes, I like (doing) . Yes, I like (to do) .

Let the patterns be the guide: like to do… / likedoing…

(三) 设计意图

复习有关运动和天气、季节的词汇, 复习表达意愿的句型, 导入新授课。


Part 1: Let's….

(一) 预设学生活动

1. Discussion:

What can we do in spring in Canada?

Work into pairs to fi nish Part 2 of this lesson.

2. Practice:

Use the sentence“Let′s…”to ask and answer oneby one.

(二) 教师活动

1. Teaching new words:

Lead in, ask and answer.

Use the slides to show pictures of cycling and skiing.

T: Let's look at the… ( 建议用语的实际应用, 为后面教学埋下伏笔 )

2. New words:

Go cycling

Let’s go cycling.

(三) 设计意图

1. 拓展词汇丰富语言了解中西文化差异。

2. 由图片引入单词, 词组和句型, 由简到难。

Part 2:Shall we…?

(一) 预设学生活动


Students try to give advice by using “Shall we …?”

Ask and answer one by one.

They practise the dialogue in pairs:

Let's go fi shing.

No, let's not.

/ (Sorry, I don’t like it)

Shall we fl y kites?

OK. (Good idea)

2. Group work:

What do you usually do after school?

Look at some pictures of sports on the screen, talkabout them by way of asking and answering.

(二) 教师活动

Leading- in:

From the answer “No, let's not.” lead to “shall we—?”

Create situations and help Students use thesentences.

Help them answer

Good idea/ OK/ Wonderful or No, I don’t like it/ No, let’s not/ Shall we fl y a kite? …

(三) 设计意图

1. 学习运用多种建议句型。

2. 注重过程评价, 使学生在学习过程中感受英语学习的乐趣。同时不失时机的训练学生发散思维和创新意识。

Part 3:

HowWhat about doing …?

(一) 预设学生活动


Let's go cycling.

No, Let's not.

Shall we play basketball?

I don't like basketball.

How about playing soccer?


(二) 教师活动

Use the PPT to help teach new words——“soccer”“play soccer”

Help the students to use “How/What about——?”

Use the PPT to show the grammar: What/How about doing——?

(三) 设计意图

1. 充分利用PPT的效果, 通过调动各种感官引导学生发现问题并引起注意。将语法学习渗透到语言学习中, 以练代讲, 促进学生自主学习。

2. 借助认知规律, 学习新语言知识。以情激趣, 以趣导学。通过大量的语言输入引导学生积极主动地参与教学活动。

3. 提供多种建议用语, 进一步了解提建议的表达方式, 丰富学生英语语言, 提高学生口语表达能力。


Part 1:

Watch and talk ( 简笔画图片附文后 )

(一) 预设学生活动


What are they talking to each other?

(二) 教师活动

Give students some pictures, ask them to discussin groups of four. Then write down the dialogue theyhave made.

(三) 设计意图

使学生将新知识纳入自己的已有知识结构内, 通过思考记忆深刻。

Part 2:


(一) 预设学生活动

Practise the dialogue and act it out in groups of three.

(二) 教师活动

Give them much encouragement and prizes.

Encourage them to use more forms of sentences

(三) 设计意图

练习语言, 并运用语言做事情, 提高学生学习兴趣, 让学生更加积极主动地探究语言。

Part 3:

Target language

(一) 预设学生活动

Find the rules:

“How to give some advice and how to answer?”

Work in groups and try to find the rules of theadvice sentences.

(二) 教师活动

Give some help.

Tell them some faster and better skills of finishing the job in a group.

1. Shall we…? /

2. Let′s do…/

3. WhatHow about doing...?

4.Good idea/ Wonderful / OK / Agreed or No, let′s not. / Sorry, I don′t like it.

(三) 设计意图

1. 对学生进行学习策略指导, 训练学生自主探究学习能力, 为发展学生终身学习能力服务。

2. 培养学生合作意识, 使每一位学生在合作中有事可做, 树立自信心, 锻炼学生合作学习能力。


Part 1:


Exercise and play a game

(一) 预设学生活动

Follow and fi ll.

1. Competition:

Every group tries to make a plan for this Sunday.

2. Post-task:

Every group asks two students to present their planin front of class.

They can use their favorites form to show. Studentschoose the best group.

(二) 教师活动

Walk around and give students some help if theyneed.

Make a Task.

Divide students in groups of four.

A prompt: He She likes to do… likes doing…


Students talk about benefi ts of sports. Tell them: All work and no play make jack a dull boy; every student should do some sports each day.

(三) 设计意图

1. 将课文作为一个阅读复述材料 , 由学生自我检测是否掌握了基础知识。

2. 将目标语言生活化, 激发学生主动表达的欲望培养学生语言运用能力发展个性化思维方式 , 在合作学习中培养友情 , 培养学生热爱生活热爱运动的品质。


Class closing

(一) 教师活动


1. Activity Book-Ex4.

2. Have a survey “What do you like to do on usualdays?”

To survey your families and share their ideas.

(二) 设计意图

巩固所学单词和句型, 让学生从实际出发, 练习、运用语言。



(一) 对教学过程的反思:

整个教学过程还算完整、清晰。教学环节清楚简练, 遵循了学生的认知规律:导入——呈现新知——操练新知——迁移运用——巩固评价, 环环相扣, 过渡自然。

活动的设计形式多样, 首先体现在活动的组织形式上, 如二、三人一组和四、五人一组的活动;还体现在活动本身的设计上, 如预测、复述、表演、调查、报告等。

教学过程的目标意识体现突出, 每一个环节和步骤都配有简洁明确的意图阐述。媒体资源的运用也比较合理, 基本能有效拓宽学与用的渠道。

教学设计中注重学生能力培养, 注重英语的交际功能, 体现了英语作为一种语言的工具性。学生通过合作学习, 在用中学, 学而用, 不断巩固和提升英语语言知识及综合运用能力。

教学设计中情景创设有利于学生学习GOOD ENGLISH。在情境中学生感知、体验英语语言的真实性, 更有利于学生掌握和恰当运用所学英语语言知识以及语言技能。


该教学设计基本体现了新课标理念。教学中坚持学生的学习主体地位, 积极探寻学生主动学习的内驱力, 努力引导学生自主、创新学习, 使学生在学习中感受英语语言的魅力, 享受英语学习过程的快乐, 体验成功的英语学习。
