



Writing Practice with a Focus on a Human

Face Hair:thin, sparse, thick, straight, black, jet-black, pitch-black, oily, dry, soft, curly, wavy, with natural curls, light-brown, stand on end, with some hair turning gray, parted in the middle, combed to one side, combed into a knot/a brush at the back, with hair let down to the eyebrows/shoulders, butch平头的,bobbed hair短发, with luster;pigtail, braid, plait辫子hoary灰白的

Forehead:smooth, broad, narrow, wide, bright, tanned, winkled, temples, protruding slightly, receding slightly, withdrawn slightly Eyebrows: Thick, heavy, sparse, thin, light-colored, darker than one’s hair, short, long, thick in the front part, sparse toward the end, curved like willows, shaped like swords, narrow, neatly-cut, with two eyebrow coming close, knit one’s eyebrows,willowy brows, shapely brows

Eyes: Big, small, bright, beady, round, slanted, deep-set, protruding, fringed with short/long eye-lashes, piercing, sharp, near-sighted, with weather-beaten look 饱经风霜的眼神, like deep/profound sea像大海一样深邃, charming, smiling, with tranquil look, kind eyes,double-lid, single-lid, eyes that indicate wisdom, crystal-clear eyes水汪汪的眼睛 Nose: pointed尖鼻子, pointed upward, hooked, narrow, well-shaped, brandy nose酒糟鼻,with nostrils upwards朝天鼻,a snub nose塌鼻子,clear-cut, well-shaped, a round nose, well-chiseled Cheeks: round face, cherubic face, chubby face, heart-shaped, skinny, bony, gaunt, pear/apple-shaped, fair and ruddy, rosy, tanned, tawny, swarthy, with some freckles, with a few acnes, with two dimples, with a mole on the right cheek, about midpoint between…

Mouth: cherry-shaped, well-shaped, sexy, with thin/thick lips, ruddy lips, dark-red lips Chin: pointed chin, thick chin, round chin, chiseled, clear-shaven, hairy Other words:Sideburns, whiskers, moustache, beard, flabby ears, sexy, a handful of stubble一小撮短胡茬, lobe耳垂short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般smartly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scruffily dressed 衣着不整洁


adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精


candid 正直的 charitable 宽厚的 competent 能胜任的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的

dedicated 有奉献精神的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的diplomatic有策略的

disciplined 守纪律的 discreet谨慎的 dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的

earnest 认真的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的

enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达

faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful(性格)坚强的 frugal 俭朴的 genteel 有教养的

hearty 精神饱满的 hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 humorous 幽默的

impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的

ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 首创精神 have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋

intellective 有智力的 inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的

learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的

methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 motivated 目的明确的

objective 客观的 open-minded 虚心的 orderly 守纪律的 original 有独创性的

painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 precise 一丝不苟的 persevering 不屈不挠的

punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的

rational 有理性的 realistic 实事求是的

self-conscious 自觉的 selfless 无私的

sensible明智的sensitive敏感的spirited 生气勃勃的

sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的 straightforward 老实的sophisticate老练的, 久经世故的Other words:



egotistical(自我本位的, 任性的)imaginative(富于想象的)


picky(过分讲究的,吹毛求疵的)thoughtful(有思想性的, 体贴的)



Dear Ms Zhang,I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude to you.You are the very person who gave me a hand when necessary.One month ago, with the College Entrance Examination around the corner, I was nervous and in low spirits, being afraid of letting my parents down because of my average academic performance.When I was at a loss and on the point of giving up, as my headteacher, you asked me to go to your office.Instead of blaming me, you comforted me and discussed with me the reasons for my failing in the exam.More unforgettably, you managed to help me with my study and always inspired me from time to time.Gradually, I learned how to adjust to myself and stayed calm in the College Entrance Examination.Ms Zhang, I’m more than grateful for what you have done for me, from which I’ve got to know it is never too late to get back when there is still hope.Wish you happiness and good health.Sincerely yours,Li Hua


Dear Miss Brown,I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last two years.During the days of being your student, I learn a lot.Firstly, your serious attitude towards teaching and our students moves me too much.You inspire and push me to work harder and harder.Secondly, I fall in love with English under the influence of you.As a student of science and engineering, I’ve been thinking that English does no good to me, but you help me to find the fabulous glamour of English that leads me to know a totally different world and develop a different way of thinking.Finally, your continuous encouragement supports me a lot when I meet challenges or difficulties.You said that everything to the last will certainly become a good thing, if it is not, not yet to the last.Every time, remembering your words, I am so inspired to keep going.Above all, I want to say thank you again and please accept my sincere appreciation.Best wishes for you.Cruse


Dear Ms.Fu,I would like you to know that I appreciate the help and support you gave to me when I was in junior high school.I enjoyed being taught by you immensely.You are an excellent teacher and inspired me to continue learning with an open and positive mind.I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you for teaching me what is responsibility.You helped me how to find the best place for myself and look for the personal values.I remember you gave me a book as a present of the Spring Festival.You are the first teacher who gave me a present which I was moved for a long time.I would further say that you gave me so good memories that I wish I could go back to that time again.It was you who encouraged me to overcome obstacles.It was you who cared about my emotions.I appreciate all you have done for me, which meant so much to me.I hope that this letter brings my best wishes to you and I once again thank you for giving me those precious memories of my life, which I shall cherish forever.Sincerely yours,Yang


Dear Miss Jiang,I am writing to share my ideas about our English class.Now, our main material in the class is the textbook, which is reasonable.But I think we can get some other resources, such as English magazines, songs, movies and so on.We can learn the basic knowledge from out textbook, and get some more from other materials.In addition, those materials are more authentic and practical, which will be useful to our learning.Besides, by doing so, we can get more fun from learning and develop our interest to English.Please take good consideration of my advice.Thank you!

Sincerely yours,Bella


Dear Miss Liang,I am writing to thank you for your hard work for me.With your help, I make great progress in my study.A year ago, my study was bad and I didn’t want to learn, but you never give me up.You told me that I was clever.As long as I work hard, I would be great.In this year, you cared much about my study and helped me a lot.When I made mistakes, you always pointed them out and helped me to correct.Now, my study is much better than before, and I want to express my gratitude to you.Hope you everything goes well.Sincerely yours,Lily



医保个人账户有严格的使用规定, 根据福建省《关于加强城镇职工基本医疗保险个人账户管理的通知》, 其只能用于以下范围:参保人员在定点医疗机构就医的门 (急) 诊医疗费 (不包括门诊特殊病种和治疗项目) ;统筹基金起付标准以下的医疗费用;统筹基金起付标准以上、最高支付限额以下的医疗费用中个人负担一定比例的部分。目前福建医保个人账户使用状况呈三方面特征:

个人账户资金收入多于支出, 沉淀可观。截至2010年9月, 福建省城镇职工医保个人账户基金收入38.42亿元, 同比增长29.53%, 支出27.44亿元, 同比增长25.81%。个人账户的支出增幅低于收入增幅3.7个百分点。究其原因, 主要是由于全省提高缴费基数, 个人账户基金有一定增幅, 但同期个人账户使用规定未变, 支出渠道与原来无异, 导致个人账户基金结余过高。

不同单位属性和不同年龄段个人账户积累余额存在差异。由于缴费基数不同, 划入个人账户资金存在较大差异, 表现为省属单位比市属单位资金结余多, 中年人群体比其他年龄段人群资金结余多的状况。福建省本级参保职工人均积累额比福州市高出1785.47元, 其中41~50周岁年龄段的参保职工高出2674.56元。就群体而言, 呈现“两少一多”的现象, 即青年群体积累少, 基金结余也少;老年群体虽然划入个人账户的资金比例较高, 但由于患病风险大, 支付的医疗费用高, 大多余额较少甚至没有;而中年群体成为账户积累最多的群体。大量的结余资金既难以管理, 又缺乏有效释放途径。

个人账户使用倾向于定点药店。从福建省的调查情况看, 个人账户的使用倾向于定点药店。从积极的方面看, 定点药店的药价一般低于医院, 参保人在定点药店购买药品, 避免了小病上医院的麻烦, 这对减少个人医疗支出有积极作用, 也体现了使用上的便利性。但是, 定点药店由于追求经营效益最大化, 通常会诱导参保人购买非医保类物品, 引发参保人的不良消费问题。


个人账户使用效率低。我国的医疗保险在基金管理上强调“收支平衡、略有结余”的原则, 因此适当的基金积累是必要的。但是, 医疗保险属于短期支付类项目, 过多的资金沉淀可视为一种浪费。如果个人账户积累资金既不能用于医保范围外的医疗支付, 又不能进行保值、增值性投资, 长期积累滚存, 必将造成资金的闲置和浪费;个人账户结余资金一般按银行存款利率计息, 近期通胀压力巨大, 医疗费用的涨幅远高于工资和物价的涨幅, 如果资金长期沉淀且数额越来越大, 参保人将承担贬值的风险, 势必弱化个人账户积累的积极性;此外, 基金的大量结余, 意味着当期医疗消费的减少, 直接影响到基金整体效率的发挥。

使用范围窄、违规滥用行为多。个人账户使用范围的硬约束和个人账户资金的大量结存直接催生了定点药店的不规范促销行为。在大多数参保人看来, 医保卡里的钱是自己的, 怎么用都行, 单位缴费进入个人账户的部分, 被许多人当做医保福利, 滥用个人账户的现象滋生。调查发现, 违规刷卡行为时常发生, 在一些定点药店, 可直接用医保卡购买日用品、化妆品、保健品、MP3等生活用品和电子产品, 结账时电脑发票打印出来的却是药品的清单。

对于这种滥用个人账户的乱象, 多数人见怪不怪或参与其中。调查发现, 认为“医保卡的钱是自己的钱”“自己身体好, 每年有一千多块钱闲在那里, 不如用掉”的想法占了相当大的比重。当问及是否应该严禁串药行为时, 53.4%的人表示应该严禁, 47.6%的人表示无所谓。

个人账户积累性强互济性弱。现行制度中, 个人账户只有纵向单一积累功能而不具有横向的互济性功能, 这一方面增加了账户资金的保值增值压力;另一方面, 又难以满足人们日益增长的多元医疗服务需求。截至2010年9月底, 福建省医保统筹基金当期结余2.05亿元, 同比增65.66%, 个人账户当期结余10.98亿元, 同比增长39.87%。这一局面的形成, 与医保个人账户功能单一有很大关系。个人账户在积累的同时, 减弱了统筹基金代际转移的能力, 使得统筹基金当前的支付能力下降。结果是, 个人账户为未来积累了资金, 而统筹基金却出现了当期支付危机, 降低了整个医疗保险基金的使用效率。

管理成本高, 监管难度大。医保卡的滥用乱象, 从管理角度看, 根源在于过分强调它的积累功能, 而实际监管中却是弱约束的悖论所致。积累功能强调发挥生命周期各时段上的纵向平衡, 然而, 患病是不确定的, 医疗消费的“现时性”很强, 个人的处理方式灵活多样, 这导致个人对账户资金的约束性极弱。如果参保人倾向于在私人领域使用, 那么, 账户资金从建账那天起就有可能被串用, 而无法实现生命周期纵向积累的目的。


个人账户自建立以来备受争议, 取消抑或完善个人账户制度, 在当前学术界成为争议焦点。笔者认为, 适应于人口老龄化, 平衡个人账户积累和互济两大功能, 提升其作为“现时性”的横向互济功能, 延展其作为老年长期护理的纵向积累功能, 是深化个人账户制度改革的关键。

延展个人账户的“家庭统筹”功能, 体现家庭互济性。考虑到家庭成员内部年龄结构以及身体状况的差异性, 应当允许个人账户资金结余达到和超过一定数额后, 在家庭直系亲属中转移支付, 这等于是在社会统筹之前先期进行家庭统筹, 既可提高家庭成员抵御疾病风险的能力, 又减轻了社会统筹的支付压力。从更大意义上看, 它从纵横两个方面提升了个人账户的互济性和使用效率, 有利于个人账户制度的深化改革。此项改革已经在镇江市试点并取得成效, 值得在全国推广。

用于支付医保范围之外的部分诊疗费用。个人账户累计超过一定数额的参保人, 允许其用个人账户往年资金抵冲住院费用中的自付医疗费用, 包括起付线, 住院挂号费、床位费、空调费、取暖费等诊疗项目和辅助性诊疗费用的支付, 减轻个人医疗负担, 提升个人账户的结付功能。

用于健康管理和疾病预防。回应世界卫生组织倡导的从疾病治疗向健康管理转变的卫生理念, 个人账户的使用功能有必要逐步从疾病治疗向健康保险过渡。具体到操作层面, 应当允许个人账户用于支付健康教育、健康保健、疾病预防、心理健康咨询等费用;允许参保人员在往年结余资金中按一定比例提取用于购买健身卡、戒烟药和预防接种疫苗等;允许个人账户用于定点医疗机构的健康体检费用或补充体检费用。这既有利于从源头上减少疾病的发生, 减轻医疗保险基金负担, 也有助于从根本上节约医疗费用, 让个人账户成为健康管理和疾病预防的支付宝。

逐步将长期 (老年) 医疗护理纳入个人账户支付范围。长期护理是指个体由于意外、疾病或衰弱导致身体或精神受损而致使日常生活不能自理, 在一个相对较长的时期里, 需要他人在医疗、日常生活或社会活动中给予广泛帮助, 通常针对老年人。长期护理费用支出的相当大比例来自医疗费用。老年病患特别是失能老年人有长期护理需求, 其经济负担和长期疾病护理将成为严峻的社会问题。

从国际经验看, 已有一些国家通过长期护理保险形式解决老年人的长期护理问题。长期护理保险是指用社会保险或商业保险形式来分担被保险人的长期护理服务费用。在我国, 短期内还难以启动社会化长期护理保险制度, 但基于人口快速老龄化的压力, 该制度的推行是大势所趋。目前, 可考虑允许个人账户用于除疾病诊疗外的部分长期医疗护理项目, 譬如陪护费、护工费等。

推动个人账户使用向社区倾斜。基本卫生保健在我国又称社区卫生服务, 职能包括基本医疗服务和公共卫生服务。前者包括普通门诊服务、慢性病管理、普通康复管理, 后者包括预防保健、妇幼保健、健康管理等。


to be in a good mood, feel cheerful 心情喜悦

→I’m in a good mood today.


→My birthday always makes me feel cheerful.


to be radiant with joy 喜形于色

→She was radiant with joy when I asked her to marry me.


be pleased beyond description 喜不胜言

→I was pleased beyond description that I got this job.


eyes twinkle with delight 喜上眉梢

→His eyes twinkle with delight as he spoke of his new grandson.


light up with pleasure 喜笑颜开

→His face lit up with pleasure when she came in.


be extremely delighted 欢天喜地

→We誶e extremely delighted at your success.


be wild with joy, be ecstatic, be exuberant


→The crowd was wild with joy when he scored the winning goal.


→We are ecstatic to be together again.


→The children could not have been any more exuberant at the birthday party.


wear a happy expression, look cheerful 面带喜色,面带笑容

→He was wearing a happy expression even though he was really worried.


→You look cheerful today. What誷 the good news?


be overjoyed 喜出望外

→Belinda was overjoyed to hear from you after so long.







Allow me to introduce Mr Smith.请允许我介绍史密斯先生。

Let me introduce Mr Smith.请让我介绍史密斯先生。

May I introduce Mr Smith.请允许我介绍史密斯先生。

I‘d like to introduce Mr Smith.我愿介绍史密斯先生。

I want you to meet Mr Smith.我想你见见史密斯先生。

I‘d like you to meet Mr Smith.我想你见见史密斯先生。

I don‘t think you know Mr Smith.我想你不认识史密斯先生吧。

Do you know Mr Smith? 你认识史密斯先生吗?

Have you met Mr Smith.你见过史密斯先生吗?

This is Mr Smith.这位是史密斯先生。

Meet Mr Smith.见见史密斯先生吧。

Oh look,Mr Smith is here.瞧,史密斯先生来了。

2.自我介绍(以 James Green 为例):

Allow me to introduce myself: My name is James Green.请允许我自我介绍:我名叫詹姆斯.格林。

First let me introduce myself: My name is James Green.先让我自我介绍:我名叫詹姆斯.格林。

May I introduce myself: I‘m James Green.请允许我自我介绍:我叫詹姆斯.格林。How do you do? I‘m James Green.你好!我叫詹姆斯.格林。

How do you do? My name is James Green.你好!我叫詹姆斯.格林。

Excuse me.I‘m James Green.对不起,我是詹姆斯.格林。

Excuse me.My name is James Green.对不起,我叫詹姆斯.格林。

Hello [Hi],I‘m James Green.你好,我是詹姆斯.格林。

Hello [Hi].My name is James Green.你好,我叫詹姆斯.格林。



How do you do? 你好!

(I‘m)pleased [glad] to meet you.见到你很高兴。

It‘s nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。

It‘ a pleasure to meet you.见到你很高兴。

(I‘m)happy to know you.认识你很高兴。

Yes,I think I have.是的,我想我见过。

No,I don‘t think I have.不,我想我没见过。

Yes,I think I do.是的,我想我认识。

No,I don‘t think I do.不,我想我不认识。




