





1. horse 马

2. mare 母马

3. colt,foal 马驹,小马

4. pony 矮马

5. thoroughbred 纯种马

6. mustang 野马

7. hippopotamus 河马

8. mule 骡

9. ass,donkey 驴

10. ox 牛

11. buffalo 水牛

12. bull 公牛

13. cow 母牛

14. calf 小牛,牛犊

15. bullock,steer 小阉牛

16. heifer 小母牛

17. pig,swine 猪

18. boar 种猪

19. hog 阉猪,肥猪

20. gilt 小母猪

21. piglet 猪崽

22. sheep 羊

23. ewe 母羊

24. goat 山羊

25. lamb 羊羔,羔羊

26. zebra 斑马

27. antilope 羚羊

28. gazelle 小羚羊

29. deer 鹿

30. reindeer 驯鹿

31. giraffe 长颈鹿

32. camel 骆驼

33. dromedary 单峰驼

34. llama 大羊驼

35. guanaco 原驼

36. alpaca 羊驼

37. vicuna 小羊驼

38. elephant 象

39. rhinoceros 犀牛

40. hippopotamus 河马

41. cat 猫

42. tabby,she-cat,grimalkin 雌猫

43. tomcat 雄猫,公猫

44. kitten,kitty,pussy 小猫

45. lion 狮

46. lynx 猞猁

47. panther,puma 美洲豹

48. leopard 豹

49. tiger 虎

50. wildcat 野猫

51. bison 美洲野牛

52. yak 牦牛

53. dog 狗

54. badger 獾

55. weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼

56. otter 水獭

57. fox 狐

58. hyena,hyaena 鬣狗

59. wolf 狼

60. squirrel 松鼠

61. dormouse 睡鼠

62. beaver 河狸

63. marmot 土拨鼠

64. ferret 雪貂

65. bear 熊

66. polar bear 北极熊

67. rabbit 兔子

68. hare 野兔

69. rat 鼠

70. mouse 家鼠

71. vole 田鼠

72. mole 鼹鼠

73. monkey 猴子

74. chimpanzee 黑猩猩

75. gorilla 大猩猩

76. orangutan 猩猩

77. gibbon 长臂猿

78. sloth 獭猴

79. duckbill,platypus 鸭嘴兽

80. kangaroo 袋鼠

81. koala 考拉,树袋熊

82. hedgehog 刺猬

83. porcupine 箭猪,豪猪

84. bat 蝙蝠

85. armadillo 犰狳

86. whale 鲸

87. shark 鲨鱼

88. dolphin 海豚

89. porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚

90. seal 海豹

91. walrus 海象

92. eagle 鹰

93. baldeagle 白头鹰

94. condor 秃鹰

95. hawk,falcon 隼

96. heron 苍鹰

97. goldeneagle 鹫

98. kite 鹞

99. vulture 秃鹫

100. cock 公鸡

101. hen 母鸡

102. chicken 鸡,雏鸡

103. guinea,fowl 珍珠鸡

104. turkey 火鸡

105. peacock 孔雀

106. duck 鸭

107. mallard 野鸭,凫

108. teal 小野鸭

109. gannet 塘鹅

110. goose 鹅

111. pelican 鹈鹕

112. cormorant 鸬鹚

113. swan 天鹅

114. cob 雄天鹅


116. gander,wildgoose 雁

117. dove 鸽

118. pigeon 野鸽

119. turtledove 斑鸠

120. pheasant 雉,野鸡

121. grouse 松鸡

122. partridge 石鸡,鹧鸪

123. ptarmigan 雷鸟

124. quail 鹌鹑

125. ostrich 鸵鸟

126. stork 鹳

127. woodcock 山鹬

128. snipe 鹬

129. gull,seagull 海鸥

130. albatross 信天翁

131. kingfisher 翠鸟

132. birdofparadise 极乐鸟,天堂鸟

133. woodpecker 啄木鸟

134. parrot 鹦鹉

135. cockatoo 大葵花鹦鹉

136. macaw 金刚鹦鹉

137. parakeet 长尾鹦鹉

138. cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟

139. crow 乌鸦

140. blackbird 乌鸫

141. magpie 喜鹊

142. swallow 燕子

143. sparrow 麻雀

144. nightingale 夜莺

145. canary 金丝雀

146. starling 八哥

147. thrush 画眉

148. goldfinch 金翅雀

149. chaffinch 苍头燕雀

150. robin 知更鸟

151. plover 千鸟

152. lark 百鸟,云雀

153. swift 褐雨燕

154. whitethroat 白喉雀

155. hummingbird 蜂雀

156. penguin 企鹅

157. owl 枭,猫头鹰

158. scopsowl 角枭,耳鸟

159. snake 蛇

160. adder,viper 蝰蛇

161. boa 王蛇

162. cobra 眼镜蛇

163. copperhead 美洲腹蛇

164. coralsnake 银环蛇

165. grasssnake 草蛇

166. moccasin 嗜鱼蛇

167. python 蟒蛇

168. rattlesnake 响尾蛇

169. lizard 蜥蜴

170. tuatara 古蜥蜴

171. chameleon 变色龙,避役

172. iguana 鬣蜥

173. walllizard 壁虎

174. salamander,triton,newt 蝾螈

175. toad 蟾蜍

176. giantsalamander 娃娃鱼,鲵

177. crocodile 鳄鱼,非洲鳄

178. alligator 短吻鳄,美洲鳄

179. caiman,cayman 凯门鳄

180. gavial 印度鳄

181. turtle 龟

182. tortoise 乌龟

183. seaturtle 海龟

184. frog 青蛙












教师首先需要设计一个具体的主题,例如围绕生活中出现的一些场景进行设计,然后可以针对学生的不同特点设计故事场景中的不同角色,有nurse、police、thief、Thewounded等等。而教师需要在故事场景中扮演旁白的角色,向学生描述具体的环境然后借机提出问题:“One day ahouse was on fire,and then a thif came in,it’s too bad.Whatcan we do then? Who can we call?”这时候作为警察和小偷的扮演者就需要上场向学生表达应该做的事情,同时应该向其他学生展示自己应尽的职责。然后教师接着延续故事的场景:“Suddenly,the thief fell on the ground.But his legs werebroken.What can we do then? Who can we call.”这时候扮演nurse的学生就应该上场向学生展示自己的职责,同时小偷的身份转变成为伤者。教师通过设计不同的故事场景可以培养小学生的逻辑思维能力,激发小学生学习英语的主动性,帮助学生获得小故事中蕴含的大道理,然后掌握具体的单词、短语和语句的用法。


篇4:高考英语模块6—单词 短语A

A. blockingB. blocked

C. be blockedD. having blocked

2. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent at the end of last March.

A. has been launched

B. having been launched

C. being launched

D. to be launched

3. Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions ?

A. takingB. take

C. takenD. to take

4. When about what she thought of the movie, she just said it was worth seeing a second time.

A. askedB. asking

C. being askedD. to be asked

5. In Bangkok severe flooding, many major roads north, towards the areas worst affected by the flooding, were largely impassable.

A. to leadB. leading

C. ledD. to be led

6. Mrs.White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and very worried.

A. lookB. looks

C. lookingD. to look

7. The bathroom looks lovely. Did you decorate it yourself or get someone it?

A. be doingB. done

C. doD. to do

8. with a gradual rise of seawater, some nations in the Pacific are considering moving in the near future.

A. FacingB. To face

C. FacedD. Being faced

9. A terrible air crash happened over the Atlantic Ocean, 150 passengers.

A. killingB. having killed

C. killedD. to kill

10. the danger of drunk driving,many drivers promised never to drive after drinking.

A. RealizingB. To have realized

C. RealizedD. Having realized

11. Everyone had a form in his hand, but no one knew which office .

A.to have it sentB. to sent it

C. to be sent toD. to send it to

12. 2011 in China, the number of students to study art is rising a lot.

A. Compared with; choosing

B. Comparing to; choose

C. Comparing with; chosen

D. Compared to; chosen

13. Though money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lackedB. lacking of

C. lackingD. lacked in

14. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the .

A. 20 dollars remained

B. 20 dollars to remain

C. remained 20 dollars

D. remaining 20 dollars

15. —It will take us 15 hours Weihai by bus.

—Why not try a ship? Its quicker by water than by road.

A. to go to; to takeB. going to; taking


C. to go to; takingD. going to; to take

16. Though the policemen got after looking for the murder in the city for a whole day, they felt excited when finding the knife by the lake.

A. exhausting; abandoning

B. exhausted; abandoned

C. exhausted; abandoning

D. exhausting; abandoned

17. My father used to coffee in the morning, but now he is used to tea—he thinks its healthier.

A. drink; drinkB. drinking; drinking

C. drink; drinkingD. drinking; drink

18. make any mistakes in the exam. I went over what I had learnt again and again.

A. In order toB. So as to not

C. So as toD. In order not to

19. Mr. Smith, in the factory for thirty years, is on the way back to his village.

A. to workB. working

C. to have workedD. having worked

20. —How about something to eat?

—Id rather a drink. I am really thirsty.

A. have; havingB. having; have

C. have; to haveD. having; to have


Unit 1 science科学


post office邮局

bookstore书店 cinema电影院



turn left左转

go straight笔直走

turn right右转







next to 与......相邻


Unit 2

on foot步行

by 经,乘





slow down减速



traffic lights交通信号灯

fast快的 must必须 交通方式:on foot步行

by bus乘公共汽车

by bike骑自行车

by plane乘飞机

by taxi坐出租车

by ship乘轮船

by subway坐地铁

by sled坐雪橇

by ferry轮渡


visit my grandparents拜访我的祖父母


see a film 看电影


take a trip去旅行


go to the supermarket去超市

this morning今天早上

this afternoon今天下午

this evening今天晚上


next week下周dictionary词典

comic滑稽的comic book儿童连环画


word book单词书



Unit 4

Studies 学习(study的第三人称单数形式)

puzzle 迷

hiking 远足

idea 想法,主意

share 分享


Unit 5 factory工厂



factory worker工厂工人



police officer警察









policeman 警察




Unit 6 angry生气



worried担心的 happy高兴

see a doctor看病


more更多的deep深的 breath呼吸

take a deep breath深深吸一口气

count 数数

count to ten数到十 chase追赶

ill有病 不舒服



Unit one


——Where is the science museums? 科技博物馆在哪里?

——It’s near the library.它在图书馆附近。

/It’s next to the park on Dong Fang Street.它在东方路上的公园的隔壁。——How can get I there ? 我怎么到哪里呢?

——Turn right at the school.Then go straight.在学校那里右转,然后直走。

/Turn left at the bookstore.Then turn right at the hospital.在书店处左转,然后在医院那里右转。2.复习知识点:

感叹句: what an interesting film!多么有趣的电影!

What a great museum!多么伟大的博物馆 表示方位的词: in front of next to

重点句型:Want to do sth 想要做某事

I want to buy a postcard.我想买一张明信片。


I don’t know 我不知道

turn right右转

turn left 左转

a talking robot 一个说话的机器人

Can you help me ? 你能帮助我吗?

Over there 那儿

get to 到达

go straight 直走 follow me 跟着我

Unit 2 重要的表达方式: 1.问怎样去某地方

——How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学? How do you come to school?

——I often go by subway.我经常乘地铁去上学

—— How do you come to school?你怎样来上学?

——I usually come on foot/by bus/by plane/by ship/by train/by taxi.我通常步行/乘公共汽车、飞机、轮船、火车、出租车来上学。


——How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?我怎样到福兴医院呢?

——Take the No.57 bus over there.在那边乘坐57路车。

(unit one 问路怎么会儿大呢?复习)重要的短语和句子

Pay attention to注意...Traffic lights 红绿灯

Let’s go to the nature park让我们一起去自然公园吧。

(让我们let’s us =let us)

let me 让我

By bus 乘坐公共汽车=take a bus

by taxi乘坐出租车

by ship 乘坐轮船

by plane 乘坐飞机

by subway乘坐地铁

on foot 步行

by sled 成雪橇

by bike 骑自行车 = ride a bike

by train 乘坐火车

by ferry 乘坐轮船

slow down 减速

stop and wait 停下来等一等

In the USA 在美国

cross the road 穿过马路

at home


表示频率的词: often 经常


usually 通常

Unit 3 重要语法: be going to do 表示将来时,讨论周末/将来的的计划

1.—— what are you going to do this weekend? 你这周末将要做什么?

——Mike is going to see a film.John is going to buy his favorite comic book.I am going to

draw pictures.Mike 打算去看场电影,John 将要买他最爱的连环画。我将要画画。2.——What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么?

——I’m going to visit my grandparents.我将要拜访我爷爷奶奶。3.——what are you going to buy?你打算买什么?

——I’m going to buy a word book.我打算买本单词书。重要词组短语

Look for 寻找

see a film 看一场电影

have an art lesson 上艺术课

take a trip 旅行

go to the supermarket 去超市

have a good time 玩的愉快

Sounds great 听起来很棒


This morning 今天早上 this afternoon/evening 今天下午/晚上

next week 下星期

Tomorrow 明天

tonight 今天晚上

Unit4 1.重点表达方式:介绍自己的笔友

—— This is my pen pal, Peter.He’s from New Zealand.这是我的笔友,Peter.他来自新西兰。


what are his hobbies? 他的爱好是什么?

——He likes doing kung fu and swimming.他喜欢功夫和游泳

—— Does he live in south Island? 他住在南岛吗?

—— yes ,he does.是的,他是。


——What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么?

—— I like reading stories and singing.我喜欢阅读故事书和唱歌 3.你想知道别人正在做什么,你可以问:

—— What are you doing? 你在做什么?

—— I’m writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia.我正在给在澳洲的笔友写电子邮件


——Does he like going hiking? 他喜欢徒步旅行吗? ——Yes,he does.是的,他喜欢


——Can I be his pen pal? 我可以成为他的笔友吗?

——sure.,why not? 当然,为什么不呢? 句型: like doing sth 喜欢做某事。Eg: I like swimming.我喜欢游泳 重要的短语词组

On a farm 在一个农场

good idea 好主意

do kung fu 练功夫

read stories 读故事

Play football 踢足球

pen pal 笔友

go hiking 去徒步旅行

study Chinese 学汉语

cook Chinese food 煮中国食物

do word puzzles 玩字谜游戏

Unit 5 1.重要表达方式:讨论职业及工作地方

—— What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?

——He is a pilot.他是一位飞行员。

—— Where does he work? 他在哪里工作?

—— He works near the sea.他在海边工作。复习:如何去某地:

—— How does he go to work? 他怎么去工作?

——He goes to work by car.他开车去上班


—— Do you want to be a head teacher?也想要成为一个校长吗?

——No, I want to be a businessman.不,我想成为一位商人。3.你想要知道别人的父母是不是从事某样工作,你可以问:

——Is your mother a postman ? 你的父亲是邮递员吗?

——No, he isn’t.He is a businessman不,他不是。他是一位商人。重要短语词组

Stay healthy 保持健康

what about you ? 你呢?

Study hard 努力学习

am/is/are good at 擅长...He is good at basketball 他擅长篮球

she is good at English 她擅长英语

Unit 6


——How do you feel ? 你感觉怎么样?

—— I feel ill.我感觉生病了。


1.—— What should I do ?我应该做什么?

——You should see a doctor.你应该看医生。

2.——why is the cat is angry with the mice? 为什么那只猫生老鼠们的七?

——Because the mice are bad.They hurt people.因为老鼠们是坏人,他们伤害人类。3.—— The mice are afraid of the cat.老鼠们害怕那只猫。

描述感受的单词: happy 高兴

sad 悲伤

worried 担心的angry 生气的


Take a deep breath 深呼吸

count to ten数到十

see a doctor 看医生

Do morning exercises 晨练

wear warm clothes 穿温暖的衣服

next time 下一次

go to the zoo去动物园

what’s wrong ?怎么了?/发生什么事情了?


108.file 2.109.sigh 3.自我评估110.grateful 4.长处,优势 37.失败 73.诗人 108.档案,文件 弱点,缺陷

38.39.错误的联想 74.翻译员 109.叹气,叹息 111.guilty 5.112.alike 6.获得适当地,增加

40.,协会 75.家庭教师,导师 110.感激的,感谢41.因此可能性,如此

76.眼泪 111.的不 113.shortcoming 7.被动的,消极的 42.残疾,无能力 77.脸颊 的 安的,有罪114.account 8.短语,词组 43.完全地 78.拥抱


115.button 9.集中(思想、注意力)44.她的 79.不安的,不快的 10.以前的,过去的 45.他(她、它)们的 80.错误,缺点 113.116.parrot 11.积极的 46.复活节 81.雷声 114.缺点,短处 117.cage 12.联想,联系 47.大使馆 115.(纽银行扣)账户

118.judge 13.脑力的,82.羊毛 116.鹦鹉 119.part-time 14.120.claw 15.律师高级的 精神的 48.49.控告,谴责 83.松树 117.笼子 50.闪电个性 ,性格 84.种子 118.119.评判 121.yoghurt 16.17.物理学家胡须

51.52.职员售票员 85.松鼠 ,指挥 86.麻雀 120.部(动物或鸟的分时间的)122.honey 123.chew 18.淡黄色的,毛发53.屠夫,肉商 87.流血 爪子 88.断的,破的121.酸奶,酸乳酪 124.satellite 125.wrinkle 19.及皮肤浅色的20.墨镜 54.爱运动的89.减轻,宽慰 122.制服

55.56.独立的整洁的90.躲避 123.蜂咀蜜嚼

126.forehead 21.长在上嘴唇57.自私的 91.学者 124.127.block 上的小胡子 58.敏锐的,锋利的,92.长凳 125.卫星,人造卫星 128.lap 22.126.皱额纹,前额

129.devote 23.鞋跟衣服袖子 尖的59.93.家庭主妇 127.大厦,街区 130.salty 24.面部的 60.特点渴望,特性欲望

94.邮政编码 128.大腿部,膝上 131.carrot 25.表情,表达能力,61.满意,满足 95.天文学 129.专心致志,献132.pea 133.companion 26.用词联系 ,连接 62.63.收获生物学 96.过敏的 身于

97.忧虑,担心 130.27.链条,一连串的64.菠萝 98.复习

131.含胡盐的萝卜, 咸的 134.devotion 99.132.豌豆

135.forever 28.事物 65.桃子 口头的,口述的133.同伴,伴侣 词组 29.飞机紧急情况,航空器

66.67.和善要求, 亲切

100.稻草,麦秆 134.奉献

136.senior high 30.祈祷,祷告 68.135.永远

137.draw up 31.有天赋的 69.航空公司在(上)船(飞101.怒视,瞪 词组

138.can’t help 32.33.精确地描述,形容,准确地

机、火车、公102.部分 136.共汽车)103.文学的

137.高138.起中禁草 不 住要做 doing sth 34.学术的 70.潮湿的 上 104.瞥一眼 105.蒸汽

某事 1 Unit 14单词 1.carpenter 2.chemist 36.instant 37.battle 38.civil 71.decrease Unit 14单词 72.multiply 1.木匠 73.division 2.化学家 36.片刻,瞬息 71.减少,降低

37.战斗,战役 72.乘,大量增加 38.民间的,国民的,国73.部门,分割

3.4.receptionist 39.5.typist 40.moral 6.insurance 41.basis 7.bonus 42.corn 8.fee 43.cattle 9.income 44.frost 10.reward 45.surrounding 11.wage 46.step 12.charge 47.grain 13.summary 48.lip 14.guidance 49.mud 15.paragraph 50.wisdom 16.timetable 51.idiom 17.institute 52.junior 18.aid 53.universe 19.pump 54.mankind 20.data 55.nest 21.deer 56.feather 22.charge 57.overcome 23.topic 58.grasp 24.receipt 59.inspect 25.error 60.illegal 26.liquid 61.commit 27.comprehension 62.existence 28.consult 63.glory 29.chart 64.constantly 30.casual 65.beneath 31.quarrel 66.bend 32.nursery 67.stage 33.collar 68.hesitate 34.appointment 69.wrist 35.childhood typewriter 70.twist judgement 北师大版 必修5

74.75.branch 3.接待员 76.operate 77.dynamic 4.打字员 78.respond 5.保险 79.flexible 6.奖金,额外津贴 7.80.envy 服务费,学费 81.bother 8.收入 9.奖赏82.continent 83.comfort 10.薪金,工资 11.收费,84.slave 要价 85.booming 12.摘要,总结 13.86.panic 指导 87.arithmetic 14.段落 15.时间表;课程表88.enclose

qualification 16.机构;学院 17.援助,帮助 词组89.18.泵;抽水机 19.资料,90.shop assistant 数据 91.take charge of 20.鹿 21.负责 92.make up 93.make out 22.题目,话题 23.收据,收条94.go into detail(s)24.错误 95.speak up 96.sit up 25.液体 97.junior high 26.理解 98.believe in 27.请教,查阅 28.99.turn over 表格,图表 100.keep pay off 29.随意的,非正式的30.101.in case up with 争吵,吵架 31.托儿所,保育室 102curriculum vitae 32.衣领


due to 33.约见,约会

addition 34.童年,儿童时代


内的 39.道德 40.基础,根据 41.玉米 42.牛 43.霜 44.附近的,周围的 45.陡峭的,险峻的 46.谷物,谷粒 47.嘴唇 48.烂泥,泥浆 49.智慧 50.习语,成语 51.低级的 52.宇宙 53.人类 54.鸟窝,巢 55.羽毛 56.战胜,克服 57.理解,领会,抓牢,抓紧58.仔细检查 59.不合法的,违法的 60.投入 61.存在 62.光荣,荣誉 63.不断地 64.在底下 65.弯腰,倾身 66.舞台,阶段,时期 67.犹豫,踌躇 68.腕,腕关节 69.旋转,转动 70.判断,判断力 74.分支,部门 75.运转,运作,操作 76.精力充沛的 77.回复,回答 78.灵活的,柔韧的 79.羡慕,嫉妒 80.打扰,烦扰 81.大陆,州 82.舒适,安逸 83.奴隶 84.迅速增长的(发展的)85.恐慌,惊慌 86.算术 87.随信附上 88.资格,资历 词组 89.营业员 90.接管,控制 91.编造

92.听出,看出 93.讨论,细谈

94.大声地说,自由而大胆地说出 95.坐直 96.初中 97.信任,信仰 98.反转 99.得到好结果,取得成功 100.跟上,赶上 101.万一 102.简历,个人简历 103.104.由于 此外

Unit 15单词 1.arrow 2.oxygen 33.reputation 34.slight 35.loose 66.religion(原版就漏了一汉语词)32.名誉,名声 66.保卫,保护 67.defence Unit 15单词 33.少量的,微小的 67.忽视,不顾

34.(指言行等)不严谨68.不情愿的 68.ignore 1.箭

3.4.tick 36.5.ox 37.obey 6.spelling 38.mild 7.backwards 39.receiver 8.correction 40.pace 9.simplify 41.outstanding 10.jar 42.reflect 11.secure 43.select 12.frankly 44.misunderstand 13.blank 45.angle 14.swell 46.triangle 15.suspect 47.atom 16.lump 48.pour 17.throat 49.powder 18.status 50.flame 19.chief 51.lack 20.saying 52.spit 21.postage 53.drag 22.airmail 54.acid 23.user 55.onion 24.instruct 56.ours 25.bury 57.access 26.alphabet 58.worthwhile 27.distinguish 59.spy 28.drill 60.glue 29.motto 61.fellow 30.conservation 62.acquire 31.assignment 63.thinking 32.alternative punishment 64.rank 65.bureaucratic worthy 北师大版 必修5

69.70.unwilling 71.assumption 2.3.氧,氧气 的,放荡的] 35.服从,听从 72.urge 73.inspire 4.打勾做记号5.牛拼写,公牛 36.温和的 37.接受者

74.shadow 75.conventional 6.7.由后向前地改正, 38.速度,步速 39.杰出的,优秀的 76.kingdom 77.civilisation 8.改进 40.反映,反射 vital 9.简化罐子 ,坛子 41.挑选 42.误解 10.稳定的,无忧无虑的 78.beneficial 11.坦率地,真诚地 43.角 44.三角形 79.45.原子 80.image 12.空白的 46.倒,灌 81.assume 13.膨胀,肿胀 47.火药 82.adapt 14.怀疑 48.火焰,火舌 83.facility 84.appreciation 15.16.团咽喉,块, 喉咙 49.缺乏,没有

50.吐口水85.biochemistry 词组choir 17.18.现状最高级别的,社会地位 ,吐痰 51.拖,拉 86.87.frankly speaking 19.20.格言邮费, 谚语

52.酸 53.洋葱 54.88.lay off 89.aside from 21.22.航空邮政使用者

我们的 55.接近或进入之路56.值得努力的 57.间谍,90.loose conduct to extend a certain 23.24.指导字母表,教导

特务 58.胶水,胶 25.区别,辨别;表现突出 59.同伴 91.92.set off 26.练习,训练 60.获得,得到 61.思考,考虑

93.fellow student 27.格言,座右铭 62.职衔 94.be accustomed 95.tend to 28.29.保守的作业,任务,旧式的,工作

63.官僚的 64.96.approve of as a whole 30.31.可选择的惩罚,处罚,另类的65.值得的宗教

69.70.假定71.力劝,假设 72.鼓舞,强烈要求鼓励 73.阴影,影子

74.传统的,保守的 75.王国 76.文明 77.极其重要的78.有用的 79.景象,形象,有益的

80.假定81.使适应,假设 82.设备83.欣赏,设施



词组 85.86.老实说,87.裁员,解雇说实话
